Another story about a jobless (but skilled) Iraqi refugee

Here is a story from Rhode Island about an Iraqi family down on its luck in America.  

PROVIDENCE — Seven months after an Iraqi refugee family received a warm welcome here, bad luck burst through the back door.

Make that bad luck on top of bad luck for Atheer Kiriacos Jajou, his wife, Baydaa Elshwaie, and their two children, who are the first Iraqi refugees resettled in Rhode Island since the 1990s.

The family has been here seven months and just at the time they are being evicted from their home, someone broke in and stole all of their money.  The couple was out earning some bit of additional cash cleaning another home at the time.   Seems that cleaning houses and motels is the kind of work Iraqis are getting these days.  This man has a skill, so I wonder why the International Institute of Rhode Island can’t find him more suitable work.  Maybe these outfits are too busy lobbying in support of illegal immigrants to bother finding jobs for the legal ones (check out their website and you’ll see what I mean).

 Jajou was trained at a technical institute in Baghdad, and is both a metalworker and mold-maker.

We have testimony in Congress where Representatives are claiming that we need to expand the H2-B visas to bring in more immigrants because we don’t have enough workers.  We have companies continuing to import illegal workers, and yet these volags can’t find work for refugees.  This family will now go on further taxpayer funded assistance.

Yesterday afternoon, Jajou got a tiny bit of good news: the family will be receiving federal assistance of $325 per month.

This does not add up.

By the way, the International Institute is a sister organization to the other International Institutes we have written about in Akron, OH,  Erie, PA and Waterbury, CT.



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