Shooting at a refugee agency, it’s not the first time

Yesterday’s tragic shooting at the American Civic Association in Binghamton, NY is not the first such shooting at a refugee resettlement office in the US.  In 1997 a refugee entered a Catholic Charities office in Phoenix with a rifle, but the only fatality that day was the refugee himself.

Here is the story (Lost in America) from about a shooting incident involving Sudanese refugee, Simon Deng:

…..Jany Deng, 26, landed in Phoenix in 1995; he and his blood brother Simon were two of the first four Lost Boys to arrive in Arizona. Their saga had begun 10 years before.

While herding cattle in 1985, Jany and other boys from his village witnessed the destruction of their homes by government-backed Islamic militias. They took off running, beginning a multiyear exodus that spanned East Africa and countries around the globe. Many of their parents were murdered and their sisters raped, enslaved and killed. (As a result, there are fewer Lost Girls.)

For years, tens of thousands of Lost Boys walked more than 1,000 miles across East Africa, thousands dying of starvation, disease, and militia and animal attacks. Jany and his group first went east to Ethiopia, where Jany was reunited with Simon, who had made it there with another group of Lost Boys. But when civil war flared up in 1990, they fled back to Sudan. They returned to nothing: Their family and village were gone. Eventually they trekked to Kenya, winding up in the Dadaab refugee camp. After a year in Dadaab, they were among the first few relocated to the United States.

America is like going to Heaven.

In the 2003 documentary film “Lost Boys of Sudan,” one Lost Boy expresses the shared perception, while in the Kakuma refugee camp, of what it will be like to leave for America: “This journey is like you are going to heaven.”

When Jany and Simon arrived in Arizona, Jany, then age 16, was sent to live with a foster family; Simon, 23, shared an apartment with two older boys. It was a pattern that continued from coast to coast as more of them came; the minors were resettled with families, while older Lost Boys were placed in dingy apartments, often cramped together, in rough city neighborhoods or on the outskirts of towns.

I can’t help mentioning here that we have many times advocated that, if we are going to be bringing refugees to the US,  the refugees must be sponsored by families or other groups (church groups, civic groups etc.) so that they have someone to look out for them, to help them assimilate, to be their personal friend.   I’m not saying this Phoenix incident could have been prevented, but the practice of placing refugees with impersonal agencies who in turn place refugees in lousy apartments in bad neighborhoods must take a toll on some mentally fragile immigrants.

In April 1997, Simon Deng snapped and went looking for his caseworkers at the Catholic resettlement agency he had been placed with originally.

In Phoenix, Jany attended school, made friends and joined the track team; Simon couldn’t keep a job. He told Jany that “people looked at him different and made comments.” By the spring of 1997, Simon had grown despondent. He wanted to bring his girlfriend from Dadaab to Arizona, but to no avail. He had no money or job prospects. According to Jany, Simon began to speak of suicide.

On Apr. 10, 1997, Simon bought a 9MM rifle and rode a city bus toward the Catholic Social Services office building in North Phoenix. He got off the bus, took the rifle out of its box and fired it in the parking lot of a Circle K convenience store before heading to the office. A police helicopter and officers responded as Simon entered Catholic Social Services at lunchtime. Once inside, Simon looked for his caseworkers and, according to the police report, began firing his gun in the air. No one was hurt. The police arrived at the building and Simon shot at Officer Terrence Kobza. Kobza returned fire and killed Simon with a bullet in the arm and another in the chest.

Sooner or later we will find out what caused Voong (or whatever his name is) to attack the very agency that was set up to help him.   Were Simon Deng  and Jiverly Voong just mentally unstable and then somehow, for no reason, blamed the resettlement agency for the unhappy turn of their lives?  We may never know, but it’s worth considering.

Comment worth noting on a Minnesota Somali family

Commenter CL posted this comment on our Refugee Resettlement Fact sheet page and I thought it worth re-posting where more people would see it:

I understand the plight of refugees and have no problem with those that come here, and make a better life for themselves and for america. My problem is those that disrespect america and still want a hand out. As someone new to Minnesota, I had never met a Somali person (although I do have some really great muslim friends..which is not the issue). I bought a nice house only to find out the house next to me was rented by Somalis. They take no pride in where they live at all. THe place is always a mess. THey are loud and very disrespectful. Their teen kids are even worse. We have had to call the cops on them 3 times. They have done everything from ruin items on my property to stealing. One is headed to jail for a gang-related stabbing. They always have new cars in front of their house….and after about 6 months they are all banged up and then they just go get new ones….Many times their bills end up in my mailbox and I have to take them over, several times they have had court summons for drinking and drugs. I have finally decided to put my house on the market and try to move. I hope potential buyers wont be scared away by them…although I would. These are NOT the ppl I want in america. They are users…I am glad I am paying for their new cars and for all of their children to get a nice public education. what is sad is that I had no hard feeling toward them until I actually met them. Ugh.

Maybe all Somalis are like that, maybe they’re not. Note that CL is simply reporting on the Somalis who live next door to him. But you can bet that he will be called a racist, an Islamophobe and a refugee-hater for reporting what he has personally observed.

American Civic Association: Tragic shooting at refugee resettlement agency

By now you know more details (see our earliest report) on the terrible shooting at a refugee agency, American Civic Association, in Binghamton, NY today.  The lone gunman who killed 13 people before taking his own life is tentatively identified as a former Vietnamese refugee, Linh Phat Vung (AP is still referring to him as Jiverly Voong)*.   As the evening progresses and in the days ahead we will find out who he is and what made this man snap.  Right now the speculation is that he was recently fired from his job and that might have pushed him over the edge.  But, why shoot other refugees and volunteers?

The American Civic Association is a refugee resettlement office (a volag) that says its purpose is to “aid new immigrant assimililation.”    According to this article originally published in 2007, but reprinted today, the agency supplies caseworkers for resettlement and offers legal services to immigrants among many other services.

Although, Fred Trzcinski, a former director says the organization was founded in 1939, its Guidestar report says 1941.    Trzcinski says of the mission:

The mission of the American Civic Association is to encourage the spirit of brotherhood among nations and peoples; to sponsor citizenship education; to promote racial, religious and political understanding; to cultivate fellowship between native and naturalized citizens; and to safeguard and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Since 1939, the ACA staff has helped to settle thousands of immigrants and refugees.

A check of the American Civic Association’s most recent Form 990, tells us that the organization is a pretty low budget operation with an income of $156,719 in 2007.  Goverment grants amounted to $46,922.

The refugee agency is an affiliate of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) which means it gets some of its funds from the mothership, USCRI.  USCRI has been the subject of many many unfavorable posts here at RRW, especially since the agency has had problems with various affiliates not performing their duties to the standards expected by the US State Department.   Reporters might want to call Lavinia Limon, the head of USCRI, for comment.   USCRI press release here.

New York is among the top 5 resettlement states in the US having received hundreds of thousands of refugees since the Refugee Act of 1980 (Kennedy, Biden, Carter) became law.   Ambitious readers can check out how many refugees have gone to NY (and to your state) by following the links in this post.

Also, this is interesting, Broome County, where the ACA is located, ranks 28th out of 63 counties in New York on a diversity scale that Judy brought to our attention a month or so ago.

As I watched a little of the news coverage of the tragedy this evening, I was struck by how little knowledge the various news commentators have about refugee resettlement.  I guess they and the public will be getting an education about that in the coming days.

*Update April 4th:   This issue of the shooter’s name appears still not to be settled this morning.   I have now seen, in addition to the names above, Jiverly Wong, Henry D. Voong and Lin Voong.    You gotta start to wonder about a guy who has a bunch of apparent aliases.   This article quotes a sister who says he has been in the US for 28 years and is a citizen.  If he is in fact 42 years old that would mean he came here at the age of 14, well after the Vietnamese War ended.

It’s not the first such shooting at a refugee agency, see today’s new post here.

Update at 1 p.m. on April 4th, here.

Update April 5th:   AP tells us a lot more about the American Civic Association’s role in bringing diversity to Binghamton, here.

More than 7,100 immigrants, most of them Asians, have settled in Binghamton since 2005, according to city statistics. They are a cosmopolitan mix of Kurds, Chinese, Filipinos, Africans, Iraqis—but only a fraction of the city’s predominantly white population of 43,000.

7,100 since 2005, that is a staggering number!  It must be wrong.  No small American city can absorb that number of immigrants in less than four years without serious social unrest from lack of jobs and housing alone.  Oh, but that is what we have here, unrest of the most tragic kind.

Update April 6th:  Letter written by Wong indicates he had serious mental problems.

Men shoot up immigration center in New York State

Update:  More details from AP here.  One shooter.  Also, learn more about the American Civic Association, here.

The Associated Press reports:

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. – A gunman blocked the back door of an immigration services center with his car Friday before walking through the front door firing, wounding at least six people and taking as many as 41 hostage, officials said.

Sky News says the gunman was described as an Asian male. He killed 12, 13 or 15 people. 

Latest reports say two Asian males were taken from the scene with their hands bound, suggesting the gunman may not have been working alone.

US news source WGBH said police are looking for a third suspect in connection with the shooting.

The leftist UK Guardian includes this in its news report

The United States, which has some of the laxest gun control laws of the developed world, has for years been beset by seemingly random mass shootings.

And the story goes on to paint a picture of the United States as a gun-totin’ society rife with killing, with rational gun control held hostage to the “well-organised pro-gun opposition.” (You wouldn’t know Britain’s violent crime rate is much higher than ours from the Guardian.)

What I’m interested in is what sort of Asian these attackers were. In Britain, “Asian” is usually a euphemism for Pakistani Muslims. We don’t have a lot of Pakistanis here, and Asian usually means east Asian. 

Aha, here’s an update from the AP as I write:

A law enforcement official says the gunman who killed at least 12 people in Binghamton, N.Y., died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The official spoke Friday on condition of anonymity and said the suspect carried identification showing him as 42-year-old Jiverly Voong (VUNG’) of nearby Johnson City, N.Y.

I don’t know what kind of name that is. I guess we’ll find out, and also find out if there’s a reason he targeted an immigration center — in fact, according to the update, immigrants taking a citizenship class. 

Update: I should have said this, but Pamela Geller said it first:

If NY didn’t have such draconian, anti-second amendment gun laws and one of those hostages was carrying – this nightmare would be over. Gun control laws kill innocent people.

From Maine to Malta, give voting rights to immigrants?

Immigrants, that is, who are non-citizens!    All of a sudden, or maybe  not, maybe it’s just come to my attention, but leftist political leaders from both sides of the Atlantic are pushing for non-citizen immigrants to have voting rights in local elections.

From the Times of Malta in a discussion about voting rights in the European Parliment:

A report drafted by Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil on a common EU immigration policy was yesterday adopted by the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee after a marathon voting session on no less than 234 amendments.

The vote followed intense negotiations during the last few weeks, presided over by Dr Busuttil, between political groups in an effort to reach a compromise on some hotly contested issues.

However, yesterday’s vote did not go according to Dr Busuttil’s plans since a majority of MEPs on the committee – composed of Socialists, Greens, Communists and Liberals – voted together to support granting immigrants the opportunity to vote in local elections.

This led Dr Busuttil’s group, the EPP [EPP is considered a center-right party, here], to withhold its support on all the compromises by abstaining on the final vote in Committee until the matter is redressed.

Speaking to The Times after the session, Dr Busuttil said the vote respected nearly all the compromises reached during the negotiations but consensus broke down when it came to granting political rights to immigrants.

“The Socialists, Greens, Communists and Liberals formed a majority to support granting immigrants the opportunity to vote in local elections. Giving migrants the right to vote is a red line for us (EPP), which we were not prepared to cross,” he said.

“For this reason, my group’s support is on hold and I hope this can be remedied in time for the adoption of this report in plenary,” he said. Negotiations would now resume in search of a compromise on the main sticking point.

Be sure to read the comments and see that the Maltese people don’t like the idea of illegal aliens and other non-citizens having the right to vote.

Now to Maine.  The discussion is going on there too!   And, much to my surprise, some towns in my state of Maryland already let non-citizens vote in local elections!  From the Morning Sentinel:

AUGUSTA — Lawmakers are preparing to consider a bill that would let communities choose to allow non-U.S. citizens to vote in municipal elections.

Proponents argue that letting non-citizen immigrants vote on local issues would include them in the community, and provide incentive for them to pursue citizenship.

Critics say voting is a right that should be reserved for U.S. citizens, and some suggest that newcomers to the country don’t necessarily have the language skills or the knowledge of issues needed to make an informed vote.

Did you know that some jurisdictions in the US already allow voting by non-citizens?

Chicago, for instance, allows them to vote in school elections, and six towns in Maryland allow them to vote in all local elections. They can vote in the Massachusetts towns of Cambridge, Amherst and Newton, said Hayduk, and proposals have been made to do the same in Chelsea and Somerville, and likely will resurface in Boston after a 2007 defeat.

Dumb Americans, smart immigrants!   Guess who thinks this might not be a good idea?  Immigrants!  Where is Transitionland, you see I can say something good about immigrants, they seem to have more sense then leftwing Americans!

Reaction was mixed in Portland’s immigrant community. [not really!]

Mohamud Barre, president of the Somali Culture and Development Association of Maine, said he’s concerned that many immigrants aren’t informed enough to vote.

“They don’t know what’s going on, they don’t speak English,” said Barre, who is originally from Somalia.

When immigrants get the right to vote through citizenship, said Barre, they’ve spent time learning about the country and working on language skills. That allows them to become informed, he said.

“They have at least learned what’s going on — they can make a decision,” he said.

Sam Udomsay, who came to this country from Thailand when he was only 4 and got his citizenship about 10 years ago, said he’s not sure many immigrants would have an idea of how the process works.

“I guess it would be a great idea to allow them to vote, if they had more knowledge of what was going on,” said Udomsay, 32, of Westbrook.

Udomsay said that immigrant communities tend to have leaders. He said he would be concerned that if non-citizens didn’t understand the issues, they might just vote the way their leaders instructed them.

Udomsay also said that people should earn the right to vote.

Mr. Barre, Mr. Udomsay, I couldn’t agree more.