Greenwich, CT not getting refugees anytime soon (so they think!)

Yesterday we told you about the Sanders ‘plant’ in a Trump townhall meeting in New Hampshire.  See that story first so you know what we are talking about here.

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Darren Ornitz a bearded Sanders supporter and former resident of Greenwich, CT implies Greenwich could get Syrian refugees.

The ‘plant’ Darren Ornitz implied that Greenwich, CT (where he ostensibly grew up) would soon see Syrian refugees resettled there. Since Greenwich is an upscale town, I’m figuring that is unlikely despite the fact that Connecticut elected officials are all for “welcoming” large numbers of Africans, Asians and Middle Easterners to the state (see Senator Richard Blumenthal here with CAIR CT).
Apparently alarmed by what Ornitz said, the Greenwich Time was quick to make sure the citizens there were safe for the time being.

Greenwich officials said Tuesday that they were not aware of any plans to settle Syrian refugees in town, a day after a Greenwich man pressed Donald Trump on his controversial immigration policy.

The unnamed man, who identified himself as being from Greenwich, asked Trump at a campaign event Monday in Salem, N.H., whether the Republican presidential candidate’s refugee policy would bar Syrian children from the country.


Trump’s stance is contentious, with many of his opponents disputing his characterization of Syrian refugees.

But the question that the Greenwich man asked Trump appears to be a moot one – at least for the moment – in Greenwich. Both Town Hall and school district officials said that they were not aware of any plans to relocate Syrian families to the town.

I recommend that the town fathers stay on top of the issue.

blumenthal and CAIR CT
Keep an eye on Senator Blumenthal (here with CAIR CT director) who wants to make security screening easier for Syrian refugees to get into the US!

Although the town’s wealth may be an impediment (rich, politically well-connected, people don’t want refugees in their towns), it is no guarantee it couldn’t happen.
State Department data base
Connecticut has gotten 3,397 refugees since Obama took office.  The largest numbers went to Hartford and New Haven. None went to Greenwich.
I was surprised to see that Connecticut got 479 Somalis.  And, even more surprised to see that 61 Syrians have already been placed in the state (the largest number of those went to New Haven).
Go here for more on Connecticut.

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