Are the volags up to speed on this?

Editor:  This is a guest post by a ‘church-planting’ missionary with experience in Africa.   This is written in response to our post on Atlas Shrugs/Somali refugees.

Are the polititians, volags (voluntary agencies) and others doing refugee assistance, aware of THIS ingrained anti-assimilation mindset of Muslims desiring US Citizenship?

” … This is the Muslim society.  In this society, the beliefs and ideas of individuals, their devotional acts and religious observances, and their social system and their laws, are all based on submission to God [Allah] alone.  If this attitude is eliminated from any of these aspects, the whole of Islam is eliminated, as the first pillar of Islam – that is, the declaration, ‘there is no deity except God [Allah], and Muhammad is the Messenger of God [Allah]’ – becomes eliminated.

“Thus, and only thus, can this group become a Muslim group and the community which it organizes be Muslim.  Before adopting this purity of attitude no group can be a Muslim group, and before organizing its system of life on this principle no society can be a Muslim society.  The reason for this is that the first principle on which Islam is based, that is “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadar Raul Allah”, is not established in respect to both its parts.

“It is necessary, therefore, before thinking of establishing the Islamic social system and organizing a Muslim community, that one should give attention to purifying the hearts of people from worship of anyone other than God [Allah], in the way we have described above.  Only those whose hearts are so purified will come together to make a group, and only such a group of people, whose beliefs and concepts, whose devotional acts and law, are completely free of servitude to anyone other than God [Allah] can start a Muslim community.  Anyone who wants to live an Islamic life will automatically enter into this community, and his belief, his acts of worship and the laws which he follows, will also be purified for God [Allah] alone.  In other words, he will be an embodiment of “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadar Rasul Allah”.

“This was the manner in which the first Muslim group was formed which eventually developed into the first Muslim community.  This is the only way in which any Muslim group is started and a Muslim community comes into being.

“A Muslim community can come into existence only when individuals and groups of people reject servitude to anyone except God [Allah] – in addition to Him or exclusively – and come into submission to God [Allah], Who has no associates, and decide that they will organize their scheme or life on the basis of this submission.  From this a new community is born, emerging from within the old Jahili society, which immediately confronts it with a new belief and a new way of life based on this belief, presenting a concrete embodiment of the creed, “There is no deity except God[Allah], and Muhammad is the Messenger of God [Allah]”.

[Milestones, Sayyid Qutb (Abdul Naeem for Islamic Book Service, reprint 07, ISBN 81-7231-244-X, pp 78-79) emphasis Qutb’s.  The quote is taken from Chap 5 … The Way of Life of Islam]

 Qutb’s little book is one of the most influential in the world among the ordinary Muslims, i.e., those who are not given to “lying with confidence,” who “just” seek a peaceful life.  It is central instruction for the Sunni of today.  PEOPLE HAILING FROM SOMALIA, for instance, ARE MOSTLY SUNNI MUSLIMS.  Should they have come through Somalia from other places, it is likely that they are Sunni.

It well may be that VOLAGS give up on their “projects,” for their collective approach is usually American and Christian and their intent is to encourage immigrants to ASSIMILATE, when, in fact, the newcomers shall not and that becomes obvious early on, but, however, after entry into the country.

There is need, then, for educating Americans concerning what may be waste of effort to cause these to assimilate, should the above teachings be allowed to be inculcated and reinforced HERE by those teachers (imams) charged with that task.  The teachers, if imported under present law, no  doubt know Milestones very well.  OBL does.

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