“What’s going on? We thought this was going to be a new time for a new era for resettlement. Why are these cases getting canceled?”
(Natalie El-Deiry, International Rescue Committee, describing what refugees are saying.)
My headline could have been a headline in the era of (that mean guy) Donald Trump, but believe it or not that is big news in the Biden/Harris era where the team running the country had already told Congress they want 62,500 refugees flown in by September 30th.
Where are the angry protests against Biden?
(Please know that this 62,500 would be in addition to the tens, possibly hundreds of thousands, who will overrun our southern border this year all claiming that they too are refugees.)
Yes the contractors*** are squawking as their “clients” are turned back at airports across several continents, but funny that there are no angry demonstrations against the man, their man, they helped install in the White House.
There are other stories with headlines blaming the mess on policies leftover from Trump!
Hundreds Of Refugees’ Flights Canceled Due To Biden Red Tape
Nearly 300 refugees who had been approved and booked to arrive in the United States last week to begin a new chapter in their lives had their flights canceled at the last minute, according to several resettlement agencies.
With the help of the State Department, resettlement agencies across the country had begun to process and book hundreds of refugees to enter the U.S. in March after the Biden administration announced it would be raising the refugee cap.
Natalie El-Deiry works for the International Rescue Committee overseeing their Utah and Montana offices. The IRC is paid by you to resettle ‘legit refugee’ “clients,” yet they also support the illegal aliens’ run on the border. Go figure!
The decision was applauded as a crucial first step in rebuilding the refugee system after it was dealt a series of blows by then–President Donald Trump, who spent years demonizing refugees and decimatingthe resettlement programs.
But nearly a month after announcing the refugee increases and notifying Congress, President Joe Biden has yet to formally sign off on the higher cap.
Without Biden’s signature, refugee admissions are still restricted by Trump’s record-low 15,000 cap for fiscal year 2021 and his decision to exclude refugees from Muslim-majority countries like Syria and Somalia. The delay has forced a slew of canceled tickets and left hundreds of refugees in limbo and resettlement agencies scrambling.
The State Department has canceled flights for at least 264 refugees this month and more cancellations are expected, according to resettlement agencies.
After Biden was elected president, Wilondja [refugee star of this story] began to feel hopeful again. The new administration launched an effort to overhaul the immigration system, including raising the refugee cap to 125,000 for the next fiscal year (which starts Oct. 1, 2021) and allowing an additional 62,500 refugees to be admitted this fiscal year.
To understand how high a number 62,500 is (to be accomplished in less than seven months), here are the high and low years for refugee admissionsafter the George HW Bush era where he admitted hundreds of thousands over his four years in office.
Clinton’s high year (numbers rounded) was 119,000, and low (for a whole year) was 69,000.
Bush: High year was 69,000, and low was 27,000.
Obama: High year was 85,000, and low was 56,000.
Trump: High year was 54,000 (because part of that fiscal year Obama was still in office), and low was 12,000.
So you can see that if Chairman Joe pulls this off (62,500 by September 30th and 125,000 next year) he would far exceed the numbers that Obama admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Program, and in the midst of the pandemic no less!
***For New Readersthese are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House, are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, and they have succeeded in getting the new administration to promise to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for next year FY2022—that is the highest it has been in 29 years.
The 62,500 number is for the remainder of FY21. FY21 ends in less than 7 months. And, again, these numbers are in addition to those fake asylum seekers coming across our borders.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting struggling Americans last!