Tiny Nebraska town says no to chicken plant (migrant labor one important objection)

As reader Bob said in his subject line when he sent me this news a few minutes ago: “Great story!”

Downtown Nickerson, Nebraska! I’m adding this town to my summer fact-finding tour for sure!

We have been reporting for years about how small towns throughout America’s heartland are being changed forever when meatpacking plants bring in transient migrant labor (and large numbers of refugees!) to work the low-skilled, low-paying jobs these meat giants pay. (I’m told that meatpacking once paid well before they discovered, first illegal immigrant labor, and now refugee labor.)
Three cheers for the citizens of Nickerson, Nebraska who sent the chicken processing plant and its plans packing!
From the Associated Press:

NICKERSON, Neb. (AP) — Half-ton pickup trucks crowd the curb outside the One Horse Saloon, a neon Coors Light sign in the window and rib-eye steaks on the menu, but otherwise Nickerson, Nebraska, is nearly silent on a spring evening, with only rumbling freight trains interrupting bird songs.

Regional economic development officials thought it was the perfect spot for a chicken processing plant that would liven up the 400-person town with 1,100 jobs, more than it had ever seen. When plans leaked out, though, there was no celebration, only furious opposition that culminated in residents packing the fire hall to complain the roads couldn’t handle the truck traffic, the stench from the plant would be unbearable and immigrants and out-of-towners would flood the area, overwhelming schools and changing the town’s character.

Nickerson Neb. map
Nickerson is close to the border of Iowa.

“Everyone was against it,” said Jackie Ladd, who has lived there for more than 30 years. “How many jobs would it mean for people here? Not many.”

The village board unanimously voted against the proposed $300 million plant, and two weeks later, the company said they’d take their plant — and money — elsewhere.


Nickerson fought against Georgia-based Lincoln Premium Poultry***, which wanted to process 1.6 million chickens a week for warehouse chain Costco. It was a similar story in Turlock, California, which turned down a hog-processing plant last fall, and Port Arthur, Texas, where residents last week stopped a meat processing plant. There also were complaints this month about a huge hog processing plant planned in Mason City, Iowa, but the project has moved ahead.


The question of who would work the tough jobs was at the forefront of the debate, though many were adamant they aren’t anti-immigrant. Opposition leader Randy Ruppert even announced: “This is not about race. This is not about religion.”

But both were raised at the raucous April 4 meeting where the local board rejected the plant. One speaker said he’d toured a chicken processing plant elsewhere and felt nervous because most of the workers were minorities.

No to Somalis!

More overtly, John Wiegert, from nearby Fremont where two meat processors employ many immigrants, questioned whether Nickerson’s plant would attract legal immigrants from Somalia — more than 1,000 of whom have moved to other Nebraska cities for similar jobs, along with people from Mexico, Central America and Southeast Asia.

More here at AP.
The story reminds me to ask the BIG MEAT headhunters at the US State Department this:
You are admitting over 700 Somalis a month to the US right now and then we have news from places like Minnesota (which you have overloaded with Somalis) where Somalis working in manufacturing are demanding sharia-compliance in the workplace.  Why would anyone in their right mind continue to hire Somalis and risk a lawsuit? And, why would any little town where citizens obviously are reading alternative media (like RRW!), want that for their town? And, so why do you let the UN continue sending them to America?
*** No time to research more now, but this company is part of Crider Foods with a history of using illegal immigrant labor. I’ll bet a buck that the owners are big donors to certain elected officials (a project for another day!).

Nebraska: Lutherans, Somalis, meatpackers, mosques (and controversy) in small town America

This is a story from late last month that should be nothing new to readers who have followed this blog since 2007.  We probably have 100 posts on this same subject, namely meatpackers working with the help of refugee resettlement contractors to spread Islam throughout the heartland.  LOL! Someone could write a book!

Meatpackers changing the face of the American heartland, here in Lexington, Nebraska. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexington,_Nebraska

The story about a clash in Lexington, Nebraska about the location of a new Somali mosque is the subject of this lengthy report from the Omaha World-Herald late last month. (Sorry, just getting around to it now!).
Reporter Paul Hammel begins with this:

LEXINGTON, Neb. — The old Longhorn Laundry is an unlikely place for a showdown over the First Amendment.

You could easily miss the nondescript concrete building on a quiet downtown corner of this old cow town.

But ever since a group of Somali workers from the local meatpacking plant spread out a sea of Persian rugs in the expansive former laundry and began holding Muslim prayer services five times a day, there has been controversy.

City officials maintain that mosque leaders are ignoring local zoning laws and thumbing their noses at requirements for building permits and fire-code inspections.

They insist that the flap is about a lack of parking, not a denial of religious freedom, and that it wasn’t spurred by “Islamophobia.”

The attraction is employment at Tyson Foods:

African Muslims, mostly from war-torn Somalia, started arriving in the mid-2000s. Census estimates put the number of Somalis in Lexington at 769 in 2014 — a 40 percent increase from 2000. Local Somalis and those who work with them say there actually may be 1,500 or more living in the community.

Across Nebraska, census estimates show 2,100 Somali-born residents clustered in Omaha and Lincoln, and near meatpacking plants in Grand Island and Madison, as well as Lexington.

Read the whole thing, it is well worth it.  Hammel interviewed many of the players in the drama, including the Lutheran resettlement contractor out of Omaha.

We also have many posts here at RRW about the controversy with Somalis in Grand Island, NE over the years. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/?s=Grand+Island+Nebraska

What do the numbers look like?

To get an idea of what has been going on in Nebraska and because I wanted to know if Lexington’s Somalis are so-called ‘secondary migrants,’ I had a look at the US State Department data base and learned that since Obama was elected, Nebraska has ‘welcomed’ 6,716 refugees and the numbers have been increasing each of those years.
Most of the refugees (seeded in Nebraska by federal ‘church’ contractors) are Burmese or Iraqis, but of course Somalis have been resettled as well.   (There are small numbers of Muslim Burmese and the largest group of Iraqis we admit to the US are Muslims. Somalis are virtually all Muslim.)
The largest numbers went to Lincoln and Omaha, but I was surprised to see that the Lutheran agencies operating in the state placed 33 Somalis directly in Lexington which is well over a hundred miles from any resettlement office (unless one of the federal contractors has set up a subsidiary office way out Interstate 80 in Lexington).  The larger numbers of Somalis reported are indeed ‘secondary migrants’ (resettled in another state who then moved to Nebraska for meatpacking work.) I’ll look into this further…..
See what we have reported about Nebraska over the last few years by clicking here.

Nebraska bill would place financial responsibility on refugee resettlement contractors

All over the country, various governors and state legislatures are attempting to get some control over the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program which has, up until now, placed third world refugees in cities and towns in 48 states with no serious attempt to get local input.
Now I see that a bill has been introduced in Nebraska which would put financial responsibility on the non-profit resettlement contractor acting as the front for the federal government if refugees commit criminal acts.
I have no idea whether this could fly, but readers remember that every time an effort like this is made, and publicity is generated, more Americans learn that this program exists, and most don’t like it when they find out!  
There will be no one silver bullet to the heart of the program, it will take years of agitation (political and legal) by you and your fellow citizens who hopefully will ultimately prevail in convincing your legislators in Washington that their continued support of the present program will cost them their political futures.
Before I give you the news from the North Platte Bulletin, please check out our category on crimes here at RRW. We have 1,927 posts! on the topic going back to 2007.  Not all involve refugees, some posts are about other criminals who got into the US through a legal program and some involve crimes in Europe, however anyone looking for examples of refugees who committed crimes should mine that category.

There should have been some responsibility placed on refugee contractor in Utah!

Kyi Kyi Po, left, and Cartoon Wah move a painting of Po's sister and Wah's daughter, Hser Ner Moo, during the Hser Ner Moo Community and Welcome Center Grand Reopening in Salt Lake City on Saturday, March 17, 2012.
After jury found Esar Met guilty of rape and murder: Hser Ner Moo’s father Cartoon Wah (right) said, “My only daughter is still no more.” http://www.ksl.com/?sid=22985680

I want to tell you about one crime that still haunts me and it happened years ago (in 2008).
In Utah a Burmese Muslim was placed in a housing complex with Burmese Christians and he raped and brutally murdered a little Christian girl.  It was a horrible crime and involved a lengthy (expensive) trial in Salt Lake City that found him guilty (never made national news and it should have!).
I always believed there should have been some repercussions for the resettlement contractor (and the US State Dept) that placed him among Burmese Christians.  (A Salt Lake Tribune reporter, Julia Lyon, went to Thailand and found that the Muslims and Christians were in separate sections of the refugee camp for obvious reasons!).
Utah taxpayers will pay for his incarceration for life.
So, I like this idea of placing some responsibility on the local resettlement contractors because maybe they will stop being so naive about who they are dropping off in your neighborhoods!
Here is the North Platte Bulletin:

A bill introduced in the Legislature would make resettlement groups more financially responsible for Muslim refugees that they sponsor.

The bill would specify that a refugee resettlement agency is liable to the state or any political subdivision for the cost of prosecution and damages or injuries to victims proximately caused by criminal acts committed by refugee accepted by the agency within the state of Nebraska.

Nebraska state Senator Bill Kintner introduced the legislation.

The liability for each refugee would continue for five years after the refugee is relocated within the state.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Bill Kitner of Omaha. The Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing at 1:30 p.m. Friday on LB 966.

Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom President Doug Kagan said Monday that the bill is a step in the right direction because it will make the resettlement organizations more responsible for financial burdens that others might face.

More here and click here for everything we have said about Nebraska (meatpackers involved again!).
To see who is resettling refugees in Nebraska, scroll down this list (it is out of order and Nebraska follows North Dakota).
Again, I invite anyone working on bills like this to search our “crimes” category and you will find some shocking examples of rapists, murderers, Islamic terrorists and other petty criminals in the US refugee population.  Often overlooked when analyzing the cost of refugee resettlement, are the costs for court interpreters, police, trials and incarceration that state and local taxpayers must bear.

Grover Norquist is at it again! Pushing for more immigration for America, fewer jobs for American workers

The great American tax guru (as a traitor to middle class workers) is busy lobbying again for more cheap labor for his business clients.  In February he goes to Lincoln, Nebraska for a big pow-wow that includes big business interests and representatives of religious and progressive groups.

Bring in the Muslims! The Brotherhood too! http://www.frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/a-disturbing-event-the-american-conservative-union-embraces-an-islamist/

To our many new readers:  Truthfully, I am sick of writing about Norquist (our lengthy archive on Norquist is here) who I first mentioned at RRW in 2007 when he was running around Washington DC demanding that the US start bringing in the Iraqi ‘refugees’ (most of whom we have learned since are Muslim Iraqis).

More recently we wrote about his cabal of Republican (RINOs) promoting more refugee resettlement to America with cheers from Human Rights First.

Note that Jeb Bush us part of Norquist’s gang of ten.

Before you read about the latest Norquist campaign, be sure to read what former Rep. Frank Wolf said about him on the House floor in 2011 when Wolf questioned his Muslim (and other unsavory) connections (see my post at Potomac Tea Party Report).

Reader Robin sent me this news about the busy business lobbyist, Mr. Norquist, in Washington this week, here at Politico.

That news item leads us to the Lincoln Journal Star story.

Grover Norquist, a national conservative leader with a big streak of renegade in him, is coming to Lincoln to promote immigration reform, which he supports primarily on economic grounds.

Norquist is president of Americans for Tax Reform, an advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Ronald Reagan’s request. ATR works to limit the size and cost of government and opposes higher taxes at the federal, state and local levels.  [How about the taxpayers who foot the bill for $billions for refugees each year?—ed]

His conservative credentials include his membership on the boards of the National Rifle Association of America and the American Conservative Union.

His most famous quote is: “My goal is to cut government in half in 25 years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”

Newt Gingrich called Norquist “the person who I regard as the most innovative, creative, courageous and entrepreneurial leader of the anti-tax efforts and of conservative grassroots activism in America. … He has truly made a difference and truly changed American history.”

But Norquist parts ways with many conservatives on the issue of immigration.

In an essay he wrote in 2013 for The Guardian, Norquist wrote, “People are an asset, not a liability. The United States is the most immigrant-friendly nation in the world and the richest country in the world. This is not a coincidence. Those voices that would make us less immigrant-friendly would make us less successful, less prosperous and certainly less American.”

He endorsed immigration reform legislation that would allow 11 million undocumented immigrants to earn legal status by submitting to a background check to weed out those with felony convictions, and paying taxes and a fine.


Norquist was invited to speak at an invitation-only reception and dinner Feb. 2 at Lincoln Station by a coalition of businesses, people, lawyers and interest groups: the Nebraska Restaurant Association, the Nebraska Retail Federation, Nebraska Cattlemen Association, League of Women Voters of Lancaster County, Prairie Fire — The Progressive Voice of the Great Plains, Brown Immigration Law LLC of Lincoln and Justice for Our Neighbors of Nebraska, a nonprofit in Omaha.

Amazing how these groups are so willing to follow Norquist’s lead, do they have any idea who they are following?

Norquist and the disastrous Arab Spring!

I just came across this interesting little nugget:  Did you know that Norquist was one of the “smart” people asked to weigh in on who should be Time’s Person of the Year in 2011.  Look who Norquist nominated—Mohamed Bouazizi—good choice I guess if you are a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer (as their fortunes were rising).  However, didn’t work out too well for them ultimately, did it?  And, why should Norquist, a defender of the taxpayer, care so much about what was happening in Egypt?

Conservative lobbyist Grover Norquist nominated the Tunisian vegetable vendor whose horrific self-immolation Norquist credits with setting off the revolutions that would become known as the Arab Spring. Norquist said, “I think he set off something that wouldn’t have happened without his act, at least not when it did.”

Do you live in Lincoln?  Looking for something to do on Feb. 2nd—you should be out there protesting Norquist (the darling of the US Chamber of Commerce)!

Note to Nebraskans!  Our top post in recent days has been this one about Syrian Muslims being resettled in Nebraska.

Senator Jeff Sessions immigration handbook!

If you haven’t seen it, see the champion for workers of America handbook on the immigration crisis facing our country.  Between progressive open borders advocates and big business, no one but Sessions is standing for the squeezed American worker!

Feds moving illegal aliens (unaccompanied minors) in secrecy; Sheriffs to meet at border

You know they had to be doing it and doing it for months—moving the illegal border-crossers throughout America—in secrecy.  After Murietta, CA and Lawrenceville, VA they aren’t about to be making announced visits to your town.

If your community finds out in advance about large groups to be housed by the federal government, then locals become motivated to protest.  It didn’t take even one protest (just the threat of one) to turn the Dept. of Homeland Security and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) away from a proposed location in Westminster, MD last week.  However, it’s the individual deliveries that are going to be hard to spot.

Bristol County Massachusetts Sheriff joining other Sheriffs on the border tomorrow! “We are all border Sheriffs now!”


These two stories making the news—secrecy in Nebraska and in Massachusetts— involve not buses arriving en masse, but chartered flights of illegal aliens where the illegal “children” are being distributed to families and “sponsors” throughout certain areas.   I think you can be sure this is happening almost everywhere.


Wall Street Journal (hat tip: Cathy):

In a sign of the far-reaching impact of the U.S. immigration crisis and its political fallout, Nebraska’s governor says 200 children who entered the country illegally were sent to his state this week without warning and that federal officials are refusing to identify them or their locations.

Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, said federal officials also wouldn’t answer questions about public school attendance by the children and the potential costs to taxpayers.

“Governors and mayors have the right to know when the federal government is transporting a large group of individuals, in this case illegal immigrants, into your state,” Mr. Heineman told The Wall Street Journal in an interview on Saturday. “We need to know who they are, and so far, they are saying they’re not going to give us that information.”

By the way, the federal resettlement contractors*** have been busy “welcoming” the regular refugees to Nebraska for years.

For all you Marylanders there is a mention of Presidential wannabe, Gov. Martin O’Malley, supporting the “children.”  No surprise!

….Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, a Democrat weighing a presidential bid in 2016. “We are not a country that should turn children away and send them back to certain death,” he said on Friday.


From the Boston Herald (hat tip: Joanne):

Illegal immigrants are being secretly flown to Massachusetts and kept in local lockups in an under-the-radar operation that has alarmed lawmen who are raising health and security concerns amid recent spikes in detainees coming up from Texas during the latest border crisis.

“We’re all becoming border sheriffs now with these people being carted all over the country,” said Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson.

“The blame goes all the way up. It’s a travesty and people ought to be upset,” Hodgson said. “This is un-American and has raised the stakes to the public health and public safety threat.”

Hodgson said buses from his facility were recently used to transport six planeloads of illegals sent up from San Antonio to Hanscom Field in Bedford en route to the Plymouth County
Correctional Facility.

The sheriff said he’s also heard of 100 immigrant children recently arriving in his county. But he couldn’t say if they are part of the deluge of 50,000 unaccompanied kids crossing the nation’s southern border.

Sheriffs to meet at the border tomorrow!

He said he’s heading to the Texas border Tuesday with other sheriffs from around the country to meet with ranchers and immigration officials to address the porous border crisis.

After weeks of denying an increase in flights to the Bay State, federal immigration officials finally admitted this weekend that four planes filled with detainees captured at the southern border have been flown to Hanscom and Logan International Airport since April as part of a “large-scale nationwide response” to the crisis.

Bug them all for information!

Some of your local elected officials are going to get word that the illegal aliens (aka refugees) are headed your way, so please keep talking with them, and keep asking your state refugee coordinators for information (even if they are stone-walling you).  They were supposed to have a conference call with the mothership (Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS) late last week to plan for locations.  Call the contractors too, they will know!

Click here for all of our coverage of the invasion of ‘unaccompanied minors.’   As one of my commenters noted yesterday—who could have known that this “obscure program” (refugee resettlement) could end up being at the very heart of our great Nation’s loss of sovereignty and our security perhaps for all time.

***The contractors