Refugees International et al: We need more Iraqi refugees in America

This is a statement telling the US government what it needs to do about Iraq’s displaced people (and our 213th post on Iraqi refugees) signed by groups, many of which will financially benefit from the flood of Iraqis they want to bring here.   Read it all and note signatures. 

The primary author is Refugees International, read my earlier post about how their chairman of the Board, Farooq Kathwari,  is involved in various Arab groups in the US and is also mucking around in the Muslim separatist movement in Kashmir.  Oh, and Refugees International has testified to Congress that we should bring Rohingya Muslims to the US.

This “statement” does do one good service, it helps clarify all the numbers floating out there about how many refugees are here and expected this year.  

Besides the “drumbeat” issue (bring more Iraqis now), I suspect this statement has a twofold purpose.  First, it is the season of the year for drafting the annual Presidential Determination Letter (see 2008 letter here) in which the President sets a ceiling for refugees for the next fiscal year, so they are getting their licks (lobbying) in now.  And, secondly, the refugees are the last thing these anti-war folks (George Soros and friends) have to wrap around the Bush Administration’s neck leading up to the Presidential elections this fall.  Afterall, if Iraqis can’t go home then Iraq is still a mess.

So below is some of the information about numbers of Iraqis here now and how many might come if these groups have their way  (I take back what I said above about this document clarifying the numbers, they are still confusing!):

The United States Government has since made some progress in addressing the crisis. To date around 10,000 refugees have been resettled into the U.S.

While the U.S. may achieve its goal of resettling 12,000 Iraqi refugees here in the current fiscal year, the needs are much greater. We ask the U.S. to reconsider resettling 105,500 refugees from Iraq and, if necessary, to reassess this number for the next few years. As part of that request, we ask for U.S. government support, including financial support, to enable the U.S. to build the international and domestic capacity necessary to quickly resettle this substantially larger number of Iraqi refugees.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that 88,000 Iraqi refugees need immediate protection through resettlement next year. The U.S. generally resettles 50% of all refugees resettled in the world each year, bringing in the U.S. share for 2009 to: 44,000.

Oh, and here is a good suggestion (not!)!  Lets process refugees on American bases, territories, or even on our soil.  Aside from the security issues can you see the publicity advantage to airlifting thousands of Iraqis to someplace like Guam.

….such as processing Iraqis with US affiliations at a U.S. base or an alternative location in the region or even further away. In the past the U.S. has moved large numbers of refugees to Guam or even to the continental U.S. for processing.

The statement also calls for the US to up its support for the displaced Iraqis (including all those that were escaping the Saddam Hussein regime) and for rebuilding Iraq while Iraq has a budget surplus according to recent reports.

We recommend that the U.S. commit $1.35 billion in 2009 to help meet the basic needs of Iraqis in Iraq and sanctuary countries as long as the displaced population stays at the current level.

This NGO statement is so chock full of interesting stuff I could go on and on, so please go read the whole thing.  Note they are trying to head off the international enthusiasm for Iraqis returning home, saying its not safe yet.

P.S.  There are some Iraqi Christians in serious need of help, but these groups are not focusing on the Christians.

Malaysian Borneo set to deport Muslim illegal aliens

Update:   Just posted this and here is news about the crackdown beginning.

Jumping to the other side of the globe (from Tennessee) today, here is a report from a few days ago about how the regional government in Borneo is going to begin a massive deportation of illegal immigrants and refugees from a region called Sabah.

KOTA KINABALU — Migrants from the Philippines and Indonesia who have flooded into Malaysian Borneo are being targeted with a massive deportation program, as the government comes under pressure to act.

The settlers have been blamed for waves of crime and creating a generation of stateless children who live in appalling conditions in the towns and villages of Sabah state.

The influx of mostly Muslim migrants has also tipped the ethnic balance against indigenous tribes who used to dominate the population, say politicians.

And, following on the theme of Demographic Conquest is this:

Dompok, leader of the UPKO party which is part of the Barisan Nasional coalition that has ruled Malaysia for half a century, said Sabahans have becoming increasingly concerned about the number of foreigners.

“I think the focus of those involved in illegal immigration during that time was to ensure there was a change in the demography of Sabah’s population,” he told Agence France-Presse.

Do I think this is a world wide plan, this demographic takeover?  Yup.  I think the word has been received, go forth into the land of the kufar and multiply.

I wanted to tell you about Dar-el-harb (the house of war) and found this clever board game.  Go here and laugh!

Hot news from Shelbyville: Union overturns controversial contract

Just in from the Times-Gazette of Shelbyville, TN (see last Friday’s report that started all this):

Members of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) and Tyson Foods workers at the poultry processing plant in Shelbyville overwhelmingly voted to overturn a union contract that replaced Labor Day as a paid holiday with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr, it was announced this morning.

The new agreement will increase the number of paid days off for workers in the current calendar year to include both Labor Day and the Muslim observance as paid holidays for workers in the Shelbyville plant.

The agreement amends the existing contract negotiated last year, according to a press release from the RWDSU.

In a statement by Tyson spokesperson Libby Lawson, the food processing giant made this request on behalf of its Shelbyville plant employees, “some of whom had expressed concern about the new contract provisions relative to paid holidays.”

“In an effort to be responsive, Tyson asked the union to reopen the contract to address the holiday issue, and the union agreed to do so.” Lawson said. 

Although Labor Day is back as a paid holiday,  the Muslim holiday is still on for all plant workers:

The RWDSU membership voted overwhelmingly Thursday to reinstate Labor Day as one of the plant’s paid holidays, while keeping Eid al-Fitr as an additional paid holiday for this year only.

The more interesting part of this article came at the end when Bedford County Mayor Eugene Ray told Tysons that they attracted the Somalis to Shelbyville and it was thus their duty to assimilate them.

Mayor Ray also said that a lot of work needs to be done to help the Somalis “get along with people, how to work with people … and how to be kind to one another.”

This is in reference to the frequent reports from the public of the refugee’s “rude and demanding” attitude that the T-G reported in the Somalis on Shelbyville series published in December 2007.

Ray said he is “still working on that,” meeting with Imam Haji Yousuf, of Shelbyville’s Muslim mosque.

The mayor said the problems stem from the customs of the Somalis, “not them (the refugees) so much, but the way they are used to operating in their country, which is more aggressive than most people that come here.”

“Their custom is to negotiate everything, but here you go into stores, you don’t negotiate, you make your mind up if you want to pay for it or not.”

“They’re here, they are part of the community, they are part of the economy, so it’s not like you can just tell them to leave … but Tyson is the reason why they are here, they are attracted by them, they come from different places to work here,” Ray said.

“Tyson’s got a big stake in this to help the community, to orientate the people (Somalis) to be kind, to be nice, to be polite,” Ray said.

I predict this last will be hard to do because we (non-Muslims) are all infidels and that is the root of this arrogance we are seeing.

P.S. I would still like to know what was going on in that Shelbyville mosque a few weeks ago prior to a Somali going on a rampage.  Maybe Mayor Ray can ask the Imam when he meets with him.


What is up in Ft. Morgan, CO? Meatpacking and Somalis again?

Yesterday someone sent me this announcement for an upcoming visit of representatives of the Office of Refugee Resettlement to Ft. Morgan, CO.    Something called the Integration Work Group will meet with people in the community.  

Representatives from the Office of Refugee Resettlement Integration Work Group will be visiting Fort Morgan on Thursday, Aug. 14.

They will arrive at Morgan Community College’s Adult Basic Education Building, 117 Main St., at 10:15 a.m. At 10:30 they will be introduced to OneMorgan County and the community with an overview of the program. This brief overview will be followed by a roundtable conversation.

At 1:30 p.m., the representatives plan to arrive at Cargill Meat Solutions. They will meet with Cargill staff in hopes of gaining insight into the Cargill perspective on the new refugee workforce. They will be learning about dynamics, recruitment, adjustment and integration.

My antennae went up—isn’t this another Somali resettlement city?  Yes, and it is home to giant meatpacking company Cargill.  Just last summer I wrote that a Refugee Resettlement Office was opening in the Greeley/Ft. Morgan area to accomodate incoming Somalis.  See my posts here and here.

I noticed that in those posts (a year ago!) I was guessing that this refugee resettlement office was being set up to facilitate a meatpacking company, it sure looks like it.    The meatpacker gets these LEGAL immigrant workers while the taxpayer takes care of all their other needs—healthcare, housing, schools, integration and so on.   Even groups like this OneMorgan County mentioned in the meeting announcement is funded with tax dollars.

I started searching around for more information, but there is so much stuff on Cargill and Ft. Morgan Somalis and meatpackers that I couldn’t absorb it all.  I did find this interesting bit I wanted to share here because I wonder how leftist do-gooders can reconcile their professed charity toward refugees with the fact that these refugees are working for what other leftists call monsters.   According to reports like this one, Cargill has its greedy fingers in all sorts of destructive activities around the world, like in Somalia of all places:

For example, Cargill dumped grain in Somalia at one-ninth the local farmer’s price, thereby greatly destroying the traditional subsistence economy of Somalia.

I don’t know if this is true, but some leftwing groups think so.  

We followed Shelbyville, TN  and Emporia, KS from near the beginning, so we have a handle on those conflicts, and now we need to get a handle on Ft. Morgan.    I’m looking for readers to send links to the comments on this article and maybe we can all educate each other about Ft. Morgan—good or bad.  If everything is just going great at Ft. Morgan and Somalis are assimilating and folks are happy, tell us that too.

Anyone live closeby in Colorado who could pop over to this meeting?