Two Washington Post readers show good sense on refugees

Two letters to the Washington Post make an interesting postscript to my post the other day about Iraqi refugees and the Post’s article on Nazaar Joodi, the refugee who was headed for a homeless shelter. They’re so good, in fact, that I’m making this separate post about them. (Are there too many “posts” in that sentence?) I’m going to put them both here in their entirety because they’re short and well worth reading.

The first letter is from Gary Kelch of Springfield, Virginia:

When I read the article about the Iraqi refugee Nazaar Joodi [“For Once-Celebrated Iraqi, Life in U.S. One of Lost Hope,” front page, May 10], it was obvious to me that he, like many immigrants to the United States and even a significant number of our native-born citizens, has a fundamental misunderstanding about the great gift this nation provides.

Our nation’s founders never intended for people to be a kept population in which citizenship alone brought wealth and prosperity. This nation provides the gift of opportunity, a safe and cooperative environment where people can strive to achieve wealth and prosperity that are not given but earned. It is a nation dependent on the success of its citizens — and not citizens who serve and are kept by the state.

Later, the article quoted Pary Karadaghi of Kurdish Human Rights Watch as saying of Iraqi refugees in general, “The ones who don’t think America owes them anything are the ones who do best.” This statement applies to everyone, immigrant or citizen. I imagine that Mr. Joodi had a vision of utopia when he brought his family to the United States. Well, this is a utopia but not one of streets paved with gold. It is a utopia where hard work and initiative are rewarded with achievement. With so many citizens of this great nation confused on this point, it is easy to see how a newcomer would also be confused.

Should Mr. Joodi stay in America, it will be difficult for him to succeed but not impossible. What he makes of the opportunity depends on him and no one else.

The second, from Gregory Davis of Oakton, Virginia, says:

As a small-business owner of 22 years, I would gladly hire hardworking individuals such as Mr. Joodi, as would many other small businesses. But the economic system in place must be changed to encourage such efforts. At present, we use subcontractors wherever possible to avoid matching Social Security and Medicare costs, unemployment insurance and other burdensome employee expenses.

Why not allow employers to match the amounts given by county programs and hire people such as Mr. Joodi, offering employment, training and a future? For this to be done, programs would need to be put in place that would compensate employers and exempt us from the excessive costs.

Doesn’t this make more sense than using tax money for temporary solutions that so often end sadly, such as with Mr. Joodi and thousands of others?

Bravo to both.

Comment worth noting: answering Liam

Comments worth noting is our category for readers comments that are posted now, but on an older post, so it would be unlikely for readers to see them.   I am assuming from past comments that Liam is an Iraqi, but I can’t say for sure.  Liam’s comment to this older post is worth noting because it’s an opportunity to give you additional information.

Liam says:

yes I am asking question

what is the recent arrival of Iraqi families in the USA and which states and which country in the Middle East are they coming from and the dates please

Liam, we are not an agency of the government and so therefore we have no access to the information you are requesting.  We do know that we have brought 9,581 Iraqis to the US this fiscal year that began Oct. 1, 2008.  Where they went in the US, we don’t know.  Where they came from in the Middle East, we don’t know.   The reason we don’t know is that the government and the refugee agencies keep all that secret from the public.

We know all that information is recorded at this office of the US State Department (here), but the average citizen has no access to the data.

Liam said:

all other Iraqi arrival in other countries are getting published

you mention that the USA has resettled 200000 refugees from a different nationalities since 1980
compared to the UK this is very small number

the UK has taken at least four million Iraqis most of them are Kurdish and plenty more from other nationalities

I guess all those other countries publishing data are better than the US, what can I say. We all know the US is the worst country in the world, right Liam?   By the way, there is no way on earth that the UK has taken 4 million Iraqis, but if that  figure is anywhere near being correct, I guess that explains why the UK is having such a horrific experience with immigrants and maybe it’s time they cut back on Middle Easterners in the UK.

Liam said:

every body in the world pay tax not only in the USA
and there is no full employment in any country
and as you know there are plenty of forginers are working in Iraq and getting paid a high salary but Iraqis do not mind

And your point is?

Postville postmortem

You can go read the Los Angeles Times update story on the Postville, Iowa meatpacking crooks yourselves, but you won’t read much about the crooks who owned the plant, just the bad federal government for raiding it!    Entitled, “Immigration raid leaves damaging mark on Postville, Iowa,” it ticks me off!   The whole article is about how bad the raid was for the town, and virtually nothing on the lying, cheating crooks who ran the plant—the one’s encouraging illegal immigrants to come there in the first place.

We have written about Postville on many occasions here, especially because plant managers were hauling Somalis and other assorted immigrants to Postville too, further disrupting the small town.

When the meatpacking plant, Agriprocessors Inc., opened in the late 1980s, Orthodox Jews arrived to work as kosher butchers and envisioned a rural paradise for new synagogues and shuls. Migrants, mostly from Guatemala, began arriving in the 1990s — creating an ethnic stew with natives of mostly Eastern European descent.

“Rural paradise,” “ethnic stew,” what a bunch of B.S!

Bring us your poor and angry!

Do you watch Glenn Beck?   He jokes about having ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) so I hope this post won’t sound like I have it too!   He has been doing a series on ACORN recently.  Yesterday he examined the complex financial machinations (using our tax dollars!) of the organization and the many tentacles it has in other organizations all seeming to involve Wade Rathke (friend and fellow Weather Underground member with Bill Ayers).   I told you previously that Rathke is involved with the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) that is busily organizing Somalis.  I have no proof but I bet it’s the SEIU that is training the Muslims at Greeley, CO and Grand Island, NE (new readers, check out our whole category on that topic here) on how to demand religious accomodation at the Swift & Co. meatpackers there.

Anyway, see Glenn Beck’s information on ACORN and watch this clip of Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center on yesterday’s program.  The most interesting thing I got from Vadum (among many interesting revelations) is that Rathke and company are following the Cloward/Piven Strategy and attempting to flood the system with welfare recipients as a way of bringing chaos, change and ultimately an end to Capitalism.    From American Thinker in February:

The Cloward/Piven Strategy is named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.  Their goal is to overthrow capitalism by overwhelming the government bureaucracy with entitlement demands. The created crisis provides the impetus to bring about radical political change.

Golly, kind of interesting that George Rupp (IRC head honcho) was President of Columbia Univ. and isn’t that where Obama himself was trained?  But, I digress.

So, is that why these volags (supposedly non-profit groups) are advocating to continue to flood America with more impoverished immigrants?   Sorry to all of you who work in the refugee field who are in it to truly help the less fortunate.  But, I believe this is part of the strategy to “change” America.   And, damn!  The refugees are just pawns as I said yesterday here.    If they aren’t pawns then it makes no rational sense for the Top Ten volags to advocate bringing more and more refugees, and then depositing them on welfare in cities across this country.

I have maintained all along that as Americans generally prospered we were running out of poor people, and thus the immigrants became important fuel for the revolution—the poorer and the angrier the better!

Endnote:  To further understand the concept of the Lefts plans to destroy the American economy by flooding the US with angry poor people (the “have-nots”) see our entire category on Community Destabilization and Saul Alinsky here.