Because there is way too much happening, here is another News Round-up of stories that interested me, but for which I have no time to post!
(Don’t confuse this round-up with my usual ‘Top posts of the week’ which I skipped this past week. Will do an October round-up tomorrow for hot news at RRW over the last month).
Listed here in no particular order:
Seventeen migrant men attack two women in Freiburg, Germany
Migrants moved from “The Jungle” at Calais, France to Alpine resort, want out of there ASAP
Canada admitted tens of thousands of Syrians, now all the relatives want in too!
Australia bars any rejected (boat people) asylum seekers from ever entering Australia again
Taqiyya at St. Ann Catholic Church in Arlington and more here: No questions allowed! (featuring one of our all-time favorites—Anastasia Brown)
Keep an eye on new pro-Palestinian Socialist UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Automation and advancements in technology will make jobs scarce for unskilled immigrant labor
Mogadishu, Minnesota: Somali activists upset by coming film about “recruitment” etc. in Minnesota
Federal pre-election coverup of US Southern border invasion.
Hillary’s America is already here—in Michigan!
More later…….