I have been very remiss in not thanking those of you who have sent messages and expressions of gratitude to both my e-mail accounts and at my snail mail box over the holiday season.
Although I should have been more careful about checking my post office box when I traveled to town, I do have somewhat of an excuse as the mail service in Maryland has been abysmal for months because our rural mail travels through an apparently incompetent Baltimore hub (I’m sure ol’ Joe will get that fixed!).
I am still receiving Christmas cards posted in early to mid-December!
So thank you to all who have sent Christmas greetings and thanks.
Yesterday, I began the process of re-thinking how I will handle e-mails as my accounts are constantly full and I often miss important messages from you buried among e-mails where I am apparently on someone’s e-mail list as they willy-nilly just blast out e-mails all day on myriad subjects.
Apologies to all of you who must think that I am ignoring your important questions and information. So, stay tuned for changes in how you reach me.
As I said previously, you can respond with a comment to any recent post and mark your comment “not for publication” and I will see that.
Demonstrating once again that these so-called Christian religious charities care more about illegal aliens and third world refugees than they do about America’s poor, sick, homeless and unemployed….
They are federal refugee contractors who have worked hard to elect Biden/Harris as part of the ‘religious’ Socialist Left and are cheering Biden’s plan to push for a blanket amnesty for those in the country illegally and to increase the ceiling for the admission of refugees to 125,000 in this fiscal year (FY2021 is underway).
Christian immigration advocacy groups praise Biden’s plans as ‘glimpse of hope’
Several faith-based immigration advocacy and humanitarian organizations [they are federal refugee contractors, see list below—ed] have voiced support for the immigration proposal President Joe Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office Wednesday and the immigration-related executive orders he signed.
However, some conservatives have voiced opposition to the legislative proposal, saying that it opens the door to “mass amnesty.”
World Relief also called on Biden to raise the annual U.S. refugee resettlement ceiling that was drastically reduced during the Trump years. In November, Biden vowed to raise the ceiling to 125,000 refugees that can be resettled in the U.S. during the fiscal year.Under Trump, the ceiling was set at 15,000 for the fiscal year 2021.
One of those cheering Biden is the often-arrested CEO of Church World Service.***See here.
Arrested on the Capitol steps in 2019. That is the Rev. McCullough of Church World Service on the far left. He pulls in an annual salary and benefits package of $386,227 (most recent form 990) from the quasi-government CWS. Looks like Anne Richard, Obama’s refugee chief next to him, and then of course CAIR’s Nihad Awad fourth from the left.
The Rev. John L. McCullough, president and CEO of Church World Service, another refugee resettlement agency, said in a statement that Wednesday marked the “new beginning for compassionate policy.”
“It is now the duty of Congress to pass this bill and deliver it to President Biden’s desk for his signature,” McCullough said.
Republican Senators Grassley and Cruz responded to the idea of a blanket amnesty and believe it is not their duty at all!
Among opponents is Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who formerly chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee. He believes Biden’s immigration proposal is tantamount to “mass amnesty.” In a statement shared by Roll Call, Grassley said the bill is “far more radical” than past failed congressional efforts for immigration reform.
In addition to Grassley, other conservatives in the Senate have spoken out against Biden’s proposals. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas argued that the proposal puts the interests of people in the U.S. illegally before those of American workers.
“It is deeply troubling that most of Joe Biden’s first acts as president were to protect illegal immigrants and encourage illegal immigration at the expense of American jobs and workers,”Cruz stated.
That is a fine representative of Church World Service (sporting their logo).
By the way, to raise the refugee ceiling to 125,000 does not require Congressional approval, but Biden through his State Department is required to (merely) consult the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.
*** Is your church one of these?
McCullough and CWS say they represent the following “communions.”
And, know this, if your church does a “Crop Walk” you are funding the politically Leftwing activist group Church World Service!