New American Economy admits they need refugee/migrant laborers for meatpackers

One of the big movers and shakers behind so-called “comprehensive immigration reform” includes a powerful network of big business moguls joined with mayors and other elected officials of both parties that freely admit refugee resettlement is about labor.  They call themselves the New American Economy.

Bloomberg and Murdoch
Bloomberg and Murdoch, two rich old men determining the futures of heartland towns!

So when you are scratching your heads and wondering how it is that nine non-profit quasi-government faux-religious groups*** have so much power over what you and your fellow citizens want for your community, know that they are backed by industry giants.
You can read what they say about themselves at the New American Economy, here. And here, thanks to wikipedia is a more straightforward explanation:

New American Economy is a coalition of business leaders and mayors launched by Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch to influence public opinion and policymakers toward comprehensive immigration reform.

Here are the movers and shakers who support the refugee industry:
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At a report on their website about ‘Labor-intensive industries’ they freely admit they want more low-skilled workers admitted to the US (hat tip: Joanne):

Over the last two decades, the size of the U.S.-born population with a high school degree or less has significantly decreased. This trend is particularly evident among young workers, ages 25-44, the group typically most capable of doing physically demanding work. As this population declined, however, the number of jobs for workers with that education level held steady. Thus, real and persistent gaps in the American workforce have opened up, especially in agriculture, hospitality, and meatpacking. Foreign-born workers—a group considerably more likely than natives to lack education beyond high school—step in to fill those jobs that would otherwise remain vacant.

Don’t you love the way they put a nice patina on maids and janitors by calling them “hospitality” workers.  There is never any mention about wages and if there were fewer foreign (slave!) workers entering the US, industry would need to raise wages and kids fresh out of high school would jump at starting jobs in those industries!
Those cheap wages that meatpackers love are subsidized with your tax dollars.  You bring in the laborers (via the Refugee program) and then you supplement their income with social services (aka WELFARE!).
***These are the refugee resettlement contractors (who act as head hunters) and often place refugee laborers where they are needed for meatpacking work.  They even find the dairy industry in Idaho its laborers and then supply Chobani Yogurt with its laborers (to heck with what happens to your community). This is about an unholy alliance and money—big money!

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