Let's hope Trump doesn't back down on immigrant crime statement

Update July 3:  If the Republican Party condemns Trump (here) over his remarks, the GOP is toast!
I’m traveling today with no time to post much, but wanted you to be sure to see this piece by Ann Coulter.  And, I see that it’s not just the media going after Trump.  It seems he has released all the Furies of Hell with his comment about immigrant criminals.

All the Furies of Hell have been released on Trump! http://youall.com/HELL/paganhell.htm

In her bookAdios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hell Hole.’  Coulter very extensively lays out what she says in her latest column.
I have (over the last 8 years) noticed that very rarely does any media report tell the reader the immigration status of a criminal and that is especially so if the immigrant is a refugee.
Some reader recently asked me where to find crime stats for refugees and I wished him good luck and asked if he ever found any, send them my way!
Ann Coulter:

When Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media’s response was to boycott him. One thing they didn’t do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.

Trump said: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

The first thing a news fact-checker would have noticed is: THE GOVERNMENT WON’T TELL US HOW MANY IMMIGRANTS ARE COMMITTING CRIMES IN AMERICA.

Wouldn’t that make any person of average intelligence suspicious? Not our media. They’re in on the cover-up.

There is a lot more, read it all here.
Hang in there Mr. Trump, we are counting on you to not buckle to the pressure!  If you waiver and waffle, you have no chance of winning the Presidency!

More from Twin Falls, ID: Newspaper editor calls me a thief!

Matt Christensen
Matt Christensen, who less than two years ago was the NEW editor of a Montana paper, is now back in Idaho, and has editorialized claiming we posted too much from the Twin Falls Times-News.

Imagine what a nerve we must have struck to cause a newspaper editor in Idaho to spend money and time attempting to silence a citizen blogger nearly 2,000 miles away.

Almost every day for eight years I have researched the Refugee Resettlement Program of the UN/US State Department as a completely charitable endeavor so that just regular folks in America might know what is being done to their communities.
We have been extremely careful to give attribution and urge readers to see the original article when we snip news articles on which we comment.
And now, over 6,600 posts later, along comes an editor of a small city paper who calls me a “thief” in print as if it wasn’t enough to hire an attorney to send me a letter.
Imagine spending even a minute trying to silence a blogger!
What the heck are they hiding in Magic Valley, Idaho?  Maybe the newspaper there should do as much research as I have on how the secretive Refugee Admissions program benefits a few big businesses and then tell Idahoans the truth because they, taxpaying citizens, have every right to know who is changing their communities and why!
Click here to read all about me in: Stealing the News.
See all of our recent coverage of Twin Falls, here, here, here, here and here.
As my friend Richard always says, “When you are taking flak, you know you are over the target!”
Photo and story about Christensen is here.

RRW Weekly Roundup for week ending June 20, 2015

I should have done this over the weekend, but simply no time.

Idaho controversy was the star of the week!

And, I definitely didn’t want to miss this one because the controversy we have been reporting on from Twin Falls, Idaho has brought new readers in by the droves!  Much to my surprise, the readers most interested in the Idaho refugee controversy were from Germany!
If you missed it, one interesting turn of events from Twin Falls is that a lawyer for the local newspaper told me I must remove the text I had snipped (here and here).  You know this can’t be for commercial and economic reasons because I bet we sent them a boatload of readers (to see their advertisements).
In case you hadn’t noticed, we don’t make a dime from our work of writing and reporting on refugee controversies here and around the world, so they can hardly say they were economically hurt. Copyright law does allow some use of others’ work for the purpose of commentary, and that is what bloggers do!
CLEARLY we hit a nerve!  Clearly, the newspaper in Twin Falls is biased in favor of changing Idaho by adding diversity, why?  Wouldn’t you think a newspaper would be happy with controversy and public discussion, doesn’t that sell papers?  Maybe they want to silence regular American citizens like me!

Or, could there be some other reason they have an interest in tamping down the controversy about more refugees coming to “Magic Valley” Idaho?  Who is the paper really working for?  We will be trying to find out!

Don’t miss my latest on Idaho here (what citizens need to do!)  and here (meatpacker coming to Boise explains need for cheap, captive! immigrant labor).  Follow the money!

Top Posts!

So, without further ado here are our Top Three posts from last week (Top daily posts are in the right hand side bar).  The Idaho news was the top story by a mile!

1.  Idaho: more controversy surrounding refugee resettlement in Magic Valley

2.  Sudanese refugee shot and killed in Louisville; why are we colonizing America with people like this?

3.  Did your city welcome Syrians in the first 6 months of 2015?

Top Countries!

Here are our Top Ten countries from which readers arrived at RRW last week.  Surprise! for the first time ever, Germany beats out Canada, Australia and the UK for the number one spot!









New Zealand


For new readers!

Since we get new readers every day, here is my usual spiel with two points I need to continue to make:
First, we do screen our comments (sometimes I don’t get to them right away!) and I don’t post any that threaten any kind of violence or ones filled with foul language.  An occasional expletive might slip in if the comment is otherwise a good one.  You are always free to disagree with our point of view if you follow those two simple rules.

And the other thing I want to mention is about e-mails that come to you every time we post.  They come directly from wordpress to subscribers.  We don’t send out e-mails.  So, if we are posting too much for your e-mail inbox, then just unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have the time I understand completely about too many e-mails!  You might want to simply follow us on twitter or on facebook (below).
This is where you can find information (in addition to our fact sheet). We have over 6,500 posts.

*  See our categories (left hand sidebar)
*  See the tag clouds (right hand sidebar)
*  Also, we have a great search function and since neither the categories nor the tags go all the way back to our first posts more than seven years ago, use the search window with a few key words.  You might want to first try your city, state, or country to see what we have reported from there over the years.
Readers from Europe should search for key words ‘Invasion of Europe’ for all of our many posts on the migration crisis on the Continent.
By the way, our category entitled ‘where to find information’ is filled with reports and documents, but with 354 posts archived there, it is pretty unwieldy now.
Past weekly roundups can be found in our category entitled ‘blogging.’
If you wish to be notified when we post, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource).  ‘Like us’ on facebook! (We are no longer posting every story we write at RRW to facebook so as not to overload your facebook feed either.)  We also have some content on facebook that isn’t posted here first, so like us and follow us (I do have a volunteer helper at facebook—Kelly Monroe Kullberg).
And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!
Thanks to all of you for following RRW.  The subject is on fire (maybe you have noticed)!
P.S.  I have added two photos of myself to our About page, if you need one for any reason.

Comments worth noting: Trolls just want to troll!

Some of our regular readers might have noticed that we have a troll (‘314maker’) who has arrived in the last few days to criticize RRW and you.

Fat-Green-TrollI’m really o.k. with criticism and with trolls, but just wish one of them would one day take me up on my offer to write a guest column with reasoned arguments about why he/she believes that America should invite the world to come live here.

Here is ‘314maker’ trying to make the point that we don’t take all the refugees the UN has selected for us.


Seems like my comment was deleted. Again, just because a refugee is referred to the U.S. Program, does not mean the case will be accepted, nor does it mean the case will be given refugee status by USG officials.

Here is what I said in response to that comment from ‘314 maker’ yesterday (this is at our post on Idaho).


As long as you don’t swear or threaten anyone personally I don’t delete comments. But, also, remember I don’t sit at the computer all day waiting for comments to roll in. This is a reminder to everyone, I post them when I have time in the middle of my otherwise busy life.

314maker, we have many times over the years reported that the UN specifically says it has chosen refugees for us. The UNHCR tells us they do!

But, since you are here, I would like to offer you the opportunity to write a guest post for us and explain why America has to take the large number of refugees we now take, and we want a logical explanation, with no mention of “nation of immigrants” and no appeal to religion, no name-calling, just simply explain why it is in our interest to admit large numbers of impoverished people to our cities and towns, and why it isn’t enough to take care of American poor first.

And, most of all we would really like to know if even you have a limit. Is there some number that is simply too many? Or, would you just erase all of our borders and invite anyone from anywhere to live here?

This is a serious offer of an opportunity to reach a lot of people with a logical reason why you are in support of mass immigration.

He/she has refused my offer.  And, by the way, we are under no obligation to be fair and balanced.  The Hard Left/Open Borders crowd is never fair and balanced!


Ann – I am not interested in writing a guest post and kindly request that you do not create one based on my comments. Your blog is highly editorialized (your prerogative) and routinely twists facts to support a certain mindset – a mindset which I want no part of, even in an attempt to correct. I believe in the process of refugee resettlement and I do not feel the need to justify this belief to you or your readers. I will, however, continue to read your blog and provide comments as I find your take on things quite entertaining.

He/she wants to keep commenting, but I suggested perhaps he/she could write his/her own blog and call it Refugee Resettlement Watch Watch! (but that would mean having to do some work!).


I thought so…easy to comment critically, less easy to logically explain your point of view. Hey, here is an idea, rather than me giving you a platform to attack on a daily basis, why don’t you do the hard work of writing a blog—Call it Refugee Resettlement Watch Watch and I will prominently link it and promote it!

Editor’s note:  For our many new readers, ‘Comments worth noting’ is a category in which we archive interesting comments! It is also where we archive guest columns like the one we hoped ‘314maker’ would write.

Idaho: More controversy surrounding refugee resettlement in Magic Valley

Update June 22nd:  This post was our top post (by a mile!) last week, go figure!
Update June 20th:  I have no idea why this post is going viral today, but because of that, I want all of you to see my extensive update on Twin Falls here with a list of things citizens concerned with the resettlement of third worlders to Magic Valley must do!
This is an update of several posts we have written lately about complaints against the College of Southern Idaho for hosting a refugee resettlement office.  See our earlier coverage from Twin Falls, Idaho (click here for a complete archive).
Twin Falls is a federally-designated preferred resettlement site for UN-selected refugees!
From MagicValley.com  (hat tip: Joanne).

One speaker, Rick Martin, is quoted as saying the resettlement office is “disastrous” to the college’s reputation.

Editor: The article has been removed at the request of an attorney for the newspaper which is clearly unhappy with any of their articles being partially posted here at RRW.

This is just further demonstration of how local newspapers are attempting to silence critics presumably because they are in the pockets of the federal government, the refugee contractors and the big businesses that need this cheap immigrant labor. Who is driving the cheap labor needs in Twin Falls?

House Homeland Security chairman IS WORRIED ABOUT SYRIAN REFUGEES!

Obviously the college officials do not know about the efforts by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul to stop the resettlement of Syrians to places like Idaho because the FBI has said the Syrians cannot be screened. See hearings this coming week in Washington!

Harry Turner, an attorney, said he received a call from a refugee couple who’s Jewish and have been harassed in Twin Falls by Muslims.  [And, just wait until the resettled Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims resume their centuries-old conflicts right there in Idaho!—ed]

Read it all, here.
Local concerned citizens should also be demanding information from local and state government about the cost to Twin Falls and to the state of Idaho for the care of the impoverished refugees.  Idaho is a Wilson-Fish state and citizens there need to learn more about what that means.  (Hint! It isn’t good!)