Mexican newspaper claims 260% jump in number of asylum requests in US

Here is Breitbart:

A report from the Mexican newspaper El Universal states that the number of asylum claims by Mexican nationals in fiscal year 2013 so far has jumped 260% over the entire year of 2012. This provides another confirmation of the story about the flood of Mexican asylum claims that Breitbart News broke nationally two weeks ago.

Why is this happening?


The increases seem to come from both heavier drug cartel violence and a change in policy by the Obama administration…The new Obama policy sets asylum claimants free on their own recognizance by default.

….and, coaching by open borders advocates and lawyers!

Our previous coverage of this scam is here and here.

For new readers:  “Refugees” are supposedly persecuted people that the UN and the State Department select abroad and fly to the US and resettle in your cities with the help of the refugee contractors.   They are legally allowed to access welfare and are financially supported largely by you, the taxpayer.

“Asylum-seekers” get here on their own steam and then claim to be persecuted for their political beliefs, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation (nothing about fear of crime in a country that should be able to protect its own people) and must prove they are persecuted to become “asylees” who are then also eligible for certain social services.  The Boston Bomber family had been granted asylum.

Mexicans who get in now using this asylum claim won’t be granted asylum, but that doesn’t matter, they are in now (feet firmly planted in the US) and ready to reap the benefits of the hoped-for amnesty coming from Republicans and Obama.

Church World Service organizing lobbying event for October

They will be pushing for passage of the Comprehensive Amnesty bill (the Gang of Eight’s bill) that is presently stalled in Congress.  If S. 744 is signed into law, or some form of it, there is expected to be a big cash payout (aka slush fund) to the refugee contractors whose job it will be to get the newly legalized aliens signed up for social services (an extension of what they do now for refugees).

Here is what CWS says on its website about the October lobbying push (day 1: they get everyone on the same talking points, and day 2:  they hit the Hill):

Our goal is to gather more than 200 prominent national and local faith leaders from key states together in Washington, D.C. on October 7 and 8.

These pastors, lay leaders and grassroots organizers will join together for a day of learning and community. Strategic workshops will address immigration legislation and provide an opportunity to commit to advocating with policy makers.

Their agenda for the two days is here.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find that others among the major federal refugee contractors were also holding events in Washington around that time.   For new readers who might be wondering, the contractors and the feds (holding on to a myth I suppose) refer to these groups as Volags (short for Voluntary Agencies). However, they are now largely paid to do their ‘good works’ by you—the US taxpayer.

Just a reminder, it is Church World Service, as a member in good standing of the religious Left, which brought the Muslims to Lancaster, PA (see report yesterday).   That is why this post is also filed in our “community destabilization’ category.

“Temporary” refugee should get legal residency says 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

And, we should strike the word “alien” from the US Code says Senior Judge Damon J. Keith.

Judge Damon J. Keith: the word “alien” is offensive and demeaning

I thought this story might just contain a little nugget of information on ‘Temporary Protected Status‘—another backdoor amnesty program for aliens who got into the US illegally and then because of a storm (decades ago!) or an earthquake or a civil war, the US declared anyone already here from that country could stay “temporarily,” but there is nothing temporary about this program.  The Salvadorans will tell you about that!

Most recently, the Obama Administration granted “temporary” refugee status to any Syrians already in the US.

To my knowledge, no one group has ever gone home!  And, I’m not sure, but I think those with TPS will all get to stay and become Legal Permanent Residents under S.744 (the Gang’s bill) if it should become law.

Now comes what I thought was a run-of-the-mill press release from an immigration law firm, but with an intriguing twist near the end. (Emphasis is mine).

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders who entered the United States illegally may now be eligible to ad adjust their status to “Lawful Permanent Resident” (LPR), according to a recent groundbreaking decision by a United States Court of Appeals.  The decision serves as a stunning departure from previous Unites States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) policy requiring TPS holders to first leave the United States before applying for LPR status, a process complicated by potential ten year bars from re-entry and additional obstacles facing those immigrants with previously unlawful presence in the country.  Attorney Ryan Korsunsky of Wites & Kapetan believes that the Court’s decision is a step in the right direction.  “USCIS policy on  adjusting TPS status should account for the uniqueness of an individual’s situation, and not treat all immigrants alike based solely on how they entered the country, which in many cases was over a decade ago.”

TPS holders come to the United States from foreign countries experiencing unsafe or extraordinary conditions, including armed conflict and environmental disasters.  Currently USCIS designates immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria as eligible to apply for TPS if they meet additional statutory requirements.  During a designated temporary period TPS holders are not removable from the Unites States, can be employed by obtaining an Employment Authorization Document (EAD), and may be granted authority to travel.  Most importantly, as it relates to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), USCIS regulation states a TPS holder “cannot be detained by DHS on the basis of his or her immigration status.”

The case, which came from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, is called Flores, et al. v. USCIS, and involves Saady Suazo, a Honduran national granted TPS in 1999 [temporary?—ed] after entering the United States without inspection (EWI) in 1998 [illegally—ed].  Suazo married a U.S. citizen in 2010, with whom he is raising a minor child, and applied to adjust his immigration status on the basis of his marriage.  Suazo’s application was denied by USCIS in accordance with the policy preventing those who entered the country illegally from adjusting their status to LPR.  The Court of Appeals reversed the decision, giving Suazo the requisite eligibility to apply for an adjustment to LPR status.  The Court found that the TPS statute allowed for Suazo to be considered in lawful nonimmigrant status for the purpose of adjusting his status.  The Court also referred to the U.S.’s current immigration system a “archaic and convoluted” and described the process Suazo would have faced under previous USCIS policy as “a waste of energy, time, government resources, and will have a negative effect on his family-United States citizens.”

The Obama Administration will likely not defend the present law by taking the Court of Appeals decision to the US Supreme Court.

Here is what I found most interesting.  Senior Judge Damon J. Keith declared the word “alien” offensive and said that it should be stricken from the US Code:

Judge Damon J. Keith, the author of the Court’s opinion, also denounced the term “alien” as offensive and demeaning, urging Congress to eliminate it entirely from the United States Code.

By the way, the definition of “alien” is simply someone born in another country who has not acquired citizenship.  So what word would the Judge find to describe such a person?  They are always, always! seeking to change the language.

Who is Judge Damon J. Keith?  Here he is being feted on his 90th birthday last year.  I don’t have the time to search much but he played a role in several decisions including ones involving the Communist Party in the US and I especially found this reference in the wikipedia page for Bernardine Dorhn interesting.

On October 14, 1970, Bernardine Rae Dohrn was added to the Federal Bureau of Investigations list of the “10 Most Wanted” fugitives. She used several aliases, including Bernardine Rae Ohrnstein, H.T. Smith, and Marion Del Gado. The FBI removed Dohrn from its “10 Most Wanted” list in December 1973, after District Judge Damon J. Keith dismissed the case against the Weathermen.

Photo is from The Damon Keith Collection, here.

Our complete archive on Temporary Protected Status may be found by clicking here.

Related?  See James Simpson—GOP immigration plan devised by Communist Party—at World Net Daily.

Obama/Dems pin hope on Rep. Paul Ryan for their amnesty goals

That’s what an AP story published in the Boston Globe tells us.  And, a good part of the reason Ryan is pushing the “comprehensive reform” bill that includes a “slush fund” for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is because the Bishops depend on taxpayer slush to survive.  And they are counting on Ryan to provide their slush.   Of, course the AP doesn’t tell us that, but I am.

Ryan and dumbbell. Photo: Gregg Segal for Time

Here is what AP says (emphasis mine):

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats doggedly pursuing a far-reaching immigration bill are counting on help from Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s running mate last year and an unlikely candidate for delivering the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s second-term agenda.

Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman who is frequently mentioned in the GOP lineup of possible 2016 presidential candidates, stands apart from many fellow House Republicans in favoring a way out of the shadows for the 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. in violation of the law.  [Note to Ryan, no hope for 2016 if you continue down this path—ed]

He casts sweeping overhaul as a necessity to ensure both economic and national security — a fitting argument for an acolyte of Jack Kemp, the late Republican congressman and 1996 vice presidential candidate who backed an ill-fated effort in 2006 to overhaul the immigration system.

‘‘Paul Ryan says we cannot have a permanent underclass of Americans, that there needs to be a pathway to citizenship,’’ says Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who has been working relentlessly on immigration legislation. ‘‘He is my guiding light. I know I get him in trouble every time I say it.’  [LOL! Gutierrez is killing Ryan.  First get him to support amnesty, then pin it on him so that he can’t win the Republican primary, slick, huh?  They killed Rubio too!—ed]

Senior White House aides often mention the Wisconsin Republican as crucial to the prospects for legislation this year, hoping the Republican with impeccable conservative credentials will sway recalcitrant House members. Ryan also is a reminder of two other powerful forces backing an overhaul of immigration laws — the Catholic Church and business.

Ryan is a practicing Catholic who made a point of attending Mass every Sunday during the jam-packed 2012 campaign; the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops strongly favors the first major changes to immigration in 27 years.

There it is in print—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, lobbying for amnesty too.

We told you about the Lutheran Immigration service and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society this week.

What makes me steam over this is that there is never a next paragraph that explains that the USCCB is the largest of the federal refugee contractors.  They receive the majority of their funding (their DC lobbying office is even paid for by the US State Department) from you—the taxpayer—to bring refugees and asylees to your cities and towns, get them hooked up with services (food stamps, health care, education), find them subsidized housing and maybe a job (although the unemployment rate for refugees is through the roof and lack of work is blamed for high suicide rates in Bhutanese refugees).

The racket!

If S.744 becomes law the USCCB will receive even more of your money to help the newly legalized aliens get their services too!  The Gang’s bill also expands the refugee program making it easier for more refugees and asylum seekers to enter the US.   So, why can’t AP and others in the mainstream media ever point this out—-it’s about MONEY (and future “progressive” voters), but mostly it’s about money?

So, how much is the USCCB getting in federal refugee and migration funding—-just about their entire budget!

Go to page 20 of their 2011 annual report (didn’t see a more recent one).   Archbishop Jose’ Gomez (bring in the Syrians!) heads up the USCCB MIGRATION services.

Their revenue for the year was $72,102,484

Of that, $66,723,452 came directly from federal grants and contracts

Additionally, $3,751,295 came from travel loans.

Do you know what the travel loans are?   Another government agency (your money) pays for refugees to fly to the US. Then the USCCB (and the other contractors) dun those refugees for the air fare money, and for their services (as a collection agency) they get to keep a portion of the money they wring out of refugees.  That is your money too!

Add the travel loan money to the federal grants and you have 98% of the US Bishops MIGRATION services are paid for by the US taxpayer!

So how about a little honesty from Rep. Paul Ryan, Senator Marco Rubio and the mainstream media!  This is not about humanitarianism, it’s about Caesar’s money!

Lutherans/Interfaith group: Don’t break our rice bowls!

The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

The first time I heard that phrase I laughed and laughed.  If you don’t know it, it implies that someone wants to maintain their livelihood in a manner to which they are accustomed (and more and more these days that livelihood depends on the government).

Here we have the refugee resettlement contractors  ginning up the media in advance of the Senate mark-up of S. 744.

According to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (one of the top nine contractors that dominate resettlement) when the Senate begins mark-up (today?) on the massive Gang of Nine bill (Eight Senators and Grover Norquist) they imply here that somehow the refugee flow could be slowed and they might lose their federal dole.

In fact, the bill, as written with the help of groups like LIRS, will actually increase the number and variety of refugees and asylees the US taxpayer must support.  And, provides a slush fund for the NGOs.

Since the “religious” groups listed below have federal grants and contracts, they depend on the steady flow of your money to their coffers!  (Sheesh, They’ve turned me into such a cynic!)

Don’t believe me?  Have a look at a recent Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, page 9. They had income in that year of $31,653,748 and, of that, you, the taxpayers of America, gave them $30,376,568.  Their CEO* makes $204,186 in salary and benefits.  Where is the ACLU?  No separation of church and state here!   The church is the state!  Just wait until CAIR figures all this out and starts demanding the Muslim share of your tax dollars!

96% of this “religious” group’s income came from government grants!  And, they are lobbying for more refugees and newly legalized immigrants to take care of at your expense in the Gang’s amnesty bill.

If you are a Lutheran, you should have a word with your pastor.

Here is a press release sent to me by a friend from Tennessee with a list of all the learned theologians with their hands out!

Diverse Group of Faith Leaders Urges Senators to Protect Refugee and Asylum Provisions in Immigration Bill

WASHINGTON, May 8, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On the eve of the Senate’s first markup of the bipartisan immigration reform bill, S.744, a wide array of faith leaders is urging legislators to ensure that comprehensive immigration reform upholds the United States’ proud history and tradition of protecting and welcoming refugees, asylum-seekers, and those fleeing persecution.

The following is being released by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service on behalf of an interfaith working group.

Rabbi Steve Gutow, President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs in New York said: “The United States has a great tradition of welcoming and embracing those fleeing from oppression. Judaism demands that we treat all people as if they are made in God’s image, which means we must treat them well. How can we possibly ill treat those who are oppressed or living under the yoke of tyranny? Right now, as our national leaders reform our immigration policies, we should also improve our refugee and asylum laws to ensure that those escaping persecution are respected and given the opportunity to breathe free.”

Bishop James Mathes of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, California said: “In opening our communities to refugees from persecution in other lands, our nation shows forth our core values of respecting human rights and dignity. As bishop of a community who has welcomed as friend and neighbor refugees from places as diverse as Sudan, Iraq, and Myanmar, I know first hand the gift of life that we provide as well as the great gift we receive from those who come to live among us.”

Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Service in New York said: “As members of the Senate Judiciary Committee begin considering amendments to the bipartisan immigration reform bill, Church World Service urges them to protect provisions that would improve the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless people. Throughout the CWS network of congregations and refugee resettlement offices, we know first-hand the importance of these provisions. It is our deep hope that immigration reform upholds the United States’ proud history of protecting and welcoming survivors of persecution.”

Rev. Peter Rogness, Bishop of Saint Paul Area Synod (Minnesota) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America said: “Lutherans and others in Minnesota have long been active in support of refugees and asylum seekers. Increasingly we find them now as leaders in our communities, members of our churches, and neighbors to us all. They contribute in numerous ways to the thriving and diverse culture of the Twin Cities. As we seek to reform our immigration laws, people of faith must ensure we enact laws that honor these contributions and uphold our biblical call to welcome the newcomer.”

Rev. Dr. Larry Stoterau, President of the Pacific Southwest District (Arizona, Southern California,Southern Nevada) of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod said: “As Congress considers comprehensive immigration reform, we must remember our commitment to serve the most vulnerable. Faith communities have a long history of welcoming those fleeing persecution and helping them adapt to life in a new land. In my service to Lutherans across southern California and Arizona, I am privileged to work with pastors and people who have come as refugees seeking safety and freedom and the joy of a new life. I have benefited personally from working with these wonderful people.”

Rev. Stephen S. Talmage, Bishop of Grand Canyon Synod (Arizona and Nevada) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America said: “The major religions of the world call for compassion, hospitality, and justice for the most vulnerable among us. Refugees and asylum seekers would fall in that category. Many find themselves displaced, living in fear, and desperate for assistance because of factors beyond their control, requiring people of faith along with legislative leaders, to work for ways to receive, integrate, and empower them for the common good.”

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami, Florida said: “The United States has always been a safe haven for the world’s persecuted and the legislation reflects American values by offering protections to the world’s most vulnerable. I commend the bipartisan group of senators, including Senator Rubio, for recognizing the needs of refugees in their bill.”

Bishop John Wester of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah said: “Refugees themselves are victims of terror. They understand on a daily basis the fear of being persecuted and threatened with the loss of their lives. The refugee provisions in the Senate bill recognize this reality and help protect these vulnerable persons.”

The Senate’s immigration bill, S.744, (The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013) includes several provisions that would protect refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless people, while also increasing efficiency and supporting integration. The provisions would not reduce or circumvent the current numerous background checks for refugees and asylum seekers, or reduce the rigorous fraud detection mechanisms currently in place.  [Problem is that the present security screening system is not working and is filled with fraud!—ed]

The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin considering amendments to S.744 on Thursday, May 9 th, with additional considerations on May 14 th, 16th, and 20th-24th. The committee will then send its version of the bill to the full Senate for debate and consideration.

Jon Pattee, 202.591.5778

SOURCE Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

* Be sure to have a look at Linda Hartke’s post Boston statement about not jumping to conclusions or messing with our immigration system because of the Tsarnaev’s fraudulent grant of asylum.  I guess she is not thrilled then with Lindsey Graham’s amendment to the Gang’s bill, here.  I’ll tell you about another of Graham’s proposed amendments to tighten security in S.744 shortly.

About the photo:  LIRS used to have their grand building’s photo prominently displayed on their webpage, but I’ll be darned if I could find it there.  So it took me a few extra minutes with google images to locate the photo.

Update:  Ann Coulter has a zinger yesterday related to this story—Beware of liberals who come in Evangelicals’ clothing.