Radicals love all of humanity, but…..

I told you I’m reading Saul Alinsky.  Please, all of you, read the work that reportedly underpins Obama’s thinking—you will laugh till you cry.  

Alinsky maintains that there are three groups in America:   Conservatives, Liberals and Radicals.

In “Reveille for Radicals” he says of radicals:

“America’s radicals are to be found wherever and whenever America moves close to the fulfillment of its democratic dream.  Whenever America’s hearts are breaking, there American radicals were and are.  America was begun by radicals [the founding father’s were radicals?].   America was built by its radicals. The hope and future of America lies with its radicals [Obama?].

What is the American radical? The radical is that unique person who actually believes what he says. He is that person to whom the common good is the greatest personal value.  He is that person who genuinely and completely believes in mankind [well, except maybe rednecks].  The radical is so completely identified with mankind that he personally shares the pain, the injustices, and the suffering of all [all?] his fellow men.”

Earlier in this chapter he had shown utter disdain for those he called ‘Mr. and Mrs. But’—those liberals and conservatives who say for instance, “I’m not racist, but….”   

I nearly fell out of bed laughing as I read this.  Apparently he sees no hypocrisy in his obvious hatred for conservatives and yes, liberals—a large slice of humanity he clearly doesn’t love.

Radicals love all humankind alright, but, they don’t love the small town conservative citizen who doesn’t want change.   To them those folks are unenlightened boobs (radicals, by contrast, are very intelligent people) who need to be shaken up with immigrant diversity and need introduction to the joys of multiculturalism. 

Radicals need to keep importing diversity so they can have all sorts of diverse people to love and fight for.  Afterall, they don’t love this segment of humanity—the gun-toting, Bible-reading, small town redneck.  (By the way, I use the word ‘redneck’ with the greatest affection.)   Not to mention the fact that radicals hate anyone who challenges their notion that “change,” whatever that is, represents the enlightened position on governance.

So, who is really Mr. But?

I suspect conservatives in leadership positions never took any of this hogwash (radicals love everyone) seriously and now look where we are.    This myth, that radicals love all of humanity and we should too, is incredibly dangerous for our security and we must stand up to it—conservatives must fight back.

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