Europe must follow Australian model (turn back the boats) or die!

It is so clear to anyone with a brain, that the only way to stop the ‘Invasion of Europe’ from North Africa is to stop the boats before they even launch from Libya and other ports in North Africa.

Where is America’s Tony Abbott?

The UNHCR could then care for the so-called asylum seekers in camps in Africa.

But, the European Union is saying NO WAY!  So, I guess they will all go down as the European ship sinks!

From the Malta Independent:

The European Union will not be adopting Australia’s migration methods despite Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s claim that some Europeans are seeking policy advice.

The EU’s executive Commission says Canberra does not respect the international standard on protecting refugees of “non-refoulement,” which is a U.N. principle prohibiting expulsion to a country where they could face violence or prison.

Commission migration spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said Monday that the EU “applies the principle of non-refoulement — we have no intention of changing this — so of course the Australian model can never be a model for us.”

Australia’s migration model was widely cited in debate at the European Parliament last week, as the EU struggles to cope with thousands of migrants seeking to enter Europe via Libya.

Read it all here.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe‘ series here, and check out how Australia is saving migrants’ lives (and discouraging more illegal migration) by turning boats back to the countries from which they launched (Australia category, here).

And, remember American readers, this is about you too as we are taking some of Malta’s illegal aliens and dropping them into your towns (most recently South Carolina, here).

That practice was begun, illegally I contend, by the Bush Administration.

Washington Post opinion: Preventing the Fall of Rome

I was interested to see this opinion piece titled so provocatively ‘Preventing the Fall of Rome’ by James Stavridis in the Washington Post last Friday.  Then last evening I heard Father Jonathan Morris speaking about the Pope’s new hardline on ISIS on the Neil Cavuto show.

But, couldn’t we say that this Pope with his welcoming blessing of illegal migrants here in July of 2013 helped fuel the ‘Invasion of Europe?’

In 2013 the new Pope welcomed the illegal migrants to Italy on the island of Lampedusa!

And, surely we won’t forget (at least I won’t) Hillary Clinton’s role in the destabilization of Libya, here.

Here is Stavridis (former allied commander of NATO involved in that very same intervention in Libya):

In 1942, Winston Churchill said that Italy was the “soft underbelly” of Europe and directed Allied invasion efforts there. Today, we are seeing flickers of a similar strategy from the Islamic State.

Following the decapitation of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by radical Islamists professing an allegiance to the Islamic State, the Italian government has begun ramping up efforts to defend its territory from attack. How realistic is this threat? And what should Italy do?

First, we should listen to what the Islamic State has to say : Last year, the group’s propaganda magazine Dabiq featured a cover story headlined “Reflections on the Final Crusade,” which was illustrated with an image of a black jihadist flag flying over St. Peter’s Square. “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women,” a senior leader of the group was quoted as saying. “If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.” Elsewhere, the magazine exhorted, “Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him. . . . And the Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome.”

Hyperbolic? Of course. Literally possible? Not in the least.*** But should Europeans take these words into account as they think about the possibility of attacks on their homeland? You bet.

As Graeme Wood pointed out in his smart, historically grounded piece in the Atlantic this month, “What ISIS Really Wants,” there is an underlying medieval impetus to the Islamic State’s rhetoric and actions. Beheadings of innocents, burnings of prisoners, crucifixions, the enslavement and sale of women and children, the literal sacking of cities — all of these connote a desire to play on the international stage as though the Crusades were still occurring. Thus we come to the importance of Rome, perhaps the most potent symbol of all that the Islamic State hates.

Italy is the gateway to Europe!

Just as Churchill saw Italy as a relatively easy gateway to Europe, the Islamic State has geographic, political and symbolic interests in sailing to Italy. We must do all we can to help Italy prepare.  [Like what? Is Obama going to send troops to protect the Pope from Muslims?—ed]

Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

*** Maybe not with military force, but with the inexorable flow of Muslim migrants into Europe and the squishy multicultural-worshiping so-called European leaders in power now.  They seem to have run out of Churchills haven’t they?

ISIS could bring pandemonium to Southern Europe with fighters disguised as refugees

The ‘Invasion of Europe’ is hastening….

I had this story almost ready to post yesterday, when my internet connection dropped, so surely you have seen the news by now.  LOL! So what has taken ISIS and the media so long to figure out what we have been writing about for weeks, months!

And, don’t forget that Obama’s girls (the “humanitarian Vulcans”)—Hillary, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power—are largely responsible (along with the UN) for the now failed state of Libya because they were the primary cheering squad involved in the get-Muammar Qaddafi movement when Obama was his usual indecisive self, see our 2011 post with links for more information.  So much for the ‘brilliant’ Ms. Power’s “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine.

Here is how we concluded that 2011 post:

Protect!  It would be so ironic if  one of Obama’s national security advisers, Samantha Power, and her scheme (with George Soros) called the “Responsibility or Right to Protect” would destroy far more lives then it saved.  But, I guess that’s what happens when we put immature ideologues and community organizers together in the White House.

From Fox News:

ISIS is planning a campaign to dominate Libya before sending fighters to southern Europe disguised as illegal migrants to wage more terror there, according to a published report.

ISIS taking control in Libya (only a little over 200 miles to the “Crusader states.”)

The Daily Telegraph, citing a British anti-terror group that claims to have seen letters written by the group’s supporters, said that ISIS hopes to use militiamen from its current strongholds in Syria and Iraq to overrun Libya before embarking on a campaign targeting both Europe’s mainland as well as maritime shipping.

The letter is written by an ISIS propagandist using the name Abu Arhim al-Libim. He describes Libya, which has descended into chaos in the wake of the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi, as having “immense potential” for the jihadists.

“It has a long coast and looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat,” the man writes. He also points out that the country is replete with weapons, many of them seized from Qaddafi’s forces by rebels as the regime collapsed.

In describing the possibilities of attacking Europe, al-Libim discusses the number of ships brining migrants across the Mediterranean Sea illegally, then says “If this was even partially exploited and developed strategically, pandemonium could be wrought in the southern European states and it is even possible that there could be a closure of shipping lines and targeting of Crusader ships and tankers.”

Interesting that here is that word Crusader again.  Is ISIS using Obama lingo.  Is Obama helping them with their talking points!

Stop US refugee resettlement from Malta!

Again!!!  If you are in America and thinking this is Europe’s problem, never forget that the US State Department is bringing illegal aliens who arrive on Malta (a Crusader state!) to the US as refugees for your home towns!

Go here for our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.

Armed smugglers threaten Italian Coast Guard as 2,200 more migrants brought to Europe from Libya

Historians (if there are any!) in the future will wonder how on earth Europe allowed itself to be overrun!

Is it time to follow the Australian example?


One of many rescues by the Italian government.  What will Italy, Malta and other European countries do with the migrants? None of these mostly young men will be sent back!


And, readers, let me ask you, how often do we hear about the African/Middle Eastern invasion of Europe from the US mainstream media?

The only way to stop this now is for the Italian military to turn these boats back to the African coast!

From the Malta Independent:

Four smugglers brandishing Kalashnikovs threatened an Italian Coast Guard motorboat involved in one of several operations that rescued more than 2,000 migrants leaving Libyan shores on Sunday.

Italian Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi said the gunmen used a small boat to speed to the scene some 50 miles off the coast of Libya, where security is rapidly deteriorating.

After threatening the rescuers who had taken aboard the migrants, three of the smugglers jumped onto the then-empty migrants’ boat and took off with it.  [So they were allowed to recover the boat and will use it again—ed]

Nearly 2,200 migrants were rescued in several operations Sunday, the Coast Guard said. They were being taken to Italian ports. Hundreds were also rescued Saturday.

Turn them back!

Simon Kent writing at Breitbart news tells us the only thing that will stop the invasion is if European leaders grew a spine and followed the lead of the Australian government by turning back the migrant boats full of faux ‘refugees.’

If illegal immigrants knew that simply arriving on European soil would be no guarantee of staying, would they still risk it? If people smugglers also knew that, would they be able to extort huge amounts of money from the desperately vulnerable in the vain attempt to try? Australia provides an example of how Europe’s expensive, public display of overt compassion is killing the very people it is trying to help.

Under the current coalition government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the flow of refugees seeking to enter Australia by boat has stopped. Abbott’s government tows any vessel found straight back to where it started from. In most cases that is Indonesia. The policy of immediate return has been well publicised and those who do make it into Australian territorial waters are sent to offshore islands in New Guinea or Nauru for processing.

Australia then uses its famous ‘points based system’ to decide who is a genuine refugee and who is an economic migrant. End of story. The Abbott government went to the September 2013 polls promising to ‘stop the boats’ on the basis that the journey the asylum seekers make is dangerous and controlled by criminal gangs and they have a duty to stop it.

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, go here.

See also who wrecked Libya, here.

Italy says it may take military action in Libya (with UN leadership); wants to stop the boats

Invasion of Europe News….


Rescuing the African migrants which launch from the “failed state” of Libya


Fearing that ISIS is only a short boat trip away from Italy and Malta, Malta’s President is cheered by an Italian suggestion that they might join a UN-led “force to battle” in Libya.  I wouldn’t hold my breath!  I think the UN is perfectly O.K. with the on-going ‘Invasion of Europe.

From the Times of Malta:

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat welcomed an announcement by Italy this evening, that it would be ready to join a UN-led force to battle “an active terrorist threat” after recent advances by a faction in Libya that has sworn loyalty to Islamic State militants.

In a tweet, Dr Muscat said:

“Glad #Italy willing to intervene in #Libya under UN mandate. #Malta will play it’s part to ensure #Mediterranean stability -JM @matteorenzi”

Earlier, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said in an interview with SkyTG24 television, that Italy backed efforts by United Nations special envoy Bernardino Leon to bring warring factions to the table to try to broker a ceasefire.

But he said should talks fail, Italy “is ready to fight naturally in the context of an international mission”.

“We cannot accept the idea that there’s an active terrorist threat only a few hours from Italy by boat.”

The situation in Libya, already chaotic, “is deteriorating”, Gentiloni said, adding that Italy “cannot underestimate” the possibility of an attack by Islamic State militants.

In the meantime, those Malta Millionaires are busy fundraising to rescue the next batch of North African invaders, here.

Remember who we can thank for the fall of Libya—Hillary, Rice, and Power (the humanitarian Vulcans)!

For American readers, if you think this has nothing to do with you—think again!  Some of those illegal aliens arriving on Malta are being transformed by our US State Department into “refugees” being resettled in your towns!

See our extensive archive on Malta by clicking here.   It is interesting how motivating the prospect of Islamic terrorists getting into Europe can be, yet most political leaders are blind to the slow creep of Islamic migrants into their countries and cultures that in the long run will have a more devastating impact then some individual terrorist acts will have.