Last night after I wrote this post where I was so angry at Time magazine and the refugee-pushing lobbyists, I knew I needed to further remind readers of the primary reason we are here—why we write this blog. And, gosh, I get up and here is a comment (from someone called CRD) worth noting to help me explain why we do what we do.
Dear Ann,
Your ancestors were once oppressed and discriminated against, so they got on a boat and came to a new county, the US, and gave it a try. I imagine when they landed they were helped by some nice people who maybe showed them how they could find work, where a good place to live was, where to shop. I imagine they also faced some discrimination. They were probably poor at first and spoke with accent, and didn’t know all street names by heart. Some people laughed at them I’m sure. Told them to go back to their country of origin. Told them they’d never fit in. Some people probably even formed groups and told them to get out of their neighborhood.
Which type of person are you? Would you have helped your great grandparents when they arrived in American or would you have discriminated against them?
Dear CRD, You are right to some extent, my parents were treated well and helped by nice people. But here are the differences worth noting, my parents were eager to be Americans. They shed their foreign language as fast as they could (they were literate in their own original languages). They received no welfare and they worked their butts off all their lives to send us kids to college. They had no taxpayer funded federal government contractor finding jobs and apartments for them. My father fought for the US in World War II. Although proud of their heritage, they never looked back. And, they accepted America, they didn’t seek to change our form of government, they were not Muslims.
Before I go on to what I really wanted to say, just a historical reminder the immigrant lobbyists like CRD often forget—-by the late 1920’s we were overloaded with immigrants. America took a breather and the numbers were cut dramatically until the 1960’s which gave those earlier great waves a chance to assimilate. Maybe if the economic panic continues, its time for another breather.
Now, more about why we write RRW.
The recent Time magazine article (not the one from 2002) on the Rohingya is an example. But, we first saw the phenomenon in our own county, and that is, the utter shameless skewing of the news in favor of refugees and immigrants. Most every story on refugees is a damn puff-piece. I call them the ‘refugees see first snow stories.’ No one (hardly anyone) in the mainstream media dares tell the public the whole truth, so the public needs us! That is why we are here—-to balance the biased mainstream media.
Why don’t they tell the whole story, the good and the bad, about refugee resettlement or immigration in general? Why, because they, in the media, are scared to death of people like CRD here. Ideologues like CRD want to guilt-trip everyone into shutting up and accepting their point of view and most people can’t take that sort of abuse, most people want to be considered good people, so they back down. We don’t.
The American public has a right to know all the facts about immigration and especially in our case, the refugee program, because only when all the facts are presented to the people can public policy be fairly debated and decisions fairly made—-for the general public and for the refugees. People like CRD want to WIN by guilt-tripping people and hiding some facts to lead people to their point of view. It is wrong. It is immoral. It is elitist. And, it stinks!