To make sure a future President will never be able to do what Trump did to them!
[R]eopening the doors to refugees is “how we will restore the soul of our nation.”
(Chairman Joe)
We frequently talk about the refugee ceiling that a President places on the US Refugee Admissions Program, but the Open Borders agitators in the resettlement industry aren’t satisfied with that.
They want to make sure that no future President can do what President Trump did to them and that is set an extremely low ceiling for admission of third worlders into American towns and cities.
They want a floor of 95,000 so they can be assured of a steady stream of US taxpayer dollars to their coffers!
In other words, they want no interruption to their money supply-chain from your wallets to their wallets.
Broken by Trump, US refugee program aims to return stronger
Despite potential problems reopening the pipeline, advocates say it’s important that Biden set this year’s ceiling at 125,000 people to start building the program back up.
He’s also vowed to seek legislation setting an annual baseline of 95,000 refugee admissions, which would help stabilize funding for resettlement agencies. *** Biden’s campaign said the number could go beyond that “commensurate with our responsibility, our values and the unprecedented global need.”
Yup! Joe, Ted and Jimmy Carter are responsible for the Refugee Act of 1980. Tells you all you need to know!
Biden, who co-sponsored legislation creating the refugee program in 1980, says reopening the doors to refugees is “how we will restore the soul of our nation.”
“Resettling refugees helps reunite families, enriches the fabric of America, and enhances our standing, influence and security in the world,” Biden said in June for World Refugee Day.
Yes, ol’ Joe did help create the Refugee Admissions Program and yet he managed to keep the number of third worlders that were placed in Delaware at near the bottom of the list for the entire nation.
Below is some of what I said in 2017 about Biden’s record on refugees for Delaware:
So from FY03 through today (in FY17) we admitted 886,324 refugees to America (not including asylum seekers) and Delaware got a whopping 139 of them!
In the years Joe Biden was Vice President, Delaware got only 50 refugees.
Unfortunately that post was thevictim of when it bowed to pressure from the speech police to remove my site and some of the illustrations were lost.. And, of course we can no longer access all of the data at the Refugee Processing Center (due to fraud by foreigners) to give you up-to-date numbers on Delaware’s abysmal resettlement history.
America Lasters!
***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!
As I have reported often over the years, then Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors*** of Senator Ted Kennedy’s Refugee Act of 1980 that among other things created a tax-payer funded gravy train for federal refugee contractors masquerading as charities.
Hypocrisy alert!
Delaware Governor John Carney (left) with good ol’ Joe Biden and Senator Chris Coons—hypocrites all!
However, old Uncle Joe has never put his money where his mouth is and Delaware has received only a tiny fraction of the impoverished refugees in need of support from local taxpayers over the last nearly 4 decades.
All that could change now as Delaware governor John Carney is begging the feds for (more!) refugees and the states largest and most populous county, New Castle County, said YES weeks before the governor did.
Hereis what Carney told the US State Department in a letter dated December 10, 2019:
Our country has historically been a refuge of safe harbor for those fleeing war~torn countries, violence, and political persecution. We should continue to stand as a beacon of hope and freedom for people around the world. In that spirit, as Delawareans, we are proud to do our part, and continue to accept the resettlement of refugees.
According to the US State Department data base at the Refugee Processing Center, Delaware has only ‘welcomed’ 171 refugees since the beginning of fiscal year 2003. (Data before 2003 is not easy to access.)
Well it is a small state you say!
It is twice the size of Rhode Island which took in 3,122 poor third worlders in the same time period.
Now it’s time for Delaware to put up or shut up!
Presidential candidate Joe Biden says he will up the number of refugees to be admitted to the US to 125,000in his first year in office—that is a number way above anything the Obama Administration admitted. He announced his immigration goals herein December:
Biden wants to stop the Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from parents, end extended detention and reverse restrictions on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, according to his campaign. At the same time, Biden wants to create a pathway to citizenship for about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S., expand access to work visas in areas of economic need and boost the annual U.S. refugee admissions cap to 125,000 from the current 18,000, among other provisions in the plan.
*** These were the Senate co-sponsors in 1979 that deserve the blame for creating this dysfunctional UN-driven refugee program.
Sen. Javits, Jacob K. [R-NY]
Sen. McGovern, George [D-SD]
Sen. Randolph, Jennings [D-WV]
Sen. Pell, Claiborne [D-RI]
Sen. Ribicoff, Abraham A. [D-CT]
Sen. Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [D-NY]
Sen. Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [D-NJ]
Sen. Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [D-MI]
Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]
Sen. Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR]
Sen. Tsongas, Paul E. [D-MA]
Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]
There is a short news item at Delaware Public Mediaabout how a Jewish refugee agency in Delaware is waiting for seven families (likely Muslim families based on their country of origin) they hope they will soon be settling in Delaware—the First State. So I thought I might revisit a topic I haven’t discussed for a long time and that is the origin of the Refugee Act of 1980. Senators Biden and Kennedy are responsible for the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. See list below of other Senators deeply involved in 1979.
But, first here is a portion of the short piece at Delaware Public Media:
The state of Hawaii’s stay on Trump’s second travel ban suspends the FY17 cap for refugees – currently set at 50,000.
That opens the door for refugee families from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and the Eastern African country of Eritreain line to come to the First State, but none of them have travel plans in place yet.
Jewish Family Services of Delaware Refugee Resettlement Coordinator Sarah Green says that currently, the families are stuck in Jordan and Ethiopia.
“It’s hard to know what’s happening,” Green said. “We just have to wait and see. We get a very limited view of what’s happening over there.”
She says her agency is taking the approach that these families could arrive any day – and working to ensure they’ll be comfortable when they reach Delaware.
There’s reason to expect they could arrive soon. According to the U.S. State Department, 900 flights for refugees to the U.S. are being scheduled every week.
As of this morning, 831 new refugees arrived in the US in the past week (5/5-5/12) according toWrapsnet. And, that puts us at 44,072 this fiscal year.
At this rate the Trump Administration will hit 50,000 in about 7-8 weeks. Will they stop at 50,000 which should happen around the first week of July? That is the question!
Delaware, in some ways, is more interesting to me than some of the other very low refugee admission states (LOL! including Hawaii). See chart below.
And that is because then Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors of the Senate-generated Refugee Act of 1979(S.643) which became the Refugee Act of 1980 when Jimmy Carter signed it in to law the following year. You can learn more about it here. Pay special attention to the part about how states were NOT to be burdened with welfare costs of refugees.
Here are the co-sponsors of S.643 another of Senator Ted Kennedy’s swamp-America-with-immigrants bills:
Mostly Dems of course!
So how is it that Delaware is in the bottom ten locations for refugee seeding when then Senator and now former Vice President Joe Biden is that state’s most prominent political figure? Did he welcome refugees to America in 1979, but keep them from swamping Delaware with diversity for decades?
Wrapsnet data only goes back to FY2003, but that gives us enough years to see a pattern. (For researchers more diligent than I am, you can go back through all the previous annual reportsand put the data together from the very beginning, but I expect the pattern is similar in the early years.)
So from FY03 through today (in FY17) we admitted 886,324 refugees to America (not including asylum seekers) and Delaware got a whopping 139 of them!
In the years Joe Biden was Vice President, Delaware got only 50 refugees.
Here are the last ten locations for refugee placement from FY03 to the present. What the heck is “Unknown State?” Does that mean 68 refugees were placed secretly somewhere? Yikes!
If Delaware Public Mediareally wanted to do some important work, reporters there should try to find out exactly why and how Delaware dodged a bullet for so many years when their claim to fame, Veep Joe Biden, sponsored the original law and then apparently kept diversity-seeding from the state! (It is not because of the state’s small size since Rhode Island got thousands more than Delaware).
For new readers, this post is filed in my ‘where to find information’ category and in ‘Refugee statistics.’
So, why is that a big deal? HIAS resettles Muslims all the time. That is not the big news!
Delaware has hardly taken any refugees in 36 years despite the fact that then Senator Joe Biden was one of the original architects of the Refugee Act of 1980 and observers have always suspected that Delaware has gotten so few because it was a case of ‘not in my back yard’ for good ol’ Uncle Joe. As one of the few men still living responsible for the Refugee Act of 1980 (There were about a dozen Senators, Ted is dead, but Jimmy Carter is still kicking), thank VP Joe Biden for the demographic change in your state (but not in Delaware until now!).
Now here comes news that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society(see our huge archive here), one of nine federal resettlement contractors, has targeted Delaware for 50 FAMILIES according to the news from Delaware Public Media (that could be more than 200 refugees in total).
Although the article doesn’t say, we assume they would go to the Wilmington area where synagogues are lining up to help place the Syrians. We already know that 98-99% of Syrians entering the US as refugees are Muslims and most of those are Sunni Muslims.
Here is the story at Delaware Public Media:
First State faith leaders and other community groups gathered Friday morning to learn more about a wave of Syrian refugees coming to Delaware as early as the end of the year.
About 50 Syrian families are slated to be resettled in the First State in December or January. [Planning has obviously gone on in secrecy because this plan is way down the pipeline and already approved at the US State Department. The big rush is that they want to beat a Trump Inauguration!—ed.]
Delaware’s Jewish Family Services agency is teaming up with HIAS – one of only nine organizations working with the U.S. State Department and the refugee resettlement program charged with placing refugees in the United States and abroad.
HIAS Senior Director of Communications Bill Swersey says this is the first time Syrian refugees are being resettled in Delaware, and adds the list of immediate needs for them is long.
Islamic Community is surely overjoyed! Yes, because that means the Hijra is advancing into Delaware!
Several synagogues, non-profits and the Islamic Community of Delaware have already signed on to help. Delaware and Wyoming were the only two states not to have settled any Syrian refugees during the 2016 Fiscal year that ended Sept. 30th.
Urgent notice to Wyomingites! They may have secret plans in the pipeline for you too!
LOL! This is why I seem to never get done (and it is a beautiful Saturday here), I read something that I know is wrong and I then have to find the facts. I knew there were MORE than two states that did not get Syrian refugees, so I checked the Dept. of State data base. Here is a map of where all the Syrian refugees were seeded in FY2016.
Alaska and Hawaii didn’t get any either, they just didn’t fit on the map. I count 11 states that did not get Syrians! HIAS must be giving false information to make Delaware folks feel guilty.
Nervous in Delaware? Be sure to read ‘Ten things you need to know!’
For new readers, HIAS is the refugee contractor that told the Southern Poverty Law Center to investigate me, see here.
***We have heard that the US State Department has secretly targeted 47 new resettlement sites. And, that is because they have worn out their welcome in many locations, plus the numbers being admitted are so large that they need many more cities in which to seed them. These are the ones we have identified so far. We have now added Wilmington.
This is from an AP story so the reporter is looking to balance her piece with some nice sounding quotes from beleaguered educators, but it is nonetheless informative.
Joe Biden: We (me and Ted, God rest his soul, and Jimmy) love refugees, just don’t drop ’em off in Delaware.
According to AP almost all US states are experiencing the problem of trying to educate teenagers many of whom are illiterate in their own languages (some are tribal languages). AP features Delaware.
And, this couldn’t be happening to a more deserving state!
Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980which was pushed through Congress by Senator Ted Kennedy and signed into law by Jimmy Carter. Yet, surprise! Delaware only takes a few refugees every year—you can count the number on two hands most years!
The ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ are under the legal protection of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (although they are not refugees).
FRANKFORD, Del. (AP) — American schools are scrambling to provide services to the large number of children and teenagers who crossed the border alone in recent months.
Unaccompanied minors who made up the summer spike at the border have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state, Federal data indicates, to live with a relative and await immigration decisions. The Supreme Court has ruled that schools have an obligation to educate all students regardless of their immigration status, so schools have become a safe haven for many of the tens of thousands of these young people mostly from central America living in limbo.
Delaware’s rural Sussex County has long attracted immigrants, partly because of work in chicken factories, and soybean and corn fields. The district’s population is more than one-quarter Hispanic, and for years has offered an early learning program for non-English speakers.
Still, officials were caught off guard by about 70 new students mostly from Guatemala – part of the wave crossing the border – enrolling last year, mostly at Sussex Central High School. The Indian River School District over the summer break quickly put together special classes for those needing extra English help.
The students are eager but face barriers. Some can barely read or write in their native language.
The district’s goal is to get them assimilated – and eventually into a regular high school. There, they can earn a diploma, even if that means participating in adult education programs and going to school until they are 21. [At the expense of US and local taxpayers!—ed]
The federal government (that would be good ol’ Joe) just dropped them on us!
Donald Hattier, a school board member, said advance warning would have helped with planning. The federal government, he said, “just dropped this on us.” He wonders what’s next.
“The kids are still coming across the border. This problem has not been solved,” Hattier said.