IRC: your employment ‘head hunter’ service in Abilene, TX

Abilene Biz magazine published an article this past week in which the International Rescue Committee (IRC)showcases what it can do for your business by supplying immigrant (cheap!) labor.   Most refugees, even those with educations and skills, cannot get work commensurate with their training because their English is usually too weak.  So your friendly refugee resettlement agency (funded by you, the taxpayer) finds them work in menial jobs. 

They come to this country with little in the way of material possessions and most do not speak English at all or well enough to converse. Even so, they are required by law to be self-sufficient after four months in the United States.

That means many refugees take jobs that they are overqualified for simply because they don’t speak English. You might find a former lawyer working in an assembly line or a former business CEO doing housekeeping chores—and grateful for the opportunity.

Once again, ever watchful, Chris Coen of Friends of Refugees posts a comment to set the record straight. 

Refugees are not required by law to be self-sufficient after four months in the United States. The US Department of Health and Human Services provides eight months of cash assistance for refugees, which will cover rent and other basic bills. If refugees have professional or other skills then the IRC should be assisting the refugees to learn English during those eight months so that the refugees may be directed to an appropriate job in which they may use their skills.

Christopher Coen
Friends of Refugees

As a matter of fact, I wondered at this in Washington County, MD too.   The refugees were pushed very quickly into factory/warehouse jobs and were then unable to attend the English classes that had been available to them at the local junior college.  Without English they weren’t going to be rising up the employment ladder anytime soon.

I think its all about these volags (supposedly voluntary agencies) trying to unload refugees as fast as they can so they can bring more.

Back to Abilene Biz and the IRC head hunters.  Need cheap manual labor?  Refugees (except maybe the Iraqis!) don’t complain.  They probably think that if they are not working at 4 months they will be deported or something.     Contact the IRC for all your labor needs:

Contact Susanna Lubanga, employment specialist, 675-5643, ext. 10; Assistance with paperwork and translators are available. An IRC rep. is also available to give on-site presentations for interested employers. IRC office is located at 3303 N. 3rd St., Suite D.

I wonder if the IRC collects anything from employers when they supply them with labor.  Does anyone know?  Come to think of it, do the big meatpackers give some sort of kick-back to volag head hunters?

Retired intelligence officer shows how Alinsky influenced Obama

….Not just influenced, but is the underpinning of how Obama’s life and the Socialist/Marxist movement he leads has been structured.    Read this detailed and excellent discussion at the blog ” The Fundamental Option” here.  Hat tip: Janet.

Why am I posting this series on Saul Alinsky (a dead Communist) at Refugee Resettlement Watch in a category entitled “community destabilization?”     You simply cannot bring about “crisis” and “change” and ultimately a socialist form of government if the American population is basically content.  Enter the immigrants.   One must continually add “diversity” and needy people to keep the anger level up.  Frankly, the “want mores,” as Alinsky calls them, will demand more.

Of course it is couched in terms about ‘loving all sweaty humanity’ and that may be so at the lower levels of the open borders movement, but the reality, as I have shown previously, is that the Saul Alinsky leaders (Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Father Pfleger) are far from kind and gentle people, but are in fact filled with hatred.

Again, one must have the seething angry masses to destabilize communities and bring about a change in our form of government.

Refugees International: Tell Obama to resettle 105,500 Iraqis into US

Ken Bacon*, head of a major refugee industry lobbying group, Refugees International (RI), urged his supporters to send letters to President-elect Obama and tell him to increase the number of Iraqi refugees entering the US to 105,500 (and they aren’t promoting the truly persecuted Christians), while the Bush Administration has proposed 17,000.    Our worldwide ceiling for FY2009 is 80,000.

From a Refugees International action alert this past week:

Increase the number of Iraqis resettled into the U.S. to 105,500.

The number just keeps growing!  Everytime they put out a release the number goes up by 10,000 or so.   Here is a post back in September where groups including RI were talking 80,000-90,000, and were very displeased with the State Department’s measly 17,000.

We brought around 13,000 in FY 2008 and a large number of these refugees are very unhappy as we have reported many times recently.   Well educated and expecting work according to their educations, Iraqis entering the US in large numbers over the last few months have not been silent about their disappointment.  See one of many posts on the unhappy Iraqis here.

Are these groups like RI completely isolated  and out of touch that they don’t know this dissatisfaction is going on in city after city in the US?  How can they continue to advocate for more Iraqis when the ones we have are not being cared for?  It makes no sense!  

And, won’t these 105,500 competent Iraqis be competing for increasingly scarce jobs if the economy continues to tighten as predicted?   How is that going to sit with out-of-work Americans, after so many fellow Americans fought and died for Iraq to have its freedom? 


*Ken Bacon, if you recall, was the Pentagon spokesman in the Clinton Administration whose claim to fame was that he released Linda Tripp’s personel file which served to draw the media to Linda Tripp and away from Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.   Bet you a buck, he ends up in the State Department if Hillary is Secretary of State, afterall, in the ways of Washington—she owes him.

Refugees International is chaired by Farooq Kathwari.  You can read more about him here.

IRC hosts publicity stunt Thanksgiving dinner for refugees in NYC, elsewhere

Nothing much here to report other than the International Rescue Committee(IRC), which claims its funding is not adequate, put on what appears to be a pretty lavish Thanksgiving spread in New York City this week—obviously a publicity stunt because here is the article in USA Today :

NEW YORK — Mohamed Hashem*, a college student who studied dance as a child and worked as a model, was threatened often on the streets of Baghdad. He ran to Jordan, languished in Lebanon and hid for two years in Syria before finally making it to New York in July as a refugee.

Having fled persecution, he is a pilgrim, too. On Thursday he celebrated his first Thanksgiving.

“What keeps me going is I always remember where I was and where I am now,” says Hashem, 25, who shares a room with another Iraqi refugee in Brooklyn. “I have no job. I am lonely, but I’m in New York where I always wanted to be. I’m safe.”

Hashem and dozens of other refugees gathered Thursday night for an early celebration of the holiday that commemorates the feast shared by America’s indigenous people and refugees of a different sort centuries ago. Like Hashem, many were celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time.

The dinner was one of three organized this week by the International Rescue Committee, one of nine agencies that resettle refugees throughout the USA. Celebrations also were held in Phoenix on Thursday and Salt Lake City on Tuesday.

A ho-hum article is livened up by a comment from Chris Coen, Friends of Refugees.  Mr. Coen is the ever-present reminder that these Volags (supposedly voluntary agencies) funded with your tax dollars often times leave the refugees in their care uncared-for! 

Government inspection reports of IRC are not quite as rosy as this article. When the US State Department visited IRC refugees at their homes in New York City they found a refugee family that had not been provided with the minimal ‘minimum required’ used furnishings that are required by IRC’s government contracts. The refugee family told the government inspectors that they had asked IRC to provide an additional bed a month earlier, yet the IRC never brought it. The family also was not receiving food stamps or welfare even though they qualified for both programs. Another home visit revealed a family of five that had been placed into a crowded one-bedroom apartment. The family said that they felt unsafe in the neighborhood that IRC had placed them as they had been robbed, and a homicide had occurred in front of the building next door. This family also was not receiving food stamps even though they qualified for the program.

Christopher Coen
Friends of Refugees

See the handy graph with the article that reminds us that we are expected to resettle 80,000 more refugees into a beleagured job market in the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. 

*We wrote about Hashim previously here.   He gets around doesn’t he?  Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the UN was even at this dinner.   For the diversity worshipers reading this, take note that gays are persecuted (and at times executed) in Middle Eastern countries that follow strict Islamic law.

And, check out the photo (by a USA Today  photographer so we know this was a publicity stunt set up in advance) of Hashim.  Are those adult beverages the refugees are enjoying?  Cash bar?  Or, were drinks on the IRC (the taxpayer) too?

IRC top brass make huge salaries, here.

Brigitte Gabriel pressured Tyson’s foods not to give in to jihad

Jamie Glazov at FrontPage Magazine interviews Brigitte Gabriel today, and she tells us something we didn’t know. Her group, ACT! for America, was behind the deluge of phone calls that hit the Tyson plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee, when they tried to pacify their Somali employees by substituting a Muslim holiday for Labor Day. (Our posts on the issue are here.) Here’s the story:

Tyson Foods in Tennessee had caved to Muslim employees demands through the union to replace Labor Day as a holiday by the Islamic holy day of Eid el-Fitr. We were outraged that an American corporation would cave to such a demand. Labor Day Holiday is a part of the fabric of America. We sent out an email action alert to our members explaining the situation and giving them the telephone number of Tyson’s customer service department. Hundreds of people from around the country contacted Tyson. In few hours they shot down their phone lines.

In addition to notifying members to call Tyson, she used her media contacts:

We also have many producers of top TV news show who are subscribers to our action alerts. They aired the story to millions exposing Tyson’s decision. Because of the massive pressure on Tyson, three days later the company announced it had renegotiated the contract, restored Labor Day, and removed Eid al-Fitr as a paid holiday for all employees after next year.

What a great achievement, and a very meaningful one:

This is the power of an organized mass movement. We knew that this issue was very important because two major players were watching Tyson’s reaction: The Islamic Lobby and other American corporations. We wanted to send a message that the American public is alive and well and ready to take action. Americans are not going to lay down and play dead.

The main point of the interview is to show that an activist organization like hers is needed, and what it can accomplish. She says:

There are many fine organizations that have been researching and publishing information on this, some for many years. And that education and information is essential to our long-term prospects for victory. But it’s not sufficient. Education must be followed by organized action. I traveled the nation and abroad the last few years speaking about Islamic terrorism and realized that once people became educated, they were asking what can I do? Give me something to do because I want to make a difference.

We’ve got some activists who comment here and email us:  journalists who write the truth, citizens who write letters and post comments in their local newspapers that educate others and those who write to their elected representatives, even people who are working in the belly of the beast — the volags and government agencies — who give us important information. All of your actions make a difference. 

We previously posted on Brigitte Gabriel here.