In an article, one of MANY I am seeing, refugee contractors are complaining that they can’t find enough housing for the Afghan evacuees most states, including New Hampshire, are welcoming.
Ten days ago, I reported on the lack of affordable housing for Biden’s newest wave of ‘new Americans,’ see here:
I found this particular story at the Concord Monitor interesting, and useful for readers, because it demonstrates the web of resettlement agencies and sub-agencies that may have you confused.
Agency struggles to find housing for Afghan evacuees coming to New Hampshire
The agency responsible for coordinating the arrival of Afghan evacuees to New Hampshire is struggling to find places for them to live just as they are set to arrive in the Concord area.
Memory lane! Ascentria (formerly Lutheran Social Services of New England) made news here at RRW when its then new President and CEO, Angela Bovill stated publicly that refugee resettlement was a “business”—a business that needed federal cash to survive. We knew that, but it was a big deal when Bovill admitted it. Just checked their recent IRS Form 990*** and wow! Bovill pulls down an annual salary package of $300,000! Doing well by doing good!
Crissie Ferrara, the program manager for services for New Americans at Ascentria Care Alliance, said a mother with five daughters will be moving soon, and likely staying with another family. Two individual men will also likely be arriving in Concord soon. Ferrara’s organization is responsible for finding housing for refugees and humanitarian evacuees, like the ones coming from Afghanistan.
Ferrara said that Ascentria has received an outpouring of support from people willing to share rooms in their homes with those coming from Afghanistan. Ideally, new families and individuals would be able to have the autonomy and independence of renting their own private housing, located near services in Concord.
The organization’s online form for landlords or property owners who want to provide housing to Afghan arrivals in New Hampshire and Massachusetts explains that independent affordable apartment housing options will be prioritized over people offering to host people in their homes. [What the heck! Let people take them to their homes! After all, what could go wrong!—ed]
Ferrara said Ascentria has suggested that single men without family in the United States be sent to [white rural!–ed] New Hampshire first, including men who may have made friends with another individual during the eviction [evacuation?] process.
See that there are additional ‘non-profits’ in on the action.
Use my search window for over two dozen post on New Hampshire—the ‘Live Free or Die’ state.
*** Most recent IRS Form 990 is here. Take a look at those salaries beginning on page 7! As I have said before, tell your kids to grow up to be executives at non-profit do-gooder religious charities!
It drives the open borders refugee contractors crazy because they have never gotten a foothold in Wyoming!
They have been trying for years to open Wyoming’s borders to the world, but the state has resisted for forty years as the only state in the nation that never set up a refugee program and never invited a refugee contractor*** in to do their dirty work.
The most recent effort to shove diversity down the throats of Wyoming’s mostly rural population came in 2014—an effort that was thwarted by vocal hardworking citizen activists. (I met some of those citizens on my 2016 road trip through the West and Midwest.)
I wrote extensively about efforts to bring a refugee office to the state in a series of posts. The topic of refugee resettlement became a major issue in a gubernatorial race on-going at that time.
Serious students of the refugee program should have a look at my Wyoming archive by clicking here.
By the way, they did break Montanaa few years ago and Idaho is being radically changed through refugee resettlement.
Thanks to reader Edward for sending a link and tipping me offto John Binder’s report on the latest push.
WaPo: Diversify ‘Overwhelmingly White and Christian’ Wyoming with Afghans
The Washington Post is promoting a proposal to diversify the “overwhelmingly white and Christian” state of Wyoming by resettling Afghans in the region.
As part of President Joe Biden’s massive resettlement operation out of Afghanistan, his administration plans to resettle at least 95,000 Afghans across 46 states. The only states or territories not taking Afghans are Hawaii, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, DC.
Wyoming is the only state in the nation where the federal government does not annually resettle refugees. That is mostly because none of the nine taxpayer-funded refugee contractors have offices in the state.
Believe it or not, when the Refugee Act of 1980 (Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter) became law, states could choose whether to become a resettlement state.
Wyoming (wisely) managed to stay out of the resettlement system all these years and that rankles those who are working to change America by changing the people.
In a piece titled “One state has never taken in refugees. Will it welcome Afghans?,” the Post explores a proposal by a local Episcopal church in Casper, Wyoming, to take in Afghans.
The Post interviewed a series of individuals for the piece, including those who said Afghan resettlement in Wyoming could “help with diversification” and break from their “conservative beliefs.”
For new readers here are the nine major refugee contractors financed by the US taxpayer who are now busy placing Afghans (who are not refugees!) in cities and towns from sea to shining sea.
They operate with the assistance of at least 100 subcontractors all linked back to one of the nine motherships.
The nine along with the US State Department determine target resettlement sites.
In case you missed it, Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine did some serious research on Biden’s airlift of the tens of thousands of so-called “interpreters” from Afghanistan headed to a town near you (but not to Delaware!).
‘Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S.
Politicians put Afghans first and Americans last.
Getting the United States out of Afghanistan is relatively easy compared to getting Afghanistan out of America. The latest stage of the withdrawal is accompanied by frantic calls to “save Afghan interpreters” coming from the same media that also wants us out of Afghanistan.
But what’s the use of leaving Afghanistan if we’re going to bring it with us to America?
The “interpreter” scam is one of the longest running immigration hoaxes on record.
LOL! Just now as I looked through old posts here at RRW I came across this one from 2008 about Biden pushing for more Special Immigrant Visas for “interpreters” from Iraq and Afghanistan knowing that none would go to Delaware.
And going further back in Memory Lane, all of this started when Ted Kennedy snuck a special refugee plan for Iraqis into a must-pass Defense Authorization bill as I reported here in 2007:
At the end of the Obama Administration (anticipating Hillary in the White House!), the federal refugee contractors were working their butts off to get more offices open in more American towns and cities so that more of you could pay for refugee care while industries (like the hotel industry or BIG Meat) could hire some cheap labor.
Your reward: experiencing the the joys of diversity!
One such target site was Asheville, NC.
The plan for Asheville fizzled due to citizen blow-back (partially led by former Republican Rep. Mark Meadows) and then Donald Trump won the White House resulting in a hiatus in the big push for new resettlement sites.
I had to laugh because they are so clever to use an appealing and grateful couple—Eastern Europeans—as the face of their refugee propaganda media push. It is a bait and switch! Wait until they get some Africans and Middle Easterners!
In case you are wondering, a town does not get to choose its refugees!
Asheville area refugee program expanding; Eastern Europeans fleeing religious persecution
On May 18, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to have County Manager, Avril Pinder, write a letter of support for the opening of a local Refugee Resettlement Reception and Placement sub-office.The office has no cost to the county, though some social services are offered to refugees.
That could mean an increase from an average of about 75 refugees a year to 150. And Buncombe has about 1,775 Ukrainians, according to the census, or 0.7% of the population.
The move follows a decision by President Joe Biden to increase the refugee goal, something set annually by the president. [Biden has said he wants 125,000 refugees admitted in FY22 which begins in less than 3 months—ed]
Bidding war?
Looks like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops snagged this one.
The IRC was after Asheville back in 2016. The contractors are furiously searching for ‘welcoming’ sites now because they want to get their proposals in to the US State Department before September.
More refugee clients=more federal money in their coffers.
Nine voluntary agencies operating in the U.S.*** take portions of that target number and divide it among their affiliate offices throughout the country. Catholic Charities is an affiliate of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which resettles about 30% of the refugees arriving yearly.
…. each refugee participates in an extensive interview and screening process before arriving in the U.S., said Susan Phillips, former interim director of refugee resettlement for the Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte.
“The refugees coming from Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine are eligible for resettlement through the Lautenberg Program, which was created in 1990 and later expanded to provide for the resettlement of persecuted religious minorities living in a specific list of countries, to include these three,” Phillips said.
The Lautenberg Amendmentwas “first enacted in 1990 to facilitate resettlement of Jews from the former Soviet Union.”
Continue reading. You will see that although the idea of a subcontractor office in Asheville was killed five years ago, refugees have nevertheless been placed there! Refugees are permitted to be placed within 100 miles of a resettlement office.
New resettlement site shopping is happening throughout America as I predicted here when I saw this story about Winchester, VA in May.
***For new readers these are the nine major resettlement contractors who decide (with oversight by the US State Department) where refugees are to be placed in America. Your state has no say in the matter!
The other day when I posted on an opinion piece published in a Billings, Montana newspaper where the writer was attempting to tell readers that refugees were all about peace and love and a better life, a reader reminded me of this story which I wrote about several times over the years.
Hate Crime Hoax du jour….
A good actor (for awhile). Jurors ultimately did not believe Kassim Al-Himidi’s grieving husband schtick!
I had included ‘El Cajon Iraqi murders wife and pins it on whitey‘ in myterror and crime round-up,but it bears repeating especially in light of the admission by the State Department that many Iraqis entered the US fraudulentlyand as someone once said about another group of migrants “they aren’t very good people.”
If there could be anything worse than murdering your wife, it is blaming the murder on Americans and creating a frenzy that brought in CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center to scream Islamophobia and racism!
…the “hate crime” hoax had frightened Muslims in the El Cajon area into thinking there was a raving Islamophobe on the loose killing Muslims in their kitchens. CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center were right in the forefront helping fan the flames.
After beating his wife to near death in 2012 (she died of her injuries a few days later), Al-Hamidi set the frenzy in motion by penning a note and claiming he found it near his injured wife. The note read:
“Go back to your own country. You’re a terrorist.”
So to wrap up, go back to see what the Billings, Montana writer told gullible readers:
It’s a credit to our government that not a single one of more than 3 million refugees resettled since the Refugee Act was signed in 1980 has taken the life of a U.S. citizen in a terrorist attack.
But, I guess killing one’s refugee wife and making it look like it was a domestic terrorist attack perpetrated by a xenophobic Islamophobe doesn’t count in his mind. Welcoming more to places like Montana is what ‘good Christians’ should be doing.
P.S. Consider the fact that you, the American taxpayer paid for these Iraqis to have a “better life” and paid for law enforcement and a criminal trial, and you get to pay for his prison care and feeding for decades. Oh joy!