Somalis to get a publically funded school in Minnesota?

Your tax dollars: 

Behind Bosnians, Somalis are the second largest group of Muslim refugees to enter the United States since we started keeping those statistics in the late 1980’s.  Their population in American is now way beyond the original 80,000 or so we have admitted because once here refugees can apply to bring extended family and the Somali family is typically very large (polygamy helps boost those numbers).  

Now we are getting word that your tax dollars will build a special school for them in Minneapolis, some are calling it a Madrassa.    Private religious schools in America have a rich tradition and one huge common factor—they don’t take government funds.  I know from personal experience having spent a recent Friday night helping serve spaghetti dinner to 500 at a Christian school fundraiser.   The ACLU would be landing like a big bird on a Christian or Jewish school, so someone call them on this project!

There is no sense me repeating the story when Jerry Gordon over at the ACT blog has done an excellent job on it.   Read about it here.

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