Virginia: Ethiopian Community Development Council Prez Speaks Out Against Trump Admin

“We are disheartened by the policies of the current administration.”

(Tsehaye Teferra, president and CEO of the Ethiopian Community Development Council)

The legacy media is filled these days with stories about how refugees are having a tough time in America coping with the Chinese Virus—so commonsense would dictate that we don’t bring anymore until Americans are back on their feet. Right!

What interested me in this news from Arlington, VA isn’t so much about how refugees are coping, but that it features the Ethiopian Community Development Council one of the nine major refugee contractors operating in America.

I’ve been writing this blog for 13 years, and they have hardly made a blip on my radar screen because they seem to have chosen to keep a low profile.  I haven’t seen them out protesting Donald Trump, filing lawsuits against him or otherwise whining to the media about how they have to fire staff and close offices until now.

The ‘Our man in Arlington’ column by Charlie Clark (whoever he is) at the Falls Church News Press featured ECDC yesterday in a column about how (you guessed it) refugees are coping with the COVID lockdown.

The Supreme Court on June 25 okayed the Trump administration’s policy of limiting the number of asylum seekers in the country by denying them court appeal rights.

That decision came just days after the worldwide marking of the United Nations-sponsored World Refugee Day, June 20. And it comes after President Trump spent the past three years aiming to reduce total refugee levels to zero.

Most likely to feel the impact locally is the Arlington-based Ethiopian Community Development Council Inc., the refugee-support and State Department-authorized transition agency with offices just off Columbia Pike.

I was alerted that this sub-sector of Arlington’s diverse population is among those hit hardest by the coronavirus lockdown. So I logged on last week to several Zoom conversations with the nonprofit’s far-flung constituents.

Today’s immigration landscape is a far cry from the 1970s when Arlingtonians (mostly) opened our doors to refugees from the Vietnam War. And the current push to restrict America’s benefits to those born here distances us from our classic international role as a beacon for victims legitimately escaping violence and tyranny.

A rare public comment about our President by Tsehaye Teferra, president and CEO of the “donation-supported council”:

In 2012 Obama named Teferra a CHAMPION OF CHANGE!

“The current policy of the Trump administration with regard to refugees represents a departure from the foundational ideals that established this country as a place of refuge for those that are in need of protection and safety,” said the statement from Tsehaye Teferra, president and CEO of the donation-supported council. “We are disheartened by the policies of the current administration.”

Teferra founded the counsel in 1983, focusing at first on Ethiopians in the Washington area, but eventually expanding to all refugee groups for help in resettlement, languages, employment and education.

I take issue with the columnist’s characterization of ECDC  being a donation-supported council unless you consider tax payer funding as a ‘donation.’

So, I did what I normally do under these circumstances and headed to Guidestar  to have a look at their most recent Form 990.  Gee, what a surprise! ECDC  is almost completely federally funded and Dr. Teferra pulls down a comfy salary thanks to US taxpayers and Donald Trump.

$12 Million in Government Grants! Total income $13 Million!


Nice work if you can get it!



Appomattox County, Virginia Becomes First County to Say No Thanks to Refugee Resettlement

Oh the irony!

As conservative Virginia watchers decry the state’s slide into the blue, there are still pockets of patriots in the heart of the old dominion where some elected officials are standing up to the Democrats.

Described as the “heart of Virginia,” Appomattox County stands out this morning as one such place.

There may be others, but I think I would have heard of them—counties that are backing the President and telling his State Department that they don’t want any refugees in 2020.

You need to know that Appomattox hasn’t been a resettlement site, but you also need to know that the President’s offer to weigh-in on the issue is not limited to historically prime refugee placement sites.

Frankly anywhere in America is vulnerable as I pointed out here, here, and here:

Shame on You if You Don’t Take 15 Minutes to Do This!


Virginia’s Democrat Governor Ralph ‘blackface’ Northam was one of the first governors in the nation to tell the State Department—send more refugees our way because we have run out of poor people in Virginia and we need more reliably Democrat voters (who want free stuff) to eventually outnumber the deplorables.  (He didn’t exactly say that, but that is what he means!).

The vote against becoming a refugee placement county comes in the wake of a virtual civil war going on in Virginia over gun rights.

From WSET-13:

UPDATE: (WSET) — Appomattox County voted in support of a resolution refusing to become a refugee sanctuary.

In the heart of Virginia!

The Appomattox County Town Council voted to refuse to become a refugee sanctuary because they don’t have the funds to provide services to refugees.


Chairman Samuel Carter said the county is economically depressed.

He says the county would have to provide safety, education and housing for refugees.

“Finding the appropriate property in all to house this,” said Carter. “Is this going to interfere with future buildings or structures?”

Carter said there are a lot of unknowns in becoming a refugee sanctuary, which is why they support the town.

He said the county also doesn’t have an influx of refugees re-settling to the area.

Residents said they are happy with the board’s decision and they agree with the county.

The update jumps to an earlier story.

It is important for you to know about the Second Amendment fight going on in Virginia.  Interesting that Appomattox County elected officials have connected the issues.

APPOMATTOX Co., Va. (WSET) — More than 70 localities in Virginia have voted to become a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ sending a message to state lawmakers they want to protect their right to bear arms, but a local county is trying to send another one.

Leaders in Appomattox County approved a resolution in November.

Democrat double standard on full display in Gov. Northam scandal.

By becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary community, the Board of Supervisors says it will oppose, within the limits of the law, any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict gun rights and use legal means to keep it from happening.

The decision to start declaring localities a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ comes after Virginia Democrats took control of the General Assembly in the latest election.

Governor Ralph Northam said he plans to pass stricter gun laws that include universal background checks.

Northam also announced in November that Virginia will continue to welcome refugees fleeing danger and persecution after President Donald Trump signed federal Executive Order 13888.

More here.

Do you live in a red county? 

Even if you haven’t been a prime target for the placement of refugees or for the placement of unaccompanied alien children, your county can go on record.

Go here for the address at the US State Department.  And, check out which states and counties have said YES to more refugees, here.

LOL!  I don’t know if the State Department plans to list counties that say NO!

Don’t be confused by the cities that have sent consent letters, it is county commissioners who are the decision-makers according to the State Department funding guidance.

Those are the rules in order for the refugee contractors to get more money after June 2020.

For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America.  For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!

Governor Ralph Northam Tells the President: Virginia Doesn’t Have Enough Refugees, Will Take More

You may remember Democrat Governor Northam because of the “blackface” scandal  he endured earlier this year, one which would have driven a Republican governor from office and into political oblivion.

Gov. Ralph Northam—we want more third worlders for Virginia!

And, surely you recall his cruel words during an abortion debate about letting babies die post-birth.

So it should be no surprise that one friend quipped when told the news, “yes, kill the babies to make room for the refugees!”

Unless I have missed some, Virginia becomes the 5th state to tell President Trump that the state wants MORE third world poverty (eventually more voters for the Democrat party)!

In the right hand side bar here at RRW  I’m keeping track and so far we have PA, OR, UT, and WA as states where the governor has said, send us more!

As I said here, the Open Borders Refugee Contractors are organizing nationally to pressure the President and to get ready for the flood of migrants they expect once Trump is no longer standing in the way.

Your job is to make sure that Donald Trump remains in the White House for another term or we are done!

Here is ABC13 News:

Gov. Northam: ‘We welcome refugee resettlement in Virginia’

RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) — Governor Ralph Northam sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Monday confirming Virginia will continue to welcome refugees fleeing danger and persecution.

“I have read federal Executive Order 13888, and I write to reaffirm Virginia’s position that we welcome refugee resettlement in the Commonwealth,” he wrote in the letter.

President Donald Trump signed the order in September explaining that the Federal Government will only resettle refugees in those jurisdictions in which both the state and local governments have consented to receive refugees under the Department of State’s Reception and Placement Program.

Two things that jumped out at me from the Governor’s letter indicating that he doesn’t understand the program as it is being carried out by the contractors in the state:

Because of our proximity to Washington, D.C., we are a preferred location for many Special Immigrant Visa holders – Iraqi and Afghanistan refugees who provided services to the U.S. military in those countries, and whose lives and families are in danger because of that service.

What the heck is he talking about?  Why do previous employees of the US military have to live in proximity to Washington, D.C.?  We have brought tens of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi SIVs as separate from the Refugee Admissions Program over the last ten years.

We are never told how the SIVs are divvied up among the contractors and clearly if it is true that more of the Muslim Afghans and Iraqis are being placed near DC (Northern Virginia is mosque-central after all), the contractors have a hand in making that decision along with the feds. The Governor is out of the loop!

If the governor is telling the truth, Virginians should be asking why they are getting a disproportionate share of SIVs.

Virginia Community Capacity Initiative?

And then this:

Virginia helps refugees settle into new homes only in those localities that participate in the Virginia Community Capacity Initiative, which ensures that a community’s elected officials, faith leaders, schools, and other stakeholders are committed to helping refugees build new homes and lives. We work with resettlement agencies that have deep ties to these communities.

“Resettlement agencies” are of course the federal refugee contractors. LOL! and I bet a contractor drafted the governor’s letter.

I had never heard of this Virginia Community Capacity Initiative and when I searched around I found very little, just some verbiage at some Catholic sites about finding housing for refugees.

I doubt the program has any statewide application so for the governor to suggest that all of the communities in the state that receive refugees have already said they can handle more refugees is a stretch (well, a lie!).

I decided to see just how many ‘welcoming’ communities existed in Virginia and so naturally went to the Refugee Processing Center data base.

I limited my search to the last ten years of refugee placement in the state and compiled this list (below) of cities/towns that had refugees placed in their community.

And, you should know that the Afghan/Iraq special refugees are not included in this database. Indeed, I have never found any database which tells us where the SIVs are sent.

Some locations may have only received a handful of refugees, but nonetheless, the list is extensive.  I’m just wondering if the Virginia Community Capacity Initiative was at work in all of them.

Virginia ‘welcoming’ communities:



And, while I was having fun with the data last night, here are the top ten ethnic groups resettled in Virginia in the last ten years.

11,800 regular refugees (not including SIVs) have been placed in Virginia since October 2009 (a small number compared to some other states). But, again we don’t know how many of the special refugees, SIVs, were provided housing, medical care, and other welfare services in the state.

Virginia’s top ten:

Iraq (3,438)

Bhutan (2,294)

DR Congo (1,328)

Iran (642)

Burma (636)

Afghanistan (536)

Somalia (436)

Eritrea (406)

Syria (361)

Sudan (275)

As I said yesterday at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ …. as Virginia turns blue, we see some very disturbing criminal cases involving ‘new Americans’ of all stripes in the Old Dominion. Check out my posts there.

Changing America by Changing the People from Manassas, Virginia to Missoula, Montana

There is an excellent piece at the World Tribune you all should take a minute or two to read.  It is about the transformation of Virginia and the soon to be transformed Montana if the Open Borders Democrats continue their great replacement strategy (only slowed at the moment by the President).

For new readers, I have written often about what is happening in Montana, click here, for more background.  I visited the state in 2016 while touring the West and Midwest to meet many Americans who have concluded that diversity is not strength and who love their towns and cities just the way they are without the importation of needy third world refugees.

From Joe Schaeffer at the World Tribune (just a bit of it because you should read it all):

Many in Big Sky Country protested ‘invasion’ of Congolese, Eritreans, Iraqis and Syrians


Last week we focused on how the former red bastion of Virginia has been flipped to blue thanks in large part to demographic change spurred by massive Third World immigration. [The do-nothing Virginia Republican Party must share the blame!—]

Having lived in Northern Virginia for some 20-odd years in the 1990s through the Oughts, I watched with my own eyes as respectable middle-class neighborhoods in Falls Church, Fairfax and abutting towns were transformed into decrepit crime-plagued eyesores due to the “enrichment” that comes with Third World immigration.

There really was little left to do but find a way to earn well over $100,000 a year and join the “tolerant” white liberals and privileged career federal employees in their upscale Leesburg and McLean zip codes or leave. I never did make it to McLean.

So it is sad to see the process repeating itself all over again in, of all places, the natural beauty of Big Sky Country.

As CEO of the International Rescue Committee, British citizen and globalist David Miliband is responsible for placing refugees in Montana. He lives and works in Manhattan and pulls down a partially federally funded salary of $900,000 a year! I call that doing well by doing good!


In short, our ruling globalists are determined that there be no corner of America left untouched by Third World immigration. A powerful global NGO called the International Rescue Committee helped settle Hmong refugees in Missoula in the 1980s. The IRC was able to successfully re-open its refugee resettlement operations in this city of 74,000 inhabitants in 2016 thanks to the emotional distress felt by a group of Missoula female book club members upon seeing the infamous photo of a drowned Syrian boy on a Turkish beach in 2015.


If you want to know how Virginia was lost, this is how it begins. Beyond all the virtue signaling about diversity and openness there of course lie very genuine concerns about importing foreigners who do not share the traditional American values that buttress our Constitutional freedoms.

This is especially prevalent with Muslims from the Middle East and Africa. Then there are the shocking health fears. The Ebola plague is currently raging in the Congo. Also underreported are the high financial costs to struggling U.S. taxpayers that come with resettling refugees.


This is the brave new world globalist organizations have in mind for formerly stable American neighborhoods from Manassas, Virginia to Missoula, Montana. If their work continues, Democrat majorities will hardly be the only distinguishing feature of these sullen heterogeneous, multilingual locales.

Read it all.

For more on David Miliband, a friend of George Soros and Hillary Clinton, go here.

And, here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

By the way, the author says the IRC resettles the most refugees annually in the US.  I thought the US Conference of Catholic Bishops held that distinction. No matter, I am sure one or other is a close second.

Secret decoder ring needed! This time in Virginia and Arizona

I’ve been joking about the fact that the vast majority of news stories about violent crimes report that the “man” was responsible and then go on to name the arrested man, not as Bob Jones or Fred Smith, but Mohamed A. Abdullahi or Chukwumankpam Mbegbu.

adios america cover

Ann Coulter made light of this fact in her best seller “Adios America.” 

She said citizens need “secret decoder rings” when reading news stories in order to figure out where certain violent criminals came from and how they got to America (illegally? or through some legal program) because the police and the media are going to keep those facts secret unless an enterprising reporter does some serious digging.

Two more such cases came to my attention over the last few days.

Continue reading “Secret decoder ring needed! This time in Virginia and Arizona”