Editor: I’m taking a break as I am sure some of you have noticed, and I am trying to decide if I really want to continue to “feed the dragon.” That is a phrase someone shared with me decades ago about writing daily (or nearly daily) commentary on the news when there are so many other interesting things to do!
And, I think maybe it is time for the next generation to fight for the future!
In the meantime, I’ll continue to report on a few refugee issues even as I don’t have the time or the will to respond to comments, often snarky ones, from those who think I don’t post the things they want to see posted. My message to them is to write their own blog!
There are nearly 10,000 posts here at RRW, so please use the search window to look for information on refugee resettlement and related issues.
Checking the limited data at the Refugee Processing Centerfor this fiscal year which began on October 1, 2020 (ends on September 30th), I see that Biden will likely end the year with the smallest annual number of refugees admitted since the Refugee Act of 1980 (Kennedy, Biden and Jimmy Carter) became law.
As of July 31st, 6,246 have been admitted with two months until the fiscal year ends. Go here to see how many your state received:
As for the Special Immigrant Visaholders from Afghanistan, those numbers and the states where they were placed are here. The total for the present fiscal year (to the end of July) is 4,181.
Here is a post I wrote just now at ‘Frauds and Crooks’with this note from me:
Editor: I am posting this story here and at RRW today because it supports my recent harangue that you must get to work locally! There is no one coming to your rescue as the Open Borders agitators expand their reach into towns large and small across the country.
They are working day and night to change America by changing the people!
The only hope you have now is to fight against the Progressive Left where you live! Local elected officials can still be moved through public pressure. There really is no hope at the state or federal level right now.
Governors Kim Reynolds of Iowa and Bill Lee of Tennessee want the Senate to hold hearings on what they see as an outrageous affront to states’ rights as the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is flying Unaccompanied Alien Children (refugee wannabes) in and out of their states with no communication with the governor or state officials.
We all know that a Senate hearing is nothing but a useless piece of political theater that won’t accomplish smack, but these grandstanding Republican governors obviously think they can trick you into believing they are doing something!
Is it any wonder we have such disdain for Republican governors like Reynolds.
And, what makes me steam over this little temper tantrum by Reynolds and Lee is that they had a chance to take a stand for states’ rights on the issue of the federal government dumping refugees on states and communities back when Trump was attempting to give them more rights (actually give them the rights they are due under our US Constitution) and they snubbed their noses at him.
Trump was trying to give them a chance to say they needed a break from refugees being placed in their states by the feds and unelected non-profit group actors, and they turned him down.
19 migrant children had a layover in an Iowa airport. Gov. Kim Reynolds wants Congress to get answers
With no notice to the state, at least 19 unaccompanied children were transported in an overnight flight through Des Moines from California in April, Gov. Kim Reynolds confirmed Thursday, saying she wants to know more details.
After deplaning, the children were taken on two buses to be transported to various locations for unification, according to a Thursday news release from Reynolds’ office.
“We weren’t able to get any answers about why there were chartered planes coming in the middle of night — chartered buses — and unaccompanied minors removed from the plane and then transported outside of the state,” Reynolds told reporters Thursday.
In April, a total of 163 unaccompanied migrant children were released to sponsors in Iowa, according to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement statistics.
Good ol’ country boy, Lee with his pick ’em up truck.
Reynolds and Lee — who says unaccompanied minor children were brought to his state in May without any notification — wrote the joint letter to Grassley in support of the senator’s demands for a Senate Judiciary Hearing into the situation on the U.S. southern border with Mexico.
Gov. Bill Lee is asking the U.S. Senate to investigate the arrival of unaccompanied migrant children in Tennessee, a request that comes as the Republican governor continues to slam the Biden administration over a lack of transparency on the issue.
Lee and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, a fellow Republican, sent the letter on Thursday to U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. Grassley in April requested that Senate Democrats hold hearings to discuss the influx of migrants at the southern border since President Joe Biden took office.
Their demand for a hearing is easy.
Their demand for “transparency” is their way of making you, voting citizens of Iowa and Tennessee, think that they are doing something, but when given a chance to really take a stand for a state’s right to know who is being placed in their states by the feds, and have an opportunity to say no, they just didn’t have the guts.
Albeit it was a different type of ‘refugee’…they are all refugees now, right! This letter below is what Reynolds sent to Trump’s Secretary of State.
Notice no interest even in finding out who is coming and how many.
So why would the present administration think they had to confer with these heretofore ‘welcoming’ Republican governors?
Texas Governor Abbot wrote a detailed letter that ended with him not giving consent to refugees being placed by the feds in Texas for FY2020.
Both Kemp of Georgia and DeSantis of Florida remained silent.
Word is that the Trump people were very shocked and disappointed that most Republican governors turned down the President’s attempt to give them more say, to give them some modicum of states’ rights, in advance of a refugee drop.
If you are wondering whatever happened to that reform effort via a Trump executive order, the refugee resettlement contractors (below) sued and stopped the initiative dead in its tracks.
This is our problem—Republicans soft on not just legal immigration, but on illegal immigration too!
Lately I have been seeing news that as conservatives are escaping ‘woke’ states and looking for a safe state in which to make their home, Tennessee is mentioned as an option.
Well, not so fast! Don’t assume that just because Tennessee is the home of country music that it leaders are somehow conservative America Firsters!
It seems to me that they have a basket full of RINO Republicans that you wouldn’t know about unless you read Tennessee’s Dailyrollcall.com.
And, that reminds me, where is your state blog or website that is willing to go after state and local Republicans who have joined the Democrats’ death wish for America by opening our borders to all comers?
This is an update of my recent posts about how the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) are being secretively placed in Tennessee.
Bill Lee and Todd Gardenhire – The Foxes Guarding Our Immigration Hen House
Republican Governor Bill Lee thumbed his nose at Trump’s efforts to give states more say when refugees are placed by the feds in a state.
It’s bad enough that Bill Lee wants more legal immigration to Tennessee in the form of refugee resettlement. Never mind that it forces state taxpayers to pay both the state and federal cost of the voluntary federal program. Never mind that it violates the Tenth Amendment. And, never mind that it illegally usurps the exclusive power of the state legislature to appropriate state funds, and these aren’t even the worst aspects of Bill Lee’s avid support for the federal program.
Gardenhire has tried four times to magnetize the state by rewarding illegal alien students with taxpayer subsidized in-state college tuition. When he couldn’t get his first bill passed, he tried rewarding the recipients of Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program with in-state college tuition. And when that failed, he tried broadening the scope of his next bill to cover UACs – Unaccompanied Alien Children who generate huge profits for the cartels and other human smugglers.
The UACs enter the country illegally and Gardenhire believes they are the model students Tennessee taxpayers should support.
Gardenhire gets thoroughly worked over! Continue reading here.
And, I will ask again: Where is your state website or blog willing to do what the Dailyrollcallis doing in Tennessee?
If so, tell them to put their money where their mouths are and follow Governor Abbott’s lead.
By the way, Abbott was the only Republican governor in the nation to support President Trump’s efforts to reform the Refugee Admissions Program. Trump’s concept was to give the states and local governments a greater say in the placement of refugees. Of course, as we have been saying the ‘children’are not refugees.
Gov. Greg Abbott orders Texas child-care regulators to yank licenses of facilities housing immigrant kids
AUSTIN — Escalating his showdown with President Joe Biden, Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday ordered state child-care regulators to yank licenses from facilities that house minors who crossed the state’s southern border without papers and were detained.
Currently, 52 state-licensed general residential operations and child placing agencies in Texas have contracts with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement to care for undocumented immigrant children.
ORR contracts with about 200 facilities in 22 states.
Within three months or so, Abbott’s move apparently would force them to stop serving unaccompanied minors because the facilities must have state licenses to qualify for the federal contracts.
The effects are unclear: Nationwide, there are now about 17,000 unaccompanied children, according to data provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As of May 19, 4,223 of those were being housed in state licensed facilities or child placing agencies in Texas, according to the state Health and Human Services Commission.
Though it’s unclear how many are kept in unlicensed emergency sites – such as the one that just closed in Dallas or the site at Fort Bliss Army base in El Paso that can hold up to 10,000 unaccompanied migrant children and teens – Abbott’s move potentially could force relocation of up to one-fourth of the children nationwide.