Today the Washington Post surprised this western city with a report that places it in the Top Ten sites in the country vulnerable to a terrorist attack. Researchers didn’t say that terrorists were targeting the city only that it was a good target.
The researchers assessed the vulnerability of each city to a terrorist attack based on three things: socioeconomics, infrastructure, and geophysical hazards such as the potential for flooding or fire.
The analysis measured not whether a city would make an attractive target to a terrorist but rather how well it could withstand an attack, Piegorsch said.
“This wasn’t a question of what places a terrorist wants,” Piegorsch said. “The targetability is not an issue here; it’s the vulnerability if they were targeted.”
But, in my uneducated opinion, something is up in Boise and I’ve been pointing that out for months. Go back to the murdered Uzbek refugee post of a few days ago.
Here is the link to the Washington Post
And here is the link to my post on Boise murdered Uzbeks post a few days ago:
NOTE: WordPress has just out of the blue changed how we write posts and I haven’t figured out how to put in links, so until I do, I apologize for the less than professional look! At least you have the information!