Here we go again! Refugee Contractors Wail Over Trump Travel Restrictions

One of the reasons they hate Trump so much is that he has put them on defense and doesn’t let up.

Joy to behold: President Trump putting the Leftists on the defense daily!

After having watched the nine federal resettlement contractors*** operate for going on 13 years I’m laughing as I watch them spin in circles with each new move by the Administration to slow the flow of immigration to America.

And, I long ago learned that they don’t have the best interests of their clients (refugees) at heart, but are really agitating for ever more migrants of any sort as they work to change America by changing the people.

Further confirmation comes in the wake of the latest Trump Administration effort to restrict travel from countries that are not apparently doing their share in weeding-out bad actors who are coming to the US through various legal avenues.

Here is what I said on Saturday when I reported that refugees are exempt from the new travel restrictions:

…if any of the nine federal refugee contractors (whose salaries we, taxpayers, pay) run out and hire lawyers or even open their mouths in opposition to protecting our safety when refugees are not banned, then they show themselves as nothing more than partisan anti-Trump agitators advancing an open borders agenda while hiding under their white hats of phony humanitarianism.

Of course they can’t control themselves and are flailing at the Trump Administration.

They take our tax dollars and agitate daily against our President!

First out of the chute, we have Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (85-90% funded with taxpayer dollars in any given year, for decades) taking their whack at Trump.

Don’t miss: Lutherans paid to take care of foreigners not Americans!

From Crux (a Catholic publication).  Where are the Bishops on this?

Administration imposes travel restrictions on six African, Asian countries

Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, CEO of LIRS, and former staffer for Michelle Obama

“This policy has been devastating to thousands of men, women and children whose only beacon of hope is the safety and prosperity that America can offer,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. LIRS is one of the largest refugee resettlement agencies in the nation.

“How can we look at ourselves in the mirror knowing that we are doing less and less, especially when an unprecedented global refugee crisis calls for swift, bold action from the world’s humanitarian leader?” she added in a Jan. 31 statement.


In her statement, O’Mara Vignarajah said LIRS is “particularly concerned about Burmese refugees who may see America’s doors closed to them at a time of desperate need – including thousands of ethnic Chin, Karen and Muslim Rohingya, who have fled severe persecution.”

“Nearly 5,000 Burmese refugees started to rebuild their lives in America last year, many of whom seek to reunite with family still in harm’s way,” she added.

What she doesn’t tell you is that after they get the original seed communities planted in America they begin working to bring in the relatives.

178,395 Burmese isn’t enough!

I just checked the Refugee Processing Center data and see that since 2002 (when this data base was set up) we have admitted 178,395 Burmese to the US.

21,000 are Muslim Rohingya which we did not admit to the US when I first began writing RRW.

We, didn’t start any wars in Burma!  Their internal ethnic squabbles are their problem. We have no responsibility to do more for the Burmese!  

They take our tax dollars and agitate daily against our President!

Now here comes Church World Service telling its groupies to support the No Ban Act  being heralded by Rep. Ilhan Omar and Speaker Pelosi who, we are told, plans to push it through the House shortly.  Even if it were to pass the House and Senate, the President surely won’t sign it.

So once again we see the typical Democrat tricks to undermine the President, agitate through the media and all the while using their members and followers to push for a bill that is nothing more than a media generating anti-Trump tool.


Rep. Ilhan Omar Dems go-to gal for all things Muslim (Tlaib in the wings)!

URGENT: Tell Congress to Oppose New Muslim Ban Expansion and Protect Our Muslim and Refugee Neighbors


The administration continues to repeatedly attack refugees, asylum seekers, and our Muslim neighbors, prolonging family separation, undermining our moral and legal obligations to the most vulnerable, and discriminating against people based on their faith or nationality.

Then they give their followers a script for a message to Congress. You could have fun using the basic outline of the script and tell your member to oppose Rep. Omar’s NO BAN ACT bill.

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and [as a person of faith], I urge you to strongly oppose the cruel and harmful expansion of the Muslim ban that the Trump administration announced today, which will restrict entry to the United States from six new countries. I also urge you to cosponsor the NO BAN Act (S.1123 / H.R.2214), which would ensure that no one is banned from our country based on religious or nationality-based discrimination. My community is still feeling the negative impacts of this administration’s immoral and wrongful bans that continue to tear apart families. No one should be blocked from entering the country just because of their faith tradition or where they come from. My community welcomes refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, and I urge you to do the same.”

More here.

Just a reminder that Church World Service was awarded $53 MILLION  in federal grants in the last year which amounts to 62% of their income being provided by you—the US taxpayer!

They take our tax dollars and agitate daily against our President!

*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

Church World Service one of the ‘religious charities’ responsible for changing America by changing the people with a ‘Christian message.’

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?

(I try to post this information once a day, or at least every few days!)


I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.




Smallest Number of Refugees Entering the US in Last Ten Years

As you know President Donald Trump set the ceiling (as it is his right to do under the Refugee Act of 1980) at 18,000 for fiscal year 2020.

Four months into the year (the fiscal year began on October 1, 2019) we have admitted 4,686 refugees from leading sending countries of Afghanistan, Burma, DR Congo, Eritrea, Moldova and Ukraine.  Smaller numbers came from dozens of countries. About 918 of the 4,686 are Muslims.

Here is the big however—Special Immigrant Visa holders from Afghanistan numbered 4,585 in just the last four months bringing the total to 64,280 since 2006. And, those majority Muslim Afghans that supposedly helped us somehow in Afghanistan are given the same privileges as regular refugees. Iraqi SIVs numbered 129 (18,677 since 2006).

Before I get to the details of where they were all placed, don’t miss John Binder’s Friday Breitbart story where he provides the astronomical numbers of migrants coming into the US through myriad legal pathways from the President’s travel restricted countries.

See how many regular refugees were admitted to the US in the last ten years. Note that Obama didn’t set an extremely high ceiling until he was leaving office in 2016 and setting the ceiling for 2017.

Every time I see the deceivers in the media tout Obama’s 110,000 I want to scream at them to tell the whole truth! Don’t forget that the Dem candidates for President are talking 125,000 and up for their refugee importation plans.


Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Center for the first 4 months of this fiscal year.  I showed you how to find this kind of information yourself in Knowledge is Power IV.

You might want to compare this map of where new refugees are being placed right now with the map in my previous post which shows some states that don’t want any, or have not yet made a decision, but are definitely getting some.


The top five states ‘welcoming’ regular refugees (4,686) are Washington, California, Texas, New York and Minnesota.  Minnesota doesn’t usually rank this high.

The top five states that are unknowingly getting the Special Immigrant Visa holders from Afghanistan (4,585 nationally in the last 4 months) are California, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Maryland.

Using my instructions I gave you in Knowledge is Power IV, you can find the towns and cities that host new refugees. For the SIVs you can find only the states by first going here and clicking on “Cumulative arrivals…” (or see below) to find how many went to your state.

Play with the data at the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center, it is fun (sort of) as a cold winter day project!

Cumulative Arrivals by State for Refugees and SIV Reception and Placement (R&P) Recipients – Afghan

Delaware Must Do its Fair Share! Send Refugees to Joe Biden’s Neighborhood!

As I have reported often over the years, then Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors*** of Senator Ted Kennedy’s Refugee Act of 1980 that among other things created a tax-payer funded gravy train for federal refugee contractors masquerading as charities.

Hypocrisy alert!

Delaware Governor John Carney (left) with good ol’ Joe Biden and Senator Chris Coons—hypocrites all!

However, old Uncle Joe has never put his money where his mouth is and Delaware has received only a tiny fraction of the impoverished refugees in need of support from local taxpayers over the last nearly 4 decades.

All that could change now as Delaware governor John Carney is begging the feds for (more!) refugees and the states largest and most populous county, New Castle County, said YES weeks before the governor did.

Here is what Carney told the US State Department in a letter dated December 10, 2019:

Our country has historically been a refuge of safe harbor for those fleeing war~torn countries, violence, and political persecution. We should continue to stand as a beacon of hope and freedom for people around the world. In that spirit, as Delawareans, we are proud to do our part, and continue to accept the resettlement of refugees.

They have no shame!  Do their part?

Heck, they can have Texas share this year!

According to the US State Department data base at the Refugee Processing Center, Delaware has only ‘welcomed’ 171 refugees since the beginning of fiscal year 2003. (Data before 2003 is not easy to access.)

Well it is a small state you say!

It is twice the size of Rhode Island which took in 3,122 poor third worlders in the same time period.

Now it’s time for Delaware to put up or shut up!

Presidential candidate Joe Biden says he will up the number of refugees to be admitted to the US to 125,000 in his first year in office—that is a number way above anything the Obama Administration admitted.  He announced his immigration goals here in December:

Biden wants to stop the Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from parents, end extended detention and reverse restrictions on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, according to his campaign. At the same time, Biden wants to create a pathway to citizenship for about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S., expand access to work visas in areas of economic need and boost the annual U.S. refugee admissions cap to 125,000 from the current 18,000, among other provisions in the plan.

It should be clear to all America Firsters that Trump must get four more years.


*** These were the Senate co-sponsors in 1979 that deserve the blame for creating this dysfunctional UN-driven refugee program.

Sen. Javits, Jacob K. [R-NY]
Sen. McGovern, George [D-SD]
Sen. Randolph, Jennings [D-WV]
Sen. Pell, Claiborne [D-RI]
Sen. Ribicoff, Abraham A. [D-CT]
Sen. Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [D-NY]
Sen. Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [D-NJ]
Sen. Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [D-MI]
Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]
Sen. Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR]
Sen. Tsongas, Paul E. [D-MA]
Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]

How Many and Where Did Federal Contractors Place their Refugee Clients in 2019?

I meant to post on the numbers and geographic distribution of refugees in 2019 yesterday, but got sidetracked by the feckless GOP governors again.

So here is what I learned about calendar year 2019. 

(We normally talk about refugee data on a fiscal year basis but because this is the time of year for look-backs on the previous year, I thought I would look back at 2019.)

We admitted a total of 27,513 refugees as your new neighbors during the course of 2019.  13% of those were Muslims from a variety of countries.  The others represented many many religions, or none at all.

And, in light of the newest Middle East flare-up you should know that we admitted almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunnis and so we have invited both of the warring factions to come live among us!

I’ll give you some more interesting data below, but first I want you to see where the federal refugee contractors*** placed the refugees.

Always humorous is the fact that Delaware hardly ever gets refugees, although it was then Senator Joe Biden who joined Ted Kennedy’s team to create the dysfunctional program back in 1979 (Jimmy Carter signed it into law in 1980).

(I love this pic of Joe and Ted! Do you think this pair had our best interests at heart when they figured out how to fund Leftwing ‘non-profit’ groups with taxpayer dollars to distribute refugees around America?  But, of course we can’t expect Republican governors to know anything about the history of the program or how it works! That would be expecting way too much!).

From the Refugee Processing Center:

I know it is hard to read the numbers, but the top five ‘welcoming’ states in calendar year 2019 were Texas, Washington, California, New York and Kentucky (slaughterhouse workers?).

The bottom five were Washington DC with 3, and big fat zeros for Delaware, Hawaii, West Virginia and Wyoming.

The top sending country was the DR Congo by far with 11,152 impoverished, poorly educated and low-skilled Africans delivered to many states (I need to do another post just on the DR Congo).  Obama told the UN we would take 50,000 over five years and we are way beyond that number now.

Burma (4,681) and Ukraine (4,013) were the next two big senders.  I need to look into this Ukraine conveyor belt because now that we have confirmed that refugees are used as pawns/bargaining chips for other purposes of the State Department, I’m wondering if that is driving that resettlement.

Of the 4,681 Burmese, 689 are the Muslim Rohingya which gets me to the point I made recently.

If you think that we are saving Middle Eastern Christians and other minorities from the three largest distribution centers in the Middle East—Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria—we are not.

During 2019 we admitted 1,364 Afghans and 1,290 of those were Muslims.

We admitted 631 Syrians and 565 were Muslims (so of course CAIR is cheering Maryland Governor Hogan).

We admitted 512 Iraqis and 385 were Muslims.

But that ain’t all!

Coming to you at the rate of about 10,000 a year, Afghan and Iraqi men (and families) who supposedly helped us. I think this is another of those bargaining chips we have been hearing about!  Their numbers help keep the refugee contractors financially afloat we are told.


In addition to the 27,513 regular refugees we admitted in 2019, another 9,561 Special Immigrant Visa holders from Afghanistan and Iraq arrived.  You can bet they are all Muslims and are treated just like regular refugees in that they can access social services and bring their families!

So we can safely say that in calendar year 2019 we admitted 37,000 refugees/SIVs and that approximately 38% of the total are Muslims.

And, get this!  According to the Funding Guidance I’ve been yakking about for days, we will be taking another 10,000 SIVs from Iraq and Afghanistan (maybe Syria!) in the 2020 fiscal year. That is over and above the 18,000 ceiling that the President determined for the year.

The FY 2020 ceiling for refugee admissions established by the President, after consultation with Congress, is 18,000.  In addition, applicants should include 10,000 Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) recipients in their planning. Applicants should assume similar admissions and recipient numbers for performance periods beyond FY 2020.


***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

Church World Service poster girl!

For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.

(If you are new and are confused because your local resettlement agency doesn’t have one of these names, just know that they are a subcontractor of one of the nine and you can usually find out which one by going to their website.)



Republican Governors All Talk No Action (Memory Lane!)

Do you remember this headline only four short years ago?  Probably not.  I hadn’t, although I surely wrote about it at the time.  It was right after one of those horrible Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe and it woke from slumber some Republican governors for a few minutes.

30 Governors Call For Halt To U.S. Resettlement Of Syrian Refugees

My how things have changed.

They talked tough then (mostly because Obama was in office and they knew they had no voice), but now when the President has actually presented them with an opportunity to put up or shut up and go on record saying NO to more refugees from the Middle East and elsewhere, well now they are worried about their “workforce” and they tuck their tails and run fearing they will be perceived as mean and unwelcoming by the Dems.

Here is a very cool graphic from NPR at the time.


Nothing has changed by the way!  We bring fewer Syrians these days, but the vast majority of Syrians who do come are Muslims.

And, not just Syrians, but Iraqis, Somalis, Burmese Rohingya and literally tens of thousands of Afghans.

The vetting can’t really be improved because as Senator Marco Rubio said at the time:

“There is no background-check system in the world that allows us to find that out, because who do you call in Syria to background-check them?”

That same common sense applies to most places in the Middle East, Asia and Africa—who you gonna call?

Although I should be writing on all sorts of things on this subject, not to mention that my other blogFrauds and Crooks’ is suffering from lack of attention, I found myself rummaging around Wrapsnet (the Refugee Processing Center) and holy cow!

Four years: 19,514 Syrians!

In the 4 years since NPR posted their story (from November 17, 2015 to today December 11, 2019) we admitted 19,514 Syrians—19,514!  19,195 of those are Muslims!

Although most of those came as Obama was leaving town, 6,413 of the Syrian Muslims came in Trump’s first (partial) year with 602 since.

Here is where the nearly 20,000 Syrians were placed:

Amazing how we forget!  

Don’t miss Daniel Horowitz today at Conservative Review:

GOP governors betraying constituents by pushing refugee resettlement

He linked a list of today’s Republican Governors and so far that we know of (some might be hiding!), Republican governors of Utah, New Hampshire, Arizona and North Dakota are opposing the President (and America Firsters) on the issue of Refugee Resettlement.