Newsbusters suggests pro-Muslim bias by most media in Somali shoot-up case

On Saturday night, three Minneapolis Somali guys wanted to attend a party in a trailer park and when they were told they weren’t welcome they went back to their car, got a gun and shot up the trailer leaving a bunch of people wounded.  That’s the gist of the story.  However, Newsbusters has noticed that almost all media reports on the weekend shoot-up left out the names of the perps even though none are minors.

Here is something that you NewsBusters fans can help me with because I am having difficulty deciding what is going on with this one. We have a shooting incident in Minnesota perpetrated by three Muslim Somali immigrants but for some reason almost every single media report about the incident omits the names of the shooters, names of obvious North African or ethnic origin. So, the question is, did the Old Media in Minnesota purposefully leave the names unreported so that they could cover up the fact that the criminals were Somali immigrants? And, if so, why would they do this?


Even the Associated Press skips naming the perpetrators.

It isn’t until the Saint Paul paper, the Pioneer Press, covers the story that we get the names of the “three suspects.” It turns out those jailed by Lakeland police were “Mohamud Ahmed Hassan, 19, and Hamad Ahmad Issak, 21,” and that a teen named Jibril Farah Mohamed who was connected to them. Jibril Farah Mohammed was released without being charged.

Why is it that only one news source listed the names of the arrested? Was it because the perpetrators were Somalis?

One commenter named ‘ekslib’ answers succinctly:


Then here is a comment from ‘No jelly’* I found interesting:

Actually, if you give it some thought, the more dangerous people in this scenario are the mindless do-gooders who dump these criminals on our city streets sans any education, english, or prior criminal history investigated.

Somalis, Hmong, Bosnian, all given arbitrary “refugee” status (oh yes, that word is now rendered to meaningless pap), a car, a place to live in a strange yet American city, and a whole populace of unsuspecting victims upon which to pounce. The benevolent perpetrator of this criminal onslaught? Lutheran Social Services, for one. They neither have a clue nor want one regarding the thugs and terrorists they inflict upon us, and the government turns a blind eye…

Violent crime rates in relatively small communities like Fargo are skyrocketing, and the names in the police blotters are un-pro-nouncable.

Go to the Newsbusters link above, read the whole story and throw in your theories.

*’No jelly’ must be from Fargo.  If anyone knows him or her, we would like to know if any refugees participated in the sand bag operation there that Judy reported on yesterday, here.

 For new readers, the US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.

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