Waking up in Wausau? New Biden Refugee Resettlement Site Planned

Actually Wausau is not a new site altogether.  Way before my time of writing this blog, which I started in 2007, Wausau saw a huge influx of Hmong refugees in the wake of our disastrous war in Southeast Asia.

Some Hmong went on to do okay as ‘new Americans,’ others not so much, as I pointed out here in 2019 at my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

I suspect Wausau has seen refugees continue to arrive in recent years placed there by the nearest resettlement office, but we can no longer get the data as the US State Department has closed to the public most of the information they store at the Refugee Processing Center.

Apparently Wausau has run out of needy Americans for the Christians to love and care for!

However, now it appears Wausau is on the target list for a new resettlement agency there, this time with the Ethiopian Community Development Council as the lead government contractor. (There are nine major contractors!***)

Look people!  ARE YOU LISTENING?  (Yes, I am shouting.)

How many times in the last 13 to 14 years have I written about this—enough to make me feel insanity setting in!


We are losing our country!

Do you know, the other day someone asked me about Wyoming and I wrote this post:

In the post is a link to the present refugee resettlement sites.

Those are the sites where the contractors have subcontractor offices. I wrote the post on Tuesday and since then ONLY 16 readers have even bothered to open the link to see if their location is already an established resettlement site. 

Those are the sites where very large numbers of additional refugees will be placed in the coming months as the Biden Administration seeks to find housing and social services for up to 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.  And, that does not include the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring in.

By the way, in my experience, once a refugee office is open in your town it will also ‘serve’ as a magnet for illegal aliens and asylum seekers who will be looking for guidance on where to get their free stuff.

It is increasingly difficult for me to continue to repeat things I have been writing about for over a decade and wondering if anyone is listening. 

At the end of the Obama Administration, the contractors were looking for approximately 40 new sites because they had worn out their welcome in some long-standing resettlement cities.

They thought Hillary would follow Obama to the White House and the numbers that were high under Obama would expand even further.  Trump created a hiatus for a few years, but we are now back to the big push to change America by changing the people.

As I said here about Winchester, Virginia in May, they are scrambling for new sites.

I said it again on Friday when I wrote about Asheville, North Carolina, see here.

In September, Biden will be setting the cap for FY22 and it is expected to be 125,000 beginning on October 1, 2021.

They are bidding for bodies! 

That is what one longtime refugee watcher calls it because the contractors are paid by the federal government (by you, the taxpayer) on a per head basis!

To accomplish Biden’s goal, the nine contractors are competing with each other and madly scrambling to find new fresh territory and get sub-offices open.

In fact, they must get their plans in to the US State Department ideally in August or early September—the rush is on and that is why stories like the one from Wausau I’m about to mention are popping up.

The reader who alerted me about Wausau sounded desperate to know what they could do to stop the planned site.

Let me be clear!  There is no lawsuit you can file, no national leader to help you (no Senators, no Congressmen), and no national immigration control group that will come and save you.

There is only one thing you can do and that is hard.

You must organize locally and make an enormous political noise  against the plan (while being called a racist and xenophobe).

Back in February I began a series of posts about organizing locally.

I never did finish the series because so few people were bothering to read it (and when people don’t read, I get lazy!).  I know that the mention of work sends people into hiding and I know it’s not being read even as it is linked on my homepage because I get data daily about what posts people are reading.



LOL!  I hope you are still reading, or did you quit when I said you had to get to work!

Here is the news from Wausau that inspired my rant today!

From WSAU:

Local Religious Leaders Looking to Bring Refugees to Wausau

WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A group of Religious leaders in Wausau is hoping to help settle dozens of vetted and screened refugees in the region in the next few years.

Pastor Rebecca Voss must believe it is so much cooler to welcome poverty from across the world than to help poor neighbors right here at home.

After meeting with the group led by First United Methodist Church Pastor Rebecca Voss, the Ethiopian Community Development Council has selected Wausau to receive around 75 approved refugees from Africa and the Middle East. Voss says it started as an idea in a Bible Study group that grew over time. [Just think about that, some non-profit group largely funded by the feds and located in Virginia has “selected Wausau!”—ed]

“We really were studying Christian hospitality, what it means to welcome the stranger and how we can be a place of refuge, safety, and healing for those who have been through some pretty traumatic experiences,” said Voss. “They have no place to call home, but we can create a community of love and respect for one another.”

Tsehaye Teferra is the CEO of the Ethiopian Community Development Council and in 2012 was chosen as an Obama Champion of Change!  Naturally he didn’t like Trump!  https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2020/07/04/virginia-ethiopian-community-development-council-prez-speaks-out-against-trump-admin/

The group is working with the ECDC, one of nine nationally recognized resettlement agencies. Voss says the group met them at “the right time and the right place,” to get the idea moving forward through a series of meetings with Voss’ group and some local businesses.

“They met with community leaders in both the non-profit sector and business sector, and really it led to a diversity of people being in solid agreement that we need refugees probably more than they need us,” she said. “They are resilient, many of them have been through a lot of trauma, so they will need a lot of compassion as they get resettled. But, we do know that they will strengthen our community.”

How Christian of them to find cheap foreign laborers for local businesses.

Do they have meatpackers in Wausau, I wonder!

She adds that’s especially true since many refugees are hard workers who can help fill some of the jobs that have been sitting vacant as the region comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This next bit makes me laugh!  Yeh, yeh, volunteers will help, but guess what?  Volunteers quickly burn out and the burden of the refugees falls on the community at large, or they simply fall through the cracks while they build ethnic enclaves where crime grows.  I have seen it time and time again.

She went on to say that the group is not looking for any public money or support from the city. Each refugee would be paired up with a sponsorship group such as a Church, Bible Study group, book club, or anyone else with a desire to help out. They would provide some money upfront- around $2,000 or so- to get the refugees into a rental property with some light furnishings and furniture.

Then they would be expected to show them basics such as how to navigate the public transit system, use the library, get them set up with healthcare, get their children registered for school, and any other life skills they may need help with as they look to build a life in the region.

ECDC doesn’t pick Wausau’s refugees and neither does the city!  They are chosen mostly by the United Nations!  Those listed below are mostly Muslims.  The Burmese coming in large numbers to the US right now are Rohingya Muslims.

Voss adds that despite the name “Ethiopia” being in the name of the group they are working with, there would be people from other African countries brought to the area along with some from Burma, Afghanistan, and Iraq. That could also include interpreters who worked with the US military during the recent wars in both nations.

Does Wausau have a satellite office for CAIR yet?  If not, look for one getting established soon!

The first refugees could be settled by October of this year. Others will be placed throughout 2022.

Yup, that is what I said above—the drive is on to find ‘welcoming’ and naïve communities as fast as possible because they want to be ready by October first.

And, one more thing!

Once a site is chosen and the refugees begin to arrive it will be too late because the flow will never end as the contractors work to bring more members of the extended families of the first refugees they place in Wausau.

I hope you made it this far so that I won’t feel like I have wasted hours on a beautiful Sunday saying the same thing I have been saying for years!

*** Here for new readers are the nine government contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in the US.  Some of the fake non-profits are almost completely funded by the federal government/you!  ECDC is one of those as I pointed out here.

Across Africa and the Middle East, Refugee Plane Tickets to America Canceled

“What’s going on? We thought this was going to be a new time for a new era for resettlement. Why are these cases getting canceled?”

(Natalie El-Deiry, International Rescue Committee, describing what refugees are saying.)


My headline could have been a headline in the era of (that mean guy) Donald Trump, but believe it or not that is big news in the Biden/Harris era where the team running the country had already told Congress they want 62,500 refugees flown in by September 30th.

Where are the angry protests against Biden?

(Please know that this 62,500 would be in addition to the tens, possibly hundreds of thousands, who will overrun our southern border this year all claiming that they too are refugees.)

Yes the contractors*** are squawking as their “clients” are turned back at airports across several continents, but funny that there are no angry demonstrations against the man, their man, they helped install in the White House.

Here is the Huffington Post with the news.

There are other stories with headlines blaming the mess on policies leftover from Trump!

Hundreds Of Refugees’ Flights Canceled Due To Biden Red Tape

Nearly 300 refugees who had been approved and booked to arrive in the United States last week to begin a new chapter in their lives had their flights canceled at the last minute, according to several resettlement agencies.

With the help of the State Department, resettlement agencies across the country had begun to process and book hundreds of refugees to enter the U.S. in March after the Biden administration announced it would be raising the refugee cap.

Natalie El-Deiry works for the International Rescue Committee overseeing their Utah and Montana offices. The IRC is paid by you to resettle ‘legit refugee’ “clients,” yet they also support the illegal aliens’ run on the border.  Go figure!

The decision was applauded as a crucial first step in rebuilding the refugee system after it was dealt a series of blows by thenPresident Donald Trump, who spent years demonizing refugees and decimating the resettlement programs.

But nearly a month after announcing the refugee increases and notifying Congress, President Joe Biden has yet to formally sign off on the higher cap.

Without Biden’s signature, refugee admissions are still restricted by Trump’s record-low 15,000 cap for fiscal year 2021 and his decision to exclude refugees from Muslim-majority countries like Syria and Somalia. The delay has forced a slew of canceled tickets and left hundreds of refugees in limbo and resettlement agencies scrambling.

The State Department has canceled flights for at least 264 refugees this month and more cancellations are expected, according to resettlement agencies.


After Biden was elected president, Wilondja [refugee star of this story] began to feel hopeful again. The new administration launched an effort to overhaul the immigration system, including raising the refugee cap to 125,000 for the next fiscal year (which starts Oct. 1, 2021) and allowing an additional 62,500 refugees to be admitted this fiscal year.

More here

To understand how high a number 62,500 is (to be accomplished in less than seven months), here are the high and low years for refugee admissions after the George HW Bush era where he admitted hundreds of thousands over his four years in office.

Clinton’s high year (numbers rounded) was 119,000, and low (for a whole year) was 69,000.

Bush: High year was 69,000, and low was 27,000.

Obama:  High year was 85,000, and low was 56,000.

Trump: High year was 54,000 (because part of that fiscal year Obama was still in office), and low was 12,000.

So you can see that if Chairman Joe pulls this off (62,500 by September 30th and 125,000 next year) he would far exceed the numbers that Obama admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Program, and in the midst of the pandemic no less!


***For New Readers  these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House, are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, and they have succeeded in getting the new administration to promise to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for next year FY2022—that is the highest it has been in 29 years.

The 62,500 number is for the remainder of FY21.  FY21 ends in less than 7 months. And, again, these numbers are in addition to those fake asylum seekers coming across our borders.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting struggling Americans last!

Military Coup in Burma Could Send Another Flood of Rohingya Muslims to the West

A military coup in Burma (aka Myanmar) set off warning bells for me.  I have been following the situation there for over a decade because of the conflict between Burmese Buddhist monks and the Rohingya Muslim population.

Basically the people of Burma want to remain a Buddhist country and the ‘humanitarians’ of the West have been pushing for them to accept the joys of diversity.

Further destabilization of the country will mean that the cry will go up that the West must save more of the Rohingya Muslims.

See my extensive Rohingya Reports file where 244 previous posts are archived.

Now the military has taken over because of what they claim is massive ELECTION FRAUD. 

I’m not in any position to make a judgement except that I have written often about Aung San Suu Kyi who was once the darling of the international Left, but fell out of favor with them and suffered horrific attacks by the so-called peace-and-love crowd because she obviously feared Islamic supremacism taking root in Burma.

My purpose in posting this news is to alert you all to the events that will result in further demands that the West must resettle the Rohingya Muslims because Buddhists are bad. 

Unrest in the world = calls for more refugees to be brought to America!

Here is Reuters where I have rearranged a couple of paragraphs.

Myanmar military seizes power, detains elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi

(Reuters) – Myanmar’s military seized power on Monday in a coup against the democratically elected government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, who was detained along with other leaders of her National League for Democracy (NLD) party in early morning raids.

The army said it had carried out the detentions in response to “election fraud”, handing power to military chief Min Aung Hlaing and imposing a state of emergency for one year, according to a statement on a military-owned television station.


A verified Facebook page for Suu Kyi’s party published comments it said had been written in anticipation of a coup and which quoted her as saying people should protest against the military takeover.

The international Left had turned its back on Suu Kyi:

Nobel Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi, 75, came to power after a 2015 election win that followed decades of house arrest and struggle against the military, which seized power in a 1962 coup and stamped out all dissent for decades.

While still hugely popular at home, her international reputation was damaged after she failed to stop the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Rohingya Muslims in 2017.  

The coup derails years of Western-backed efforts to establish democracy in Myanmar, also known as Burma, where neighbouring China also has a powerful influence.


Hillary loved her too. These pics make me laugh because the Left later turned on Suu Kyi and was vicious when she worried about Burma’s Muslims gaining power.

Phone and internet connections in the capital, Naypyitaw, and the main commercial centre of Yangon were disrupted and state television went off air after the NLD leaders were detained.


Troops and riot police stood by in Yangon where residents rushed to markets to stock up on supplies and others lined up at ATMs to withdraw cash. Banks subsequently suspended services due to poor internet connections.


John Sifton https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/people/john-sifton

Condemnation of the coup came from Australia, Britain, the European Union, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States. China called on all sides to respect the constitution and uphold stability.

Biden’s response was “disappointingly weak.”

Human Rights Watch’s Asia advocacy director John Sifton, criticised the initial White House response as “disappointingly weak” and urged a more concerted international reaction “to put the Myanmar military on notice of the specific consequences that will occur if their coup is not reversed”.

So what exactly does Sifton want—a Biden war in Burma?

Sanctions will only hurt the poor people further.

More here.

Endnote:  Readers need to know that we have been resettling Rohingya for many years, even during the Trump administration (there was no Muslim ban!).  However, when I first began writing about the Rohingya back in around 2007-2008, our State Department had them on a list of potential Islamic terrorists and we did not admit them as refugees.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Biden; Will they Shut Up about the Babies?

So what do you know, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, at one time the largest (of nine) refugee resettlement agencies in America,*** will have to walk a fine line as Chairman Joe and his minions are opposed to recognizing the life of the unborn, a major tenet of the Roman Catholic faith.

Where is Hunter? Here he was lurking in the background when the Bidens greeted the Socialist Pope a few years ago.


Under Biden/Harris, money for abortions will flow freely throughout the world !

Rock and a hard place….

On the other hand, the Bishops are extremely happy that Biden wants open borders and a flow of refugees into the country that would be larger than St. Obama every proposed—125,000—and the Bishops know that their financial bottom line depends on continuing to put the lives of migrants, both legal and illegal, above America’s vulnerable people especially as the Chinese virus continues its scourge.

So, will the Bishops shut up about the lives of the unborn?

From the National Catholic Reporter:

Can Catholic bishops work with the Biden administration?

The news last week was that the U.S. Catholic bishops are getting ready to wage war on the new administration — and possibly each other — over the Catholic president’s positions on abortion, gay rights and religious freedom.

That may be true, but there are plenty of areas where the bishops and the Biden administration are on the same page and could work together. It would be a tragedy for the church, the administration and the United States if disagreement on some issues makes it impossible for them to work together on others.

If the bishops need a model, they can recall the Trump administration, whose agenda they were not totally on board with: They liked the administration when it came to abortion and religious freedom but opposed it on most other issues.

What controversial issues could the bishops and the Biden administration work on together?

They can agree on flooding America with more poverty while Americans are suffering!

The Bishops want more refugees; they agree with the moratorium on deportations; and they are so happy to invite more Muslims to your American towns and cities.

The U.S. Catholic bishops frequently condemned the Trump administration for its cutbacks on refugee admissions and funding.

Bishop Mario Eduardo Dorsonville-Rodríguez was born in Columbia

“We continue to be disappointed by the Trump Administration’s diminishment of the U.S. refugee resettlement program, as these decisions have a tangible impact on those fleeing religious persecution and other vulnerable families in need of refuge,” said the bishops in October. “The low number of admissions, given the global need and the capacity and wealth of the United States, is heartbreaking.”

The bishops, who have been involved in refugee resettlement for many decades, welcomed the new administration’s plans to return refugee admissions to their previous levels.

They are happy to see a change in attitude and programs from the new administration.

On Inauguration Day, the chair of the bishops’ Committee on Migration, Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, responded positively to the administration’s 100-day moratorium on certain deportations, allowing for a comprehensive review of current immigration enforcement policies.


The bishops also applauded the administration’s ending of the ban prohibiting immigrants and refugees from certain Muslim countries from entering the United States.

More here.

The Bishops lost MILLIONs during the Trump years!

So how much funding did the Bishops lose under President Trump, the most supportive and vocal PRO Life President ever?

Because the Bishops don’t file a federal IRS Form 990 (they claim they are a church and thus are exempt from filing) it can get a little challenging to see how much federal moola they are receiving from you, the American taxpayer.

However, here we have screenshots from their annual reports to demonstrate they did take a major financial hit during the Trump years as Trump dramatically slowed the flow of the third world to America.

From the Bishop’s Annual report for the last two years of the Obama/Biden Administration. Disgustingly, they have been milking the US taxpayers since 1975 for their migration work!

And, I bet you thought their work was all out of the goodness of their charitable Christian hearts.

Now see the 2020 annual report for two Trump years.

Look at that hit they took! That must have been painful for the church that has had to pay out huge sums in recent years for their child sex abuse scandals.

Just for fun, I went back to 2009 (first full Obama year) and note that their federal ‘take’ that year for their migration program was a mere $18 million. So, Obama/Biden sure managed to fill their coffers.

Let’s keep an eye on the Bishops and whether they shut up about babies lives as the refugees (paying clients) Biden has promised start flowing in….

America Lasters!

***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!


Refugee Industry Advocates Pushing Biden to Immediately Set High Ceiling for Refugee Admissions

Oh boy are the Open Borders groupies energized!

Biden is aiming to top Obama in the refugee admission sweeps! 125,000 would top anything Obama did when welcoming in the third world to compete with low-skilled Americans for jobs.

Prior to the 2020 election steal, Biden/Harris promised they would immediately increase the refugee ceiling to admit 125,000 refugees in year one.

Indeed, increasing refugee admissions is a high priority for the Biden transition team, we are told.

Now there is a little waffling from the team, but those who stand to gain financially and otherwise from increased refugee admissions are trying to keep him focused (I expect that is a challenge considering his mental condition).

They are good propagandists as you will see when longtime refugee promotor Barbara Strack says it is vital to signal intent to drive up arrival numbers.

Here is what CNN had to say about a recent transition team powwow:

Biden team prepares to revamp the US refugee admissions program

(CNN)President Donald Trump spent years limiting the number of refugees coming to the United States. President-elect Joe Biden, meanwhile, has pledged to set the annual refugee admissions cap at 125,000. But first, his team will have to contend with the damage left behind.

The refugee cap, which dictates how many refugees may be admitted to the US, must be approved by the president [The President sets the level with the US State Department, but the President is the decider—ed].  But where the cap has often been viewed as a goal to be reached, the actual number of refugees admitted has fallen short under the Trump administration.

Correction!  The number set is a CEILING that is not to be surpassed except in a case of an emergency.  It is rarely achieved.  It was never meant to be a goal! See below that even St. Obama fell short.  They NEVER tell you that!

This year, the Trump administration set a refugee cap of 15,000, the lowest level since 1980.

“The program that this incoming administration is inheriting is on its last breath,” said Danielle Grigsby, director of policy and practice at Refugee Council USA.

“It’s going to require both political will and an early investment in overturning policies to see the program begin to operate as it can and is intended to.”


“The infrastructure within the government, as well as the infrastructure in the NGO community, has been very badly affected by the last four years, so we’re assessing that in order to figure out how quickly the administration can move,” a transition official told reporters during a Tuesday press call. [If the infrastructure is so damaged how did those NGO CEOs’ salaries increase!—ed]

Hmmm!  A little waffling from Biden?

“It will get done and it will get done quickly. But it’s not going to be able to be done on day one, lift every restriction that exists,” Biden said.

Building up refugee admissions has been a focus between the Biden transition team and the Department of Homeland Security, which plays a role in the process, according to a source familiar with the discussions, who noted that the team is assessing what needs to be fixed to eventually hit Biden’s goal.

Asked if the Biden administration would endeavor to set that cap in fiscal year 2021, a transition official said it’s “early to say,” adding that it “depends on the state of the infrastructure, which is something we’re determining.”


In the last few years of Obama’s presidency, the administration raised the refugee ceiling from 85,000 in fiscal year 2016 to 110,000 in fiscal year 2017 amid the Syrian crisis.


It gets tiresome to have to continually demonstrate how devious these people are when they talk to the uninformed media, but I guess someone has to do it.

Note how the propagandists like to tout those Obama CEILINGS!  Well here is the reality.

Data below is from the Refugee Processing Center that, I am sorry to say, has been deleted or removed from public view so as to keep you in the dark going forward.  Lucky for me I had a screenshot of this page.

Look very closely at the Ceilings in the first column and the actual admissions in the second one.  Obama’s presidency began in 2009.  What do you see?  He never reached the Ceiling and in some years fell many thousands of refugees short of that Ceiling.

CNN continues….

My guess is that Strack is itching for a big job in a Biden Admin. She seems to be all over the place throwing in her two cents worth.

Barbara Strack, former chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at US Citizenship and Immigration Services, was involved in the push to increase the capand cautioned that rebuilding the program will take time. Even so, signaling an intent to drive up arrivals is significant, Strack argued.

“I still think it’s very worthwhile for the administration to share that goal publicly because it lets the State Department, USCIS and [the Office of Refugee Resettlement] to start building that level,” she said. “It gives everyone their marching orders on what to build toward.”


The dwindling of the refugee ceiling under Trump has also had ripple effects in the US resettlement process, particularly for agencies tasked with helping refugees get set up.

The US Catholic Bishops want a refugee czar in the White House!  Gee where have I heard this before!


Ashley Feasley, director of policy at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, a refugee resettlement agency, said her organization is advocating that the Biden team appoint a senior-level White House coordinator ​to coordinate federal agencies and other stakeholders around rebuilding the US refugee admissions program.

More here.


So we can add Danielle, Barbara and Ashley to the list of those who put Americans last!


Americans Last!

This is what I said to Neil Munro at Breitbart, and you should ask the same every chance you get.

There’s no sense trying to argue with [progressives] except to turn it back and say; ‘What about our own poor people? Why aren’t they interested in taking care of our poor Americans? Our homeless? Why are refugees and immigrants somehow cooler and more desirable to take care of than our own poor people? Have we run out of poor Americans to take care of?’ No, clearly, we have not run out of poor Americans.

For new readers these are the Progressive groups, some claim they are ‘religious’ charities, that put the wellbeing of refugees and illegal migrants ahead of struggling Americans.
