New hearing scheduled in House Homeland Security Committee on UN sending thousands of Syrians to the US

We’ve reported on the fact that House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), concerned for possible major security threats, has been trying to slow the flow of Syrians to your towns and cities.
Here, Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily today reports that McCaul will hold yet another hearing on June 24th in an attempt to get the Obama State Department under control as hundreds of Syrians have already entered the US in the last 6 months.

Syrians arrive KY
The first starving Syrians arrive in Louisville, KY which is turning into one of the biggest resettlement cities for Syrians so far (more later on that!). See my post from February where we learned that a questionable Islamic ‘charity’ is helping the ‘New Americans.’

See our latest Youtube at Secure Freedom!  Please help get it around so that more Americans are informed about what is about to happen!

From World Net Daily (please read the whole article for links and for a list of states at the end already receiving mostly Muslim Syrians.  McCaul’s Texas is one of the two top states.)

A Texas congressman who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee is calling on President Obama to abandon his plan to resettle thousands of Syrians displaced by that country’s civil war, saying the plan is “very dangerous” for America’s security.

The problem is that ISIS has already said it will infiltrate the ranks of the refugees being sent by the United Nations to various Western countries, said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

McCaul wrote a letter to President Obama Thursday expressing concerns over the administration’s announced plans to resettle some 2,000 Syrian refugees in the United States this year. Another 10,000 to 11,000 are in the U.N. pipeline destined for America.

“Terrorists have made known their plans to attempt to exploit refugee programs to sneak terrorists into the West and the U.S. homeland,” read a statement released by McCaul’s committee Monday. “Chairman McCaul’s letter points out the potential national security threat this poses to the United States.”

In fact, it is already happening.

The police security service in Norway, which recently accepted 1,000 Syrian refugees from the U.N., found that between five and 10 had ties to Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS and the al-Nusra Front, a Norwegian newspaper reported.

The U.N. and the nine private resettlement agencies that contract with the U.S. government have been lobbying for the U.S. to up the ante and take in at least 65,000 Syrians by the end of Obama’s term in 2016. They have criticized the U.S. for not acting quicker to absorb greater numbers of Syrians displaced by four years of civil war.

Countering the ‘Jihad Caucus’ in Senate

Also, 14 Democratic senators led by Richard Durbin of Illinois, Diane Feinstein of California and Al Franken of Minnesota wrote a letter last month asking Obama to “dramatically increase” the number of Syrian refugees allowed into the U.S., sticking with the 65,000 number recommended by the resettlement lobby. This act earned the 14 Democrats the title of “Jihad Caucus” by Refugee Resettlement Watch blogger Ann Corcoran.


New congressional hearing called for June 24

McCaul has scheduled a second hearing on the Syrian refugee program for June 24.

He held the first hearing on Feb. 11. In that initial hearing, Michael Steinbach, deputy director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism unit, said it was impossible to screen the Syrian refugees for ties to terrorism given that Syria is a “failed state” and the U.S. has no access to reliable law enforcement records or intelligence data.

There is much much more, continue reading here.   See if your state is already ‘welcoming’ Syrians!

Will contractors be in a pinch???

By the way, the nine major contractors were counting on resettling possibly 10,000-12,000 Syrians around the US this fiscal year (by Sept. 30th).  The Bhutanese flow was being stopped to accommodate the expected Syrians.  So since they are paid by the head to resettle refugees, they will be scrambling to pay their bills (for office expenses and staff) if the flow to the US of total refugees is dramatically slowed this year.
Go here (cool map!) and see that 8 months in to FY2015, the US State Department has resettled 40,000 refugees (5,000 per month).  That means that in order to reach Obama’s goal for this year of 70,000 from around the world (the 65,000 Syrians the Jihad Caucus wants would be on top of the 70,000!), they have to haul them into the US at a rate of 7,500 a month for each of the months remaining in this fiscal year (June, July, August, September)!

You must act now!  I know we don’t have much confidence in Congress these days, but you still must first, let Rep. Michael McCaul know that you are supportive of his efforts and tell your representatives in Washington, both in the House and Senate, to stall this new and massive influx of UN-chosen Middle Easterners to the US.

The Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121 (ask for Rep. Michael McCaul and thank him, and then tell your Reps what you think!).

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