In a sketchy scheme, six non-governmental organizations have been assigned the task of sorting through the tens of thousands of asylum seekers that President Trump successfully kept in Mexico (so they wouldn’t bring the Chinese Virus into the US as they waited for their asylum claims to be processed) to determine which ones get to enter the US now.
But, critics, like a top ACLU attorney says:
“The government cannot farm out the asylum system.”
Biden administration taps humanitarian groups to pick asylum-seekers to allow into country
SAN DIEGO — The Biden administration has quietly tasked six humanitarian groups with recommending which migrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. instead of being rapidly expelled from the country under federal pandemic-related powers that block people from seeking asylum.
The groups will determine who is most vulnerable in Mexico, and their criteria has not been made public. It comes as large numbers of people are crossing the southern border and as the government faces intensifying pressure to lift the public health powers instituted by former President Donald Trump and kept in place by President Joe Biden during the coronavirus pandemic.
Several members of the consortium spoke to The Associated Press about the criteria and provided details of the system that have not been previously reported. The government is aiming to admit to the country up to 250 asylum-seekers a day who are referred by the groups and is agreeing to that system only until July 31. By then, the consortium hopes the Biden administration will have lifted the public health rules, though the government has not committed to that.
So far, a total of nearly 800 asylum-seekers have been let in since May 3, and members of the consortium say there is already more demand than they can meet.
Think about this, three of the organizations are not even US-based organizations!
So we have foreign non-profit groups deciding who can enter the US?
The groups have not been publicly identified except for the International Rescue Committee, a global relief organization. The others are London-based Save the Children; two U.S.-based organizations, HIAS and Kids in Need of Defense; and two Mexico-based organizations, Asylum Access and the Institute for Women in Migration, according to two people with direct knowledge who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information was not intended for public release.
How did the Harris/Biden gang decide who would play God? It is a secret!
Critics of the new selection processes say too much power is vested in a small number of organizations and that the effort is shrouded in secrecy without a clear explanation of how the groups were chosen. Critics also say there are no assurances that the most vulnerable or deserving migrants will be chosen to seek asylum.
Some consortium members are concerned that going public may cause their offices in Mexico to be mobbed by asylum-seekers, overwhelming their tiny staffs and exposing them to potential threats and physical attacks from extortionists and other criminals.
Lee Gelernt
ACLU attorney Lee Gelernt said advocacy groups are in “a very difficult position because they need to essentially rank the desperation” of people, but he insisted it was temporary. The government, he said, “cannot farm out the asylum system.”
Migration experts not involved in the process have questioned how the groups determine who is eligible.
“It has been murky,” said Jessica Bolter, an analyst at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute who believes the administration is trying to quietly be humane without encouraging more people to come, a balancing act she doubts will succeed.
Resettled refugees haven’t been doing so well as the Chinese Virus continues to wreck the US economy, but nevermind, Biden has promised 125,000 more impoverished third worlders for Americans to take care of in the coming year.
Every time you see a sob story like this one in the mainstream media you should be firing off a letter to the editor and asking:
Has [city or state, fill in the blank!] run out of poor, jobless, homeless, hungry Americans?
Even it you know the letter won’t be published you are educating the editor!
Recognizing that Americans are hurting and should be taken care of first, President Trumpfurther reduced the number of needy people the country could manage in 2021, but Biden/Harris are putting Americans LAST as they promise the largest influx of refugees America has seen in many decades and far in excess of those Obama admitted.
(And, with his past actions, Arizona’s Republican Governor Ducey has signaled his agreement with Biden!)
Tucson agencies support of refugees challenging during pandemic
Since many recently-arrived refugees work in hard-hit industries such as hospitality, food service and transportation, they are among those greatly impacted by the pandemic, officials say
President-elect Joe Biden has said he will increase that cap to 125,000. Arizona resettlement agencies expect that cap to climb over time, allowing them to readjust and prepare for more arrivals in the future.
Nationally, Arizona is one of the highest states for resettlement, Prescott said. The IRC and Lutheran Social Services are among the organizations that provide a number of resources for newly arrived refugees, including job placement, enrolling children in school, finding and furnishing housing, and social services and community support.
Connie Phillips, CEO of Lutheran Social Services Southwest.
“When the pandemic first came last spring, it really threw our refugee clients into quite a crisis,” said Phillips of Lutheran Social Services. “Between the community and the staff’s ability to be innovative and to pivot, I think we were successful in providing for basic needs and responding to the immediate crisis.”
Since many recently arrived refugees work in hard-hit industries such as hospitality, food service and transportation, they are among those greatly impacted by the pandemic, Prescott said.
Refugees have lost their jobs, so have Americans!
More than 40% of the resettled refugees that Lutheran Social Services has assisted lost their jobs since the pandemic hit, Phillips said.
Arizona resettlement agencies addressed these issues by helping those who lost their jobs find new employment, as well as distributing food and supplies.
They also supplied refugees with information about economic relief programs for which they might qualify, such as rent and utility assistance through the city of Tucson.
Refugees’ living conditions mean they get more COVID says the IRC community engagement coordinator, and as the “most vulnerable people” need extra attention:
International Rescue Committee community engagement coordinator Stanford Prescott
The pandemic has revealed factors that contribute to greater positive rates among low-income communities, communities of color and immigrants — many of which apply to refugees. The nature of their work in essential industries coupled with living situations in which multiple generations reside in one home makes them more at risk, Prescott said.
To counter this, agencies have implemented measures to improve safety and testing in refugee communities.
Thanks to a grant from the Arizona Department of Health Services, the Pima County Health Department and the IRC have partnered to establish free local testing sites and ensure information about these sites is shared with the city’s refugees, Prescott said.
“This testing program is so important because if we can make sure that the most vulnerable people have access to testing, then we can keep those rates lower, which helps the community.”
What about poor vulnerable American kids?
Tucson schools have jumped in, providing essential equipment to refugee youth. Local resettlement agencies also work with families to help them navigate digital education.
And, just in case you think that Lutheran Social Services is being funded by the generosity of Christians passing the plate in church, see this page from a recentForm 990.
Taxpayers pay for approximately 85% of their annual income.
Less than $2 million of their $16.5 million revenue in 2018/19 came from private charity of some sort. Be sure to see page 10 (Form 990 filed in early 2020) and note that most of their income went to salaries, employee benefits and office overhead.
There is even a quarter of a million in travel expenses!
They are still working as Government grants and contracts provide salaries for open borders political activists.
Hmmmm! She does mention removing the Muslim ban in a first one hundred days (assuming they get even one day!), but not a word about immediately raising the ceiling the President has placed on refugee admissions.
Glaring omission, I thought, as the Biden/Harris platform has stated from its earliest days that they would raise the ceiling to 125,000 refugees for 2021 beginning immediately after inauguration day on January 20th.
Trump’s ceiling for the year is 15,000.
Editor: I’ve been busy writing at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ recently. A lot of fraud news with the election! But other news too. Check out the latest on the Kenyan Killer case if you missed it where a NEW AMERICAN is behind bars charged with murdering possibly as many as 24 vulnerable senior citizens in a killing spree that went undetected for almost 2 years.
Kamala Harris Vows Amnesty in First 100 Days, Restarting Immigration from Exporters of Terrorism
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) detailed Democrat Joe Biden’s plans to drastically reopen various routes of migration to the United States, including an amnesty for all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in the U.S. and a restart of immigration from countries that export terrorism.
During a brief, pre-recorded speech at the National Immigrant Integration Conference, Harris said she and Biden are focused on undoing President Trump’s reforms that sought to protect American citizens from security threats and the national workforce from unfair foreign competition.
My first thought when I saw this was omg, if we have to listen to this voice for four years, it will be torture! And, secondly I figured that the gaff-prone, and clearly mentally impaired, Joe Biden was beginning to be sidelined.
“In our first 100 days, we will send an immigration bill to Congress, reinstate DACA, repeal harmful and discriminatory policies like the Muslim ban,” Harris said. “And during our administration, we will repeal indiscriminate enforcement policies that tear families apart and make us less safe.”
The ending of Trump’s travel ban by Biden would come as the overwhelming majority of Americans support such immigration restrictions. Last month, 5-in-6 voters said they supported travel bans to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, and in November 2018, more than 4-in-9 Americans said they supported travel bans on Muslim-majority countries.
But, again no mention of lifting the refugee ceiling. Do they already know that during the Chinese Virus ‘crisis’ the average American will go ballistic to see thousands upon thousands of third worlders flown into the US (without COVID testing) to be cared for at taxpayer expense.
Transitioning smoothly (they hope) from COVID Crisis to Climate Crisis to bring about the new world order.
That is, of course, if Biden ever gets anywhere near the White House come January.
So why is that bit of news posted here at Refugee Resettlement Watch?
It is because former Secretary of State, and failed presidential candidate Kerry is beating the drum about how we must focus on Climate REFUGEES soon or we will be in deep s***!
In 2016, did Kerry put his $25 million Nantucket mansion on the market because he knew this!
Surely he, an ethical man, informed the buyers that the sea was going to eat up their investment before too long!
But, this is not a new ‘scare-the-West’ campaign.
I first took note of the global warming refugee media campaign in 2009 (here is one post from eleven years ago), and I may be the only blogger following this effort by the Commie/Left to open borders (and redistribute wealth) for yet another reason, the climate (eeeek!) is changing.
Biden Picks John Kerry, Paris Accord Author, as Climate Czar
Former Secretary of State John Kerry will be named as special presidential envoy for climate by President-elect Joe Biden, according to his transition team, in a sign Biden plans to fulfill promises to elevate the issue of global warming to the highest levels in his White House.
Having a so-called climate czar could help coordinate a whole-of-government approach to confronting global warming, which Biden has referred to as an “existential threat.”
Kerry, 76, who helped broker the landmark Paris climate accord while serving in the Obama administration, has been viewed as a natural fit for the position and as a seasoned politician who enjoys goodwill on Capitol Hill. He said earlier this year that in addition to rejoining the climate agreement, which Biden has called a priority for his first day in office, the next step is “to lift ambition significantly, on a global basis.” President Donald Trump quit the accord.
“America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is,” Kerry said Monday. “I’m proud to partner with the President-elect, our allies, and the young leaders of the climate movement to take on this crisis as the President’s Climate Envoy.”
Now see that in just this past August, Kerry was on the Climate refugee bandwagon big time!
Watch carefully what they are doing! This isn’t about taking care of some impoverished migrants. Kerry is linking the COVID ‘crisis’ to Global Warming which is all part of the ‘Great Reset.’
I wonder if living through 2020 will change that. As we’ve all seen firsthand, that one threat — an insidious virus — can mean everything from fatalities spiking in just weeks, to food and grocery shortages, to schools closing, to everyone (well, almost everyone) wearing a mask just to go outside and check their mail.
If we don’t act on climate change in this decade, future decades will look and feel a lot like 2020. And one of the most dystopian realities we’d see would be the exponential increase in something we’re already seeing in isolated cases: climate migration.
Much more here, including John Podesta and Kerry on video discussing their plans.
That is enough, save this post and the link to World War Zero, if Biden/Kerry et al succeed in their coup to remove our protector, Donald Trump, from the White House, you will need to be informed of what comes next.
Remember that famous phrase, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’, well hell, they are first creating the crisis then scaring us (attempting to scare us!) into submission.
“People here have been very engaged in the election results. There has been a lot of conversations about Biden and people are very optimistic now. I don’t think he will be racist like Trump.”
(Abdi, a Somali living safely in Kenya)
From Kakuma to a town near you!
Yup, they are chomping at the bit to get to Anytown, USA as soon as they can!
Muslim Somalis and Rohingya voice their enthusiasm and expectations here at Reuters:
From Asia to Africa, refugees hope Biden win could help rebuild lives
Joe Biden’s U.S. presidential election win [not so fast!—ed] has raised hopes of resettlement for refugees from Asia to Africa, many in countries where they are denied work and education and have no formal status.
President-elect Biden is expected to try to reverse much of Trump’s immigration legacy including travel bans on 13 countries that are either majority-Muslim or African nations.
He has also said he would raise the annual ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000, but has not indicated how quickly that would happen.
Danielle Grigsby, Refugee Council USA’s Director of Policy and Practice, said there were many reasons to be optimistic about more progressive refugee and immigration policies under the Biden-Harris government.
“There has been a lot of early signals on from the Biden-Harris team to get rid of some of the totally unnecessary hurdles that have been put in place to intentionally slow refugees from coming to the U.S.,” said Grigsby.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, home to more than one in four of the world’s 80 million refugees and displaced people, tens of thousands of people have had their applications for resettlement suspended since Trump took office in 2017.
U.N. data shows 2,636 Somali refugees have so far been resettled in the United States under the present administration against the 32,068 Somali refugees accepted under the second term of former President Barack Obama.
“People here have been very engaged in the election results. There has been a lot of conversations about Biden and people are very optimistic now. I don’t think he will be racist like Trump,” he said by phone.
Not just Somalis itching to get here, but expectations have been raised among Rohingya in Bangladesh ….
Rohingya Muslims waiting in Bangladesh for a Biden ticket to America.
Sharifah Shakirah, a Rohingya former refugee who moved to Texas after 21 years in Malaysia, said resettlement was the best solution for the nearly a million members of her ethnic group living in Bangladesh after fleeing persecution in Myanmar. [Bangladesh is a safe Muslim country.—ed]
“One million Rohingya in Bangladesh have no livelihood, no security, no education,” she said. “They cannot live there for another 10 years. They need a solution and resettlement is one of the solutions.”
Once again, Bangladesh is a safe Muslim country. Just being poor isn’t sufficient to be declared a legitimate refugee under international law.
I have been following the Rohingya migration for more than a decade so if you are interested in learning more about the issue see my Rohingya Reportsarchive with 243 previous posts.
When the Chinese virus began spreading around the world the international press, the UN, and international NGOs used the Rohingya as an example of poor refugees that, due to their living conditions, would be ravaged by the virus. It never happened. No virus “wildfire” in the Rohingya camps or the African camps either. Hmmmm?