Europe’s rightward lurch: lesson for America

This morning I see there was a thought-provoking essay by author Bruce Bawer (While Europe Slept) posted at the the Infidel Blogger’s Alliance yesterday.  Bawer maintains that Europe is heading to the political right while America goes left.   However, it seems that it may be too late to save some European countries already strained to the breaking point by unchecked Muslim immigration and a socialist welfare system that cannot survive the onslaught.

These are the concluding paragraphs:

Who will win the war for the soul of Western Europe? The Islamofascists and their multiculturalist appeasers, many of whom seem to believe that their job is not to defend democracy but to help make the transition to Shariah as smooth as possible? The nativist cryptofascists? Or Pim Fortuyn’s freedom-loving heirs? Interestingly, while Western Europeans have been heading in one direction, Americans have chosen to go the other way, replacing a president more loathed by the European elite than any in history with a man whom the same elite has celebrated to an unprecedented degree, often depicting his election as a mystical act of atonement for all of America’s past sins, real or imagined.

The final question, then, is whether the Western European left’s condescension toward America, and the American left’s habit of holding Western Europe up as a socialist paradise, can survive the combination of Europe’s right turn and the elevation of Barack Obama. Stir in the international financial crisis, which will almost certainly cause a socioeconomic upheaval of untold dimensions in both hemispheres, and it seems reasonable to expect that the old pattern may be broken for good. Meaning that American professors will have a far less stressful time of it at European cocktail parties—at least until Shariah comes along and forbids cocktails entirely.

Please read it all.

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