Multicultural Mecca Maine: The African immigration magnet

Update August 6th:  The African woman in this story gets off easier, here.

Update August 3rd:  New strain of HIV found in woman (in Paris) from Cameroon, here.

What the heck is going on in Maine?   Here is yet another story of an African immigrant getting into legal trouble in Maine!  (Hat tip: Susan)   What!  Is  the word out on the street and across the whole continent of Africa—go to Maine!    Additionally, I found it interesting to note this woman went first to Maryland then Maine, just as the Nigerian woman who bilked the UN did, here.

Check out our recent posts on Lewiston, ME Somali health care fraud, the Nigerian woman in Portland who embezzled UN money (link in previous paragraph), Sudanese riots also in Portland and the Nigerian identity fraud med student scammer.  Now we have a woman from Cameroon who is pregnant and has HIV-Aids.

BANGOR — A pregnant, HIV-positive African woman convicted of having false documents will be resentenced on Aug. 5 in U.S. District Court after winning her appeal of a sentence that would have forced her to give birth behind bars.

Quinta Layin Tuleh, 28, of Cameroon has been free on bail since June 15 pending the outcome of her appeal to the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston. Tuleh, whose due date is Aug. 29, agreed last month to live in Portland and receive treatment at the Frannie Peabody Center.

Tuleh was released on bail a few days before she was scheduled to be transferred to Carswell Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas, according to the U.S. Marshals Service in Bangor.

U.S. District Judge John Woodcock in May sentenced Tuleh to 236 days in prison — more than twice as long as the recommended sentence of 114 days — for having false Social Security and employment authorization cards. The federal prosecutor and Tuleh’s court-appointed defense attorney both urged the judge to sentence her to time served, or 114 days.

Woodcock said that to ensure Tuleh received proper medical care through the birth of her child and to increase its chances of being born free of the HIV virus, he was sentencing her to federal prison until two weeks past her due date.

Nice of the judge, huh, concerned about the baby’s health.  Now she can have her anchor baby.  Fat chance she will be deported once the ‘healthy’ baby arrives!

Tuleh still faces deportation because of her conviction. Once she is resentenced, removal proceedings against her are expected to begin.

Now this makes no sense, you can’t just ask for asylum because you were the victim of a crime.  If that were the case, everyone in the world could be here tomorrow.  This is very confusing—I’d like to know who abused her, was it her US employer, the one who hired her as a nanny?   Read carefully, there is something missing in this account. 

She is in the process of applying for asylum in the U.S., according to court documents, on the basis that she has been the victim of a crime. She may have suffered abuse while working for her former employer, who has not been named, in Aroostook County, according to an affidavit filed by her immigration attorney with the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project in Portland.

Tuleh arrived in September 2008 in New York City and lived in Maryland until early January, when she went to Presque Isle to work as a nanny for a family, according to court documents. She was arrested Jan. 21 at the Presque Isle Airport after false documents were discovered in her luggage.

She became pregnant before she came to Maine, according to her previous attorney, but did not confirm the pregnancy until after her arrest. Her HIV status was not known until a few days before her sentencing in May.

Portland Press Herald reader Chris had this to say:

I can’t belive it! We in Maine DESERVE to be in the condition we are in! We voted in a bunch of idiots running our state. WHY wasn’t she just deported before the birth? I’m sick of paying for illegals kids!

And Bangor News SHE ISN”T an immigrant!!! She’s an illegal immigrant! Why drag good immigrants names thru the mud.

You in the useless biased media disgust me….. you’re all jerks! Hows the newspaper business going? What’s the matter can’t you sell enough of your Liberal dribble. Americans are waking up and you all are going down. Let someone unbiased run your rag!!! 

Now for this Maryland connection, Cameroon, Cameroon, Cameroon.   Oh, yes, where have I heard that before?  Maybe, just maybe, this woman got into the US with the help of the now CONVICTED MARYLAND ASYLUM LAWYER FROM CAMAROON, Patrick Tzeuton, here.

Blogger questions Farooq Kathwari’s business ethics

Just now I came across this blogger and blog Financial Skeptic writing about Ethan Allen furniture and its CEO Farooq Kathwari.  Now, I grant you, I know nothing about financial management, and can’t make any judgement on Kathwari’s action, but it seems this blogger is questioning a recent announcement by Kathwari.

Revenues for Q4 are positioned as pretty good but overall revenues for the year dropped some 31%

Then Farooq Kathwari, Chairman and CEO lets you know that the real earnings results will be coming out Aug 12 which is three weeks in the future. Farooq you need a remedial class in disclosure. Coming out three weeks early and singing sunny sky’s has pretty well signalled to the market what you expect the final results to be. Hopefully now that everyone is warm and fuzzy you will not release a little bit of bad news when the market is no longer looking.

But seriously Farooq there may be a few lawyers who want to talk to you.

Then here is a straight news story about the Ethan Allen announcement.

So why do we care?    Farooq Kathwari is the Kashmiri-born Chairman of the Board of Refugees International and it’s always a good idea to follow the activities of those in the refugee industry.  Don’t the Democratic Alinskyites call that opposition research?  Ha, ha, ha!  I just noticed the name of a former director of RI—George Soros!  That says it all!

Here is my most recent post on Farooq Kathwari in which investigators Rabinowitz and Mayor say that Kathwari is connected to Islamist groups.   In that post I noted that Refugees International was lobbying to help Iraqi Palestinians resettle in the West, but was silent on the much larger number of Christian Iraqis.  But, I can happily report that RI is no longer silent on Christian Iraqis, here.

Al-Shabaab throws UN out of Somalia (?), calls US the head of world infidels

I started to write this post yesterday, but had no time to finish it.  First I had received the press release purportedly from Al-Shabaab (below) saying the Jihadists had raided and closed United Nations offices and thought the story was new, but it isn’t.  It is a couple days old. 

I found this Bloomberg article from Monday that reports that the UN is trying to get its “humanitarian” work up and running again.  I don’t know if they did or did not, but frankly that isn’t the point I want to make here.

This is the message to all the UN-loving humanitarian do-gooders basking in the warm after-glow  of the Obama Cairo speech.    Please note that they hate you too!  The Islamists who want to bring Shariah law to Somalia and the world don’t give a flying crap (sorry!) how nice you are and that your intentions are good ones.  Please go back and listen to the American Al-Shabaab, Al-Amriki, having a good sneer at Obama’s mystical charisma here.

In fact, when the UNHCR bends over backwards to be fair in resettling Muslims to the West (they don’t dare show favoritism to those Christian Iraqi refugees!), the Islamists are laughing their heads off because you (the UN and the leftist refugee industry) are helping them spread their ideology around the world.  (Remember Al-Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration).

P.S.  Islamic Shariah law also says infidels must be warned in advance of being attacked.  NGO’s consider yourself warned.

The press release from Al-Shabaab on Monday.

I’m posting the whole press release as it came across my desk yesterday thanks to Bill.   Seems it is true, and it look like it’s from MEMRI here.   I’m posting it to demonstrate the love the Islamists have for the UN and all its liberal do-gooders.

New readers, Al-Shabaab is the Jihadist group believed to be recruiting in the US Somali refugee community.

Posted this morning on various jihadist sites:

A press release issued by the Office of Political Affairs and Regional Administrations of the Shabaab al Mujahidiin Movement regarding various non-governmental organizations and foreign committees working in Somalia

1 – We are officially announcing the formation, beginning today, 27 Rajab 1430, corresponding to July 20, 2009, of the Office to Supervise the Affairs of the Foreign Committees. This office will be charged with following the movements of non-governmental organizations and foreign committees operating in the country. Coordination of their operations will be handled through this office, and this office will ensure the content of what they are presenting to the public.

All of the non-governmental organizations and foreign committees are required to immediately contact the Office to Supervise the Affairs of the Foreign Committees in each Islamic state under the control of the Movement where the non-governmental organization of foreign committee wants to work. They will be informed of the conditions and restrictions that are imposed on them to continue their work in the country.

Any non-governmental organization or foreign committee ith proven involvement in conducting projects against Islam and Muslims in Somalia or aimed at disrupting the formation of an Islamic State in the country will have their offices closed immediately and will be subject to the full extent of punishment in accordance with Sharia law.

2 Beginning from the publishing of this announcement, a number of non-governmental organizations and foreign committees currently operating in Somalia have had their offices completely closed permanently because they are considered to be hostile to Islam and Muslims. They are the following:

the United Nations Development Program

the United Nations Office for Peace and Security

the United Nations Political Office for Somalia

The decision for closure and expulsion has already been made for these committees after a precise examination of their activities and the true motivations behind their presence in Somalia. Their involvement in activities hostile to Islam and Muslims and their attempts to preclude the formation of an Islamic state in parts of Somalia have already been proven. Among the evidence of their hostility towards Islam, is their aid to the apostate government in Somalis and their participation in supplying and training militias to fight the Mujahidiin, in addition to fundraising and lobbying on behalf of the mercenary African forces in Mogadiscu.

It has also been confirmed that they aided remnants of the apostate militia as they regrouped in border areas adjacent to Islamic states with the goal of disrupting security and stability in these states.

Note that previously, all of the offices of the two organizations ‘imc’ and ‘care’ were closed after we stumbled onto evidence that showed their participation in activities hostile to Islam and their involvement in intelligence activities on behalf of the United States of America – the head of world infidels. Some of these activities led to the assassination of Sheikh Abu Muhsin Al Ansari Adam Airo – May Allah have mercy on him.


The Office of Political Affairs and Regional Administrations 

This and what comes after are remarks from the publishing of this statement from this office. A battalion of the al-Hesbah Army left the city of Baidooa and went to the offices of the United Nations. All of the funds and equipment and tools there were confiscated. From another side, the al-Hesbah Army in a city located in the state of Bakool did the same thing at the same time and gave the state a mandate for United Nations employees to leave the areas belonging to the Islamic State, and the matter happened as spoken. Praise and thanks and glory be to Allah.

O God, Revealer of the book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the parties, defeat the Crusaders, and their apostate allies!

O God, make them and their equipment easy booty for Muslims!

O God, destroy them and shake them!

O God, You are the one who helps us and the one who assists us, with Your power we move and by Your power we fight!

God is Great!

But honor belongs to Allah, and thus to His Messenger, and to the Believers; but of this the hypocrites are not aware

(Partial Koranic verse; Al-Munafiqun 63:8)

The Media Section of the Mujahidin Youth Movement Al-Usra Army in Somalia

July 20,2009

Two on TiZA: Using taxpayer money for the Stealth Jihad?

Update:  I’ve been out all day, but  Jerry Gordon has the latest news, the ACLU case will go forward, here, at New English Review.


TiZA is the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy.   We told you about the Minnesota charter school before, here.  Thanks to reader Mars for alerting us to them, below are two recent stories to bring us up to date on the ACLU lawsuit against the school and its founders—the Muslim America Society (MAS), Minnesota chapter.

It might be useful for readers to  first visit this 2004 article from the Chicago Tribune to understand how the MAS sprang from the Muslim Brotherhood in the US.   The lengthy investigative report was one of the first things I read when I began studying the issue of Islam and its plans for us.   I think you will be as stunned as I was to see what the goals are and for how long the stealth jihad has been going on in the US.

The first of my two articles today is from Katherine Kersten who is obviously the expert on the TiZA.  I can’t believe I am cheering for the ACLU.

The ACLU of Minnesota made headlines in January when it sued Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA), a public K-8 charter school in Inver Grove Heights. The suit — which followed media reports of organized prayers and a pervasive religious environment at TiZA — alleged that the school is violating constitutional prohibitions against government endorsement of religion.

“It’s a theocratic school,” state ACLU director Chuck Samuelson told City Pages. “It is as plain as the substantial nose on my face.”

In the six months since the suit was filed, TiZA has fought tooth and nail — erecting procedural barriers to prevent the ACLU from investigating what goes on there.

The school’s efforts to avoid public scrutiny are part of a well-established pattern.


The reasons for TiZA’s obsession with secrecy may become clear if the ACLU prevails on pending motions regarding its “standing to sue.” A court ruling is expected soon.

Now, can you believe this, Kersten says the TiZA issue ties into the missing Somali youths case.  Here is how:

The ACLU suit may reveal a Minnesota public school that is funneling state funds to an activist Islamic organization, and has connections to a controversial imam whose mosque is under scrutiny in the case of the disappearing Twin Cities Somali youths.


….A key figure here is Imam Hassan Mohamud, a founding TiZA board member and “director/developer” who has served as the school’s board secretary. According to news reports, he is also director of MAS-MN’s Islamic Law Institute. In 2006, he signed the MAS-MN “fatwa” forbidding Muslim airport taxi drivers from “cooperating in sin” by transporting passengers carrying alcohol.


Mohamud serves as imam at Minnesota Dawah Institute in St. Paul — a target of scrutiny in the missing youths case. Some of the missing boys’ parents say “their sons spent a lot of time” at Dawah Institute, according to National Public Radio. Mohamud has denied that the mosque played any role in the disappearances. In January, he told the Star Tribune that no one from the mosque had left for Somalia “except one man who went for his health.”

After you stop laughing, consider the fact that lying for the sake of Allah is permitted in Islam.  It is another one of those Islamic laws that people raised with the Judeo-Christian concept of the Ten Commandments can’t get our heads around.

Our second TiZA story today was actually published a few days before Katherine Kersten’s article and in it we learn that TiZA is now suing the state of Minnesota which is threatening to cut off over a million dollars from the stunning $4 million the school got in 2008-2009.   TiZA likely figures this is infidel money which they, as superior Muslims, deserve.

An Inver Grove Heights charter school where state officials say more than a dozen teachers lack proper licenses has taken its battle to court.

Officials at the Minnesota Department of Education told Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA) last month that they would recommend withholding $1.4 million in public funding from the school as a result of licensure violations, according to a lawsuit filed by the school Thursday in Ramsey County District Court.

But TiZA claims that state officials have refused to provide the school with public records related to the state’s investigation of the alleged violations, and that without them the school can’t properly defend itself as it appeals the decision.

In the lawsuit, TiZA and the school’s executive director, Asad Zaman, are asking the court to order the state to hand over the records and impose a civil penalty against the Education Department.

The skirmish comes during a time of intense scrutiny for the K-8 school, which has about 480 students — most of them Muslim — at campuses in Inver Grove Heights and Blaine. In January, the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota filed suit against the school, arguing that TiZA has violated the Constitution by crossing the line between religion and public schools.

Hey TiZA, you can’t have it both ways.  Those of us who have experience with private Christian schools know that if you take taxpayer money, you must follow government rules—it’s the price you pay. 

Now, I can’t wait for the ACLU to discover there is an awful lot of government funding going into religious organizations resettling refugees, but I won’t be holding my breath.


For new readers, most of the students at TiZA are Somali:

The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.

Steve Emerson gives us the inside scoop on the Chicago conference for radical Islamists

That is the conference I told you about here.   Steve Emerson is the Executive Director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism and in this piece on ‘The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam’ conference we hear confirmation of what we have been saying in our “Stealth Jihad” category.  Islamists want a worldwide Caliphate governed by Shariah law and are willing to die to get it.   We contend they need Muslim immigration to pull it off.

OAK LAWN, Illinois — Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT), the international movement to re-establish an international Islamic state, or Caliphate, kicked off a new campaign to win American recruits Sunday afternoon in this Chicago suburb.

Here we go with the Muslim charity myth again.  Muslims don’t even help fellow Muslim refugees in the Middle East.

According to Hizb ut-Tahrir, the world’s social and economic problems will not be fixed until the world is governed by Shariah and the government controls all major industries. Lenders would no longer be able to charge interest, which one speaker decried as a “poisonous concept.” Charity, or zakat, was advertised as the way to alleviate “economic inequality.”

Here is another point confirmed—Islam is more important than a good life.  I tried to explain that last evening to a reporter working on the Somali missing youths story—why, she wanted to know would they give up what they have in America to fight the Jihad?   I think many people living a secular life can’t completely grasp this Islamic imperative.

A speaker identified by conference organizers as Imam Jaleel Abdul Adil said that “if they offer us the sun, or the moon, or a nice raise, or a passport, or a house in the suburbs or even a place to pray at the job [Edit: hey meatpacking companies listen up], on the condition that we stop calling for Islam as a complete way of life — we should never do that, ever do that — unless and until Islam becomes victorious or we die in the attempt.”

If nothing else they are at least telling us what their goal is, and it would be really stupid of us not to listen.

While Hizb ut-Tahrir’s controversial message attracted demonstrators and some media attention, the group at least is open about its ambitions. It not only is determined to destroy capitalism — it would shred the United States Constitution as well in favor of Shariah law.

Hmmm, destroy capitalism and shred the Constitution, sound familiar?