Germany: Somali Refugee Kills Three Wounds Five in Obvious Islamic Terrorist Attack

Update:  I went on a search this morning to see if US corporate media was reporting on this story. Not seeing much.  But, here is a publication that says he killed and wounded women, and one boy was injured.

As usual, even as it was reported that he shouted “Allahu Akbar” when he proceeded to knife to death perfect strangers, authorities were still reporting that his motive for the attack is unclear, and besides he is just another mentally impaired Somali doing what Somalis do!

The UK Daily Mail has their usual big spread including videos and photos of the horrific scenes in an iconic German city.

The Daily Mail says he was welcomed to Germany during the migrant invasion of 2015, so see this first!



(Before I hear from critics, I have no problem posting a video from RT!)

I like how the Daily Mail provides a summary right up front.

Keep reading for the gory details….

Revealed: Somali knifeman who killed three people at random while yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ in German terror attack ‘came to Europe as a refugee in 2015’ – amid praise for hero locals who tackled him

  • Police confirmed multiple fatalities after a mass stabbing in Wurzburg on Friday
  • The suspect has been identified as a 24-year-old Somali man living in Wurzburg
  • The Somali immigrant had moved to the German city of Wurzburg back in 2015
  • He was admitted to a psychiatric unit just a few days earlier, security official said
  • Videos showed pedestrians holding the attacker at bay with chairs and sticks [Because of course no citizen can carry a gun!—ed]

Here is the terrorist….at least he is dutifully wearing a facemask so as not to help spread the China virus.

See my Invasion of Europe archive by clicking here.

My files on the invasion go back at least ten years.

Washington: “Man” Arrested for Child Molestation; Somali Refugee?

According to Illegal Alien Crime Report, Ibrahim Hire Salat is a Somali refugee.

African ‘Refugee’ Charged With Molesting 7-Year-Old Boy In Washington State

Ibrahim Hire Salat

He looks like it….however…

I put my secret decoder ring to work and couldn’t find a second published report to confirm his refugee status.

So, until we get further confirmation we will assume he is a refugee and is from Somalia.  As I said on previous occasions if law enforcement and the media want to play games and keep immigration status a big secret, then I’m just going to assume the worst and let someone correct me.

Here is the news from a local TV station in Kennebeck, Washington:

Man arrested for allegedly licking and kissing 7-year-old boy

KENNEWICK, Wash. (KEPR) — One man is behind bars, accused of licking a 7-year-old’s bottom, and kissing him, according to police in Kennewick, Wash.

The joys of diversity arriving in the hinterlands.

Ibrahim Hire Salat, 32, is facing suspicion of child molestation in the first degree.

Kennewick police say on Saturday, just before 11 a.m., officers were called to an apartment complex off Olympia near the Grocery Outlet.

The mother of the child told police that her son came crying to her, saying that a man had touched his bottom and kissed him on the cheek.
She said that after consoling him, he told her that he had licked his bottom, kissed him, and then offered to buy him a soda.

Police say Salat was detained and says the boy identified Salat as the man that touched him and licked him.

A judge set bail at $75,000.

If Salat is a refugee, no matter from where, my question is, why are we admitting men like him—men who are either unable to live by our laws and culture or are too mentally impaired to understand.

He is headed for a brutal life here in America and I wonder whether, for his sake!, he should have been left in Africa.

Where are the do-gooders, the humanitarians (ha-ha!), who ‘welcomed’ him to Washington, and are they coming to his rescue now? I doubt it.

State Department Admits Massive Fraud in Iraqi Refugee Program

We reported that an investigation was underway, here in February:

Biden Admin Halts Special Refugee Program for Iraqis Due to Fraud Bust

However, now the international corporate media is admitting it.

But, you need to know that this isn’t the first and won’t be the last admission that fraud is rampant in the US Refugee Admissions Program. 

Longtime readers may remember the moratorium on Somalis entering the US that began back in 2008 when the State Department uncovered fraud in the family reunification program—oopsy the Somalis claiming to be family members weren’t even kissing cousins.

I followed that scam investigation:

State Department: Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in the US illegally

In 2007, I first told readers about how Ted Kennedy secretively tacked the Special Iraqi program onto a must-pass Defense Authorization bill in the dark of night.

How many Iraqi refugees will be resettled in Hyannisport?

So here we are nearly 50,000 Iraqis later…

From Reuters this morning just in time for UN-designated World Refugee Day on Sunday:

Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS (formerly Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) one of nine federal resettlement contractors*** is quoted as saying:

“Resettlement is a very scarce and valuable and lifesaving commodity,” said Mark Hetfield, president of HIAS, a refugee resettlement agency.

“People … are going to do anything they can to access it.”


EXCLUSIVE U.S. suspects 4,000 cases of fraud in Iraqi refugee program -documents

WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) – U.S. authorities pursuing a sweeping fraud investigation suspect some 4,000 Iraqis of filing fraudulent applications for resettlement in the United States as refugees, and they are re-examining cases involving more than 104,000 others, according to State Department reports reviewed by Reuters.

More than 500 Iraqis already admitted as refugees have been implicated in the alleged fraud and could be deported or stripped of their U.S. citizenship, according to one document sent to members of Congress. It said there was “no indication to date that any of these 500+ individuals have ties to terrorism.”

The probe – one of the biggest into refugee program fraud in recent history – is fueling reservations among some in Joe Biden’s administration as they debate whether to create a similar program to assist Afghan refugees as American troops withdraw after 20 years of war, U.S. officials told Reuters.

The reports show the investigation is more far-reaching and serious than U.S. officials have disclosed since announcing in January a 90-day freeze of the Iraqi “Direct Access” refugee program. The suspension, which in April was extended indefinitely by the State Department, followed the unsealing of an indictment accusing three foreign nationals of fraud, records theft and money laundering.

A State Department spokesperson declined to comment on the scope of the investigation and internal government deliberations, but said the fraud scheme did not affect security vetting of refugees.

“The discovery, investigation, and prosecution of individuals involved in the scheme demonstrated the U.S. government’s commitment to ensuring the integrity of the program while upholding our humanitarian tradition,” the spokesperson said. “Those who would seek to take advantage of America’s generosity in welcoming the most vulnerable people will be held accountable.”

The spokesperson did not give a timeline for the investigation, but said the agency would work “as quickly and thoroughly as possible” to complete the review and make any necessary security changes.

Now this next part doesn’t make any sense to me because we are already bringing tens of thousands of Afghans here in the Special Immigrant Visa Program, the same one that the Iraqis used.

Here is one post on the Afghans from 2019:

Special Immigrant Visa Holders Coming in by the Thousands from Afghanistan, but Iraqi Flow has Slowed

You can see here that over 2,000 Afghans have been admitted in just the present fiscal year. How many did your state ‘welcome?’

Back to Reuters:

Under pressure from lawmakers of both parties and advocacy groups, the Biden administration is considering a similar program for Afghans facing Taliban retribution, according to a State Department official, a congressional aide and a lawmaker.

But there “are a lot of reservations” about expediting the resettlement of Afghans as refugees in the United States, said the State Department official, citing the problems with the Iraqi program.

There is much, much more so continue reading here.

I just took a trip down memory lane and see that I have a lot of posts on the Special Immigrant Visa Program and here is one in particular you should see.  Obama Judge rules that we aren’t bringing sufficient numbers of Iraqis and Afghans!

Judge Says Trump Admin Not Moving Fast Enough Bringing in Iraqi and Afghan Special Visa Holders


***In case you are new to RRW, here are the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.

When President Trump reduced the number of regular refugees being admitted, he did continue the Iraq and Afghan special refugees program and the contractors, we learned, were surviving off their payouts to resettle them.

Foreigners First! is their motto.

Was “man” Who Slaughtered Teen in North Dakota a Refugee?

That is the question I’ve had more than once in the last couple of days.

If you don’t know what happened see my post yesterday at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ here:

Fargo, North Dakota: “Man” Attacks Skateboarder in Deadly Knife Assault

You will see that I put the word “man” in quotes  and that is because that is what the media does, use the word man, when the alleged killer, rapist or criminal is of a race or nationality that doesn’t fit the corporate media message that diversity is beautiful.

But, I can’t always fault reporters who don’t dig deeper because frankly unless the man accused of a crime mentions his immigration status (often as part of his defense) there is almost no way for citizens to know if someone is here via the US Refugee Admissions Program, Temporary Protected Status, Special Immigrant Visa, the Green Card Lottery, as an Unaccompanied Alien Child, or on a worker visa, and the list goes on.

Or, is the perp a run-of-the mill border jumper or did he overstay a visa and just disappear into America?

The Trump Administration ended our ability to learn more about the refugees coming to your towns and cities.

For years we could at least make an educated guess if a criminal in the news was a refugee. 

We could narrow the field because the US State Department had a data clearinghouse where we could see what nationalities refugees were and where they were being placed right down to the city in which they were resettled.

Limited information is available, but that extensive data is no longer accessible to the public.

By the way, as for the creep in North Dakota, Heavy says there is no information on where he is from (I guessed Liberia in my post):

According to police, Kollie did not have a permanent address and information about his family and other details of his background were not immediately available.

I’m thinking that the average American, not an immigration policy wonk like you and me, doesn’t care which “program” admitted the criminal, most people just want less of them admitted.

However, if we are ever going to improve immigration in America we need to know where the holes are where criminals, terrorists and the mentally ill and others who just want to suck off the US taxpayers are getting through the system and arriving in places like Fargo, North Dakota.

I’m dreaming!

I’ve said this before, but how about a federal law that requires all law enforcement to publish the immigration status of any criminal charged with a felony?  And, not just whether they are legally here or not, but through which route they came to be living in the community where they have committed a serious crime.

Back to my headline question….

The Leftwing media (even law enforcement) expects us to stay silent when they keep quiet about the immigration status of a criminal.

I will bet law enforcement in Fargo knows Kollie’s status and maybe an enterprising local reporter will unearth the information. He could, after all, be a born and bred African-American.

But, as long as no one is confirming if Kollie is a refugee (or not a refugee) from West Africa, then go ahead and call him a refugee!

After all, everyone is a refugee these days! 

I am referring to the Leftwing propagandists and all of the political leaders here and around the world who have used the refugee label to put a positive spin on anyone on the move for any reason anywhere.

If we call all the evil doers refugees, then maybe, just maybe, the need for clarity in the use of the word will dawn on them!

Columbus, Ohio: Refugee Gang-Raped in Low-Income Neighborhood

Big surprise, Not!  How many times over the years have I posted on violence against refugees who were placed in bad neighborhoods and substandard housing by the ‘religious charities’ that the US State Department hired to take care of them.

The ‘charities’ will claim in their defense that they don’t have the money to place refugees in better housing which begs the question:

Then why are you advocating for more refugees to be brought to America if you can’t take care of them?

Just the other day I told you about Church World Service‘s subcontractor in Columbus looking for more refugees to be brought to Columbus:

HIAS Tells Supporters—Pressure Biden to Stick to Promise—125,000 Refugees THIS Year

And, I see from the map I published yesterday that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society has an office in Columbus:

During Trump’s Presidency Many Refugee Agency Affiliates Closed

So either the subcontractor working for Church World Service or the one working for HIAS is responsible for the unhappy Bhutanese refugees’ living conditions!

See HIAS bragging about its work in “welcoming” Columbus!

If you were to challenge them on their responsibility, they would likely say they aren’t responsible after the refugees have been here three months—an outrage in itself—because they are only paid to take care of them (their “clients”) for three months!

The Bhutanese are mostly Hindu and Buddhists and a small percentage are Christians. Peaceful people who you can imagine are targeted by a certain element of city dwellers. Hint! they are not terrorized by white nationalists!  But, the diversity-promoting resettlement agencies apparently figure they can just mix minorities together in ‘melting-pot’ America and everyone will live in multi-cultural Nirvana..


Thanks to a reader for sending me this from The CW Columbus:

After reported rape, refugees say living conditions at Columbus apartment are unsafe

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — After fleeing horrors in their native countries, some refugees in Columbus said their American Dream is turning into a nightmare, in part because of where they live.

Advocates for the Bhutanese/Nepali community said a report of a gang rape at an apartment complex on the northeast side highlights the problems in the neighborhood.

Yolanda Board, with the North Community Counseling Center, serves refugees. Earlier this month, she had to assist a woman who told police she was gang-raped at the apartments.

“This client was barged in on by four individuals, four men, and was subsequently raped and robbed,” Board said.

Board said conditions at the complex, The Commons at Victoria Village, are unsafe and the rape claim is highlighting that.

“We’re aware of years, in excess of a decade of incidents of outright negligence,” she said.

Her group claims there are health and safety issues, including rodents and a lack of proper locks on doors to common areas and apartments.

“Anybody walking off the street can just walk in there, sleep in the hallway, or do whatever,” Board said.

By the way, one subject that has never been fully explored is the connection some federal resettlement contractors have with questionable landlords.

Don’t miss this from the Bhutanese community of Democrat-run Columbus:


NEWS RELEASE                                   JANUARY 26, 2021