Alinskyism (Day 8)

Continuing my calendar of sorts on the writing of Saul Alinsky, King of Change, the creative mind behind the Community Organizing Industry, below is another quote from “Reveille for Radicals.”

How did Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers and supposedly our President-elect believe in such sophomoric ideas as this statement on war and peace?

We have said that we must surely end war or it will surely end us.  It is obvious that if the people of the world are free, informed, participating to the fullest degree, working together co-operatively, possessed of an understanding of their problems and those of their fellow men, completely aware of that simple truth that the welfare of one is contingent upon the welfare of all others, secure in a faith in themselves and in their fellow men, committed to ideals of human decency, then there will be no wars.

Yeh, wouldn’t that be nice.

Alinsky, like most “radicals” of his ilk, must be an atheist (and a narcissist) because he seems to have no clue about forces outside his little dream world.  He seems to be bogged down with employment fairness, and racial fairness, and whose life is tougher, and who has more money and more things.  The more I think about his writings it is almost like a child’s view of the world—how a child would look around and say, that’s not fair you have more stuff than I have.

Meanwhile he appears clueless about people being driven by powers larger than themselves. 

Maybe because he has no belief system outside of himself, he can’t grasp the concept that people could be driven by forces—the Islamic imperative comes to mind—that have (as I see it) a purely evil intent, ultimately making war inevitable with those who are driven by opposing forces (also larger than oneself).

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