Non-profit groups that have encouraged the migration of Africans and Middle Easterners to Europe for a decade or more are now demanding the governments of Greece and France do more to protect migrants as the virus crisis deepens.
Because as one official at Catholic Charities Caritas said: “[W]e need to protect our volunteers and staff.”
What! So governments need to send in government workers instead of their ‘volunteers!’
Here is the invasion of Europe news from The Guardian:
NGOs raise alarm as coronavirus strips support from EU refugees
Governments across Europe are facing calls to urgently put into place measures to protect refugees and migrants – in particular lone children – as the coronavirus epidemic sees volunteer numbers plungeand many vital support services close.
On Tuesday, groups working with refugees and unaccompanied children in France and Greece implored the authorities in both countries to provide urgent help to refugees and unaccompanied minors, whom they say have been effectively abandoned by the authorities. [Abandoned by authorities? Sounds like abandoned by the NGOs!—ed]
NYC based International Rescue Committee (led by moneybags Miliband) is one group that is demanding Greece and France do more. They said in a statement this week: “The physical health and safety of our staff, our clients, and our communities is the International Rescue Committee’s top priority globally.” “Clients” are refugees. Community does not mean your town, it means their community of migrants and volunteers.
In France, a group of 24 organisations sent a letter to the French government and the mayors of Calais and Grande-Synthe imploring them to provide urgent interventions to refugees and migrants in northern France.
In the letter, the organisations, which include Médecins du Monde and Refugee Rights Europe, say:
“The situation of exiled people is unspeakable: lack of accommodation, cold, humidity, stress, fatigue, crowding together in light tents, daily expulsion from places of life, deplorable sanitary conditions.”
The groups say that, in the absence of any other protection measures, the state should provide accommodation and basic food distribution as well as access to hot water and soap to try to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus among the migrant community.
The groups, including the IRC [International Rescue Committee], Human Rights Watch, and the Danish Refugee Council among others, also called for a raft of protective measures including an end to deportations and pressing forward with relocation and family reunion programmes for unaccompanied minors across Europe.
One charity in northern France told the Guardian they are losing desperately needed volunteers as the epidemic takes hold across the continent.
No kidding! When the s*** hits the fan, the fair-weather do-gooders beg for government help!
And, the most maddening thing about it? They are working to assure illegal aliens are not deported.
Yesterday, I told you that the International Rescue Committee is diversifying its business model and is soliciting grants to set up legal offices to help illegal aliens fight deportation.
As I have been saying the Refugee Resettlement Contractors are now full service Open Borders organizations that you fund with your tax dollars!
So I figured it was time to see how the big kahuna of the US refugee industry, the International Rescue Committeewas doing under the Trump administration especially since they are among the chief wailers and moaners about the low refugee admission numbers that they say has led to a need to close some of their subcontractor offices and let some low level staffers go (hint! It looks like the big honchos are still in a job).
Using data from USASpending.govI’ve now had a look at five of the nine federal resettlement contractors. The IRC will be number six.
First here is how the IRC is doing at USA Spending.
They sure jumped on the federal gravy train in the last couple years of the Obama Administration and are still riding it for all it is worth!
A very big chunk of their federal dough comes from USAID—a money pit that doesn’t get enough attention!
Next I went over to Charity Navigator where they always provide these handy little pie charts to tell us what percentage of their income you contributed (involuntarily) via the US Treasury—a hefty 60%!
But, wait, notice they say over $422 million is government boodle.
Okay, so thought I might solve the mysterious discrepancy by visiting their annual reports.
And, too funny, see who is co-chairman of the board!
Remember Obama’s Treasury Secretary who couldn’t get his taxes done correctly! Turbo-tax Geithner himself!
Yikes, now Geithner’s annual reportshows $544 million from grants and contracts for the same year. That would be taxpayer funding.
These numbers would put them at 73% taxpayer funded. They could barely survive if they had to depend on private donors. You might want to see who they are—you will recognize the names of many rich and famous celebs!
Here is page nine of the Form 990 for the same recent year:
That number for government grants matches Charity Navigator but not their annual report. Don’t ask me why!
And, definitely these numbers do not match USA Spendingnumbers. I’m guessing that the IRC is getting funding from other governments around the world other than ours.
Alas, there is no taxpayer group working for us that might have the skill to unravel all of this!
However, here is one thing that is not a mystery—doing ‘charitable’ good works is lucrative business as I said in a post at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ this week: Tell your kids to grow up to be non-profit execs!
Just have a look at the salaries at the top of the International Rescue Committee!
Warning! Don’t look if you have high blood pressure or a heart condition!
That is largely your money! See page ten! Over $300 million for salaries and benefits! And, travel alone was $40 million! Does Miliband travel first class (or private jet!)?
And, now they are making sure illegals scheduled for deportation in Dallas (where else?) have a lawyer.
I wonder, if one of those illegals they defend commits a crime, could the IRC fat cats be sued? Hmmm!
As the Trump Administration slows the flow of refugees into the US, the refugee contractors including the mack daddy of the whole bunch—the International Rescue Committee––is now going to provide lawyers for migrants who are scheduled for deportation as a way of expanding its financial base and its influence.
I’ve been telling readers for a long time that the nine refugee contractors working for the US State Department do not just place refugees and supposedly care for them, but are involved in all open borders issues, legal and illegal in the US and around the world. This story is more proof of that!
Deportation defense fund for immigrants is about to launch in the city of Dallas
The International Rescue Committee in Dallas, an agency that’s resettled refugees for decades in North Texas, is expanding its services to immigrants caught up in deportation proceedings.
The IRC will administer $200,000 in grants from the City of Dallas and the Vera Institute of Justice, a New York-based nonprofit, for an attorney and other staffing.
The IRC is now in “turbo mode” due to sweeping changes in national immigration, asylum and refugee policies, said Suzy Cop, the executive director of the Dallas IRC office. “There’s a huge waitlist to get legal representation. It’s great that the city finds this so important.”
The new fund is a first for Dallas and was recommended by an immigration task force advising the city’s Office of Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs.
The Vera Institute has been administering such private-public programs for immigrants since 2013. It began in New York City and spread to such cities as Austin, San Antonio, Sacramento, Santa Ana and Chicago.
Suzy Cop, the executive director of the Dallas IRC office will make it possible for more like Billy Chemirmir to not be deported from Dallas.
For years, the IRC has assisted individuals who obtain permanent residency after one year as a refugee, and then with their U.S. citizenship process. They have assisted refugees with U.S. legal status who petition for family members living abroad. It also runs anti-human trafficking programs.
The local IRC provides mental health services. It also now assists immigrants with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. And it runs an economic development program that prepares clients, refugees to immigrants, for jobs.
The IRC has steadily expanded its services beyond refugee resettlement just as the administration of President Donald Trump has scaled back refugee admissions. Refugee admissions were cut to 18,000 last September, down from a ceiling of 110,000 when President Obama left office in January of 2017.
When I called the IRC the “mack daddy” it is because they are the richest of the contractors. I was going to analyze their USA Spending report here, but will do it in a separate post.
Just when I thought I knew all the ways in which the federal refugee resettlement contractors were milking taxpayers, along comes ‘Switchboard.’
If the millions of dollars we dole out to nine refugee contractors isn’t enough, we, US taxpayers, are funding what is for all intents and purposes a federally funded Leftwing community organizing operation!
Continue reading!
This story’s headline at WickedLocal(wth?) caught my eye.
Chelmsford mosque hosts forum on immigration, refugee issues Billerica leader speaks
Gee, what kind of forum was a Massachusetts mosque holding I wondered.
Here are a few snips from the beginning of the news account:
A forum held Nov. 14 at the Islamic Society of Greater Lowell mosque explored issues of immigration and refugees — including changes, challenges, and uncertainties.
The forum was sponsored by BRIDGES — the acronym for Building Respect in Diverse Groups to Enhance Sensitivity.
BRIDGES represents a collaborative effort of state, federal and local government agencies.
Participants included religious leaders, law enforcement officials, a representative from U.S. Rep. Laurie Trahan of the 3rd Congressional District.
BRIDGES formed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, explained Fatema Esmail, of the Anjuman-e-Ezzi Masjid in Billerica — a mosque that serves the area’s Dawood Bohra, a movement within Shi’a Islam.
Esmail said the organization began with a mission — “to start a better dialogue for understanding, between community leaders and government officials.”
Activities have included cultural sensitivity trainings for personnel at Logan Airport, and with police departments across the state, and across New England.
We will have to have a look at BRIDGES in the future, but here is what I was most interested in…
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement sent a representative?
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) (this is Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services) is sending spokesmen out to forums like this and suggesting that everything should be fine and dandy (for more refugee arrivals) in New England as governors there would want more refugees.
But, Jason Crislip, “representing the ORR”, doesn’t work for ORR.
He works for David Milibandat the International Rescue Committee that has apparently recently created another avenue, called Switchboard,to siphon off more of your tax dollars!
These Leftist Open Borders groups are masters of deception as they create new groups, which is all fine and dandy as long as we aren’t paying for it!
Jason Crislip, of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, said the Trump administration has proposed reduction of refugee resettlements in the current fiscal year from 30,000 to 18,000. [Crislip is not on the staff of the Office of Refugee Resettlement!—ed]
ORR surrogate Jason Crislip
In addition, Crislip said a presidential executive order, issued Sept. 26, aims to provide state and local consent for the resettlement of refugees.
Not to worry assures Crislip, your New England governors will be on board with MORE refugees.
Governors of New England states have generally indicated support for local consent, said Crislip, who said, “This is a good thing for the refugee program in New England.”
The resettlement program will continue as normally until June 1, which [sic] expected changes take effect, Crislip said. Crislip said the Department of State has begun releasing some information to illuminate the changes.
June 1? What happens then? The Deep staters have their pipelines well established, and those of us whose communities will be changed by what they decide in Washington, DC will be the last to know!
I’m going to be paying close attention to Switchboard which is fully funded by you—the taxpayers through a $ 1.2 million grant from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Dear Stephen Miller, if you read RRW, check out this latest federal boodle going to community organizers working against the President!
The IRC received $1,194,063 through competitive funding through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant # 90RB0052. The project will be financed with 100% of Federal funds and 0% by non-governmental sources.The contents of this website are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Just think about that!
WE supply the funding and Open Borders agitators do what they want (in our name!).
Here is a recent story from their blog (a blog that you pay for!).
The Leftwing propaganda machine runs on stories, stories to tug on your emotions. We need to be doing more of that with stories of our own like those I report at ‘Frauds, Crooks and Criminals!’ for free!
I told you about this collaborationwhen it was happening, US refugee resettlement contractor, the International Rescue Committeecompeted for a $100 MILLLION prize and won by joining with Sesame Street to produce a Middle Eastern version of the show being produced in Jordan. Characters will of course be speaking Arabic.
Too funny that we have the IRC’s CEO David Milibandcrying the blues to CBS’s Leslie Stahl that there isn’t enough money to solve the refugee crisis in the Middle East.
Bringing home the boodle?
I wondered if somehow Miliband’s huge salary jump from $600,000 in 2017 to over $900,000 now was somehow related to winning this multi-million dollar prize? Just wondering?
Sesame and the IRC join forces to help Syrian refugee children
It’s [Sesame Street] been using television to educate kids in the U.S., including tackling tough subjects like racism and death, for five decades. And it’s done local versions in other countries. In 2016, Sesame Workshop and the IRC had been strategizing about how they could collaborate to help refugee children when a new competition was announced. The prize: a stunning 100 million dollars.
British press called Miliband a member in good standing of the “begging bowl barons!”
David Miliband: The MacArthur Foundation offered $100 million to any organization who was ready to, quote-unquote “solve a big global problem.”
Lesley Stahl: A global problem that was intractable.
David Miliband: We defined the global problem we wanted to tackle was trauma, toxic stress among refugee children in the Middle East.
In the final pitch to the competition’s judges, Miliband and his Sesame Workshop counterpart Sherrie Westin presented a two-pronged plan: Sesame Workshop would create a new show for the Middle East and the IRC would dramatically expand its services to young refugee kids directly, including where they’re living.
Lesley Stahl: And they gave you $100 million.
David Miliband: Yeah, $100 million is not as much as it sounds. Because it’s–
Lesley Stahl: It isn’t?
David Miliband: It’s over–
Lesley Stahl: It sounds huge.
David Miliband: It’s over (LAUGH) five years. And we’re delivering in-person services to over a million kids and educational content via TV to nearly 8 million kids. So it’s a big enterprise.
The IRC receives nearly a half a billion a year from you, the US taxpayer.
So, I guess the good news is that the money is coming from a filthy rich private foundation and the plan is for it to take care of the refugees where they are—intheir own cultural zone.