Caldwell’s book might not be worth reading afterall

Update:  Reader Paul tells  me I messed up!   I misread Taylor’s article and apparently he meant there was only a “pamphlet’s worth” of material on how Muslim immigration to Europe is applicable to the US.   I still draw the same conclusion. I have read so much about the problems in Europe over the last few years, I don’t really need to read about how it doesn’t apply to the US with the implication then that we will be just fine.

Jared Taylor, writing at VDARE tells us to read the “insightful” book that everyone is talking about by Christopher Caldwell ( “Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West”),  but not to read the pamphlet (there was no actual pamphlet, I stand corrected).

Christopher Caldwell, who writes for The Weekly Standard and The Financial Times, has written Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West, a marvelously insightful and even courageous book about Muslim immigration to Europe. Unfortunately, Mr. Caldwell did not stop there. He included a pamphlet’s worth of foolish optimism about immigration to the United States—so foolish that it is hard to believe the same man who so neatly dissects the delusions and weaknesses of Europeans does not realize he is also describing American policy-makers.

Read the book—ignore the pamphlet. 

As his title itself makes clear, Caldwell believes Europe is in a revolution in which nothing less that the survival of the West is at stake. In what is the book’s most memorable passage, he asks “whether you can have the same Europe with different people” and tells us “the answer is no”.

What good is it to write about the horrors of  uncontrolled Muslim immigration in Europe and then write that, well, the US is different, it won’t happen to us!   It will if we don’t acknowledge it!  That is what I was trying to say at this post a couple of days ago when I noted the criticism of Mark Steyn, an important  and respected conservative voice, who writes about European Islamic immigration and the religious supremacism that follows in its wake, and then never says how we can deal with the same thing happening to America, except to make more babies (funny, but a rather useless admonition).

I, for one, have no interest in an intellectual exercise about Europe’s demise if it has no applicability to us.   That’s what is wrong with most conservatives–especially the inside the beltway variety.  They want to yak and intellectualize and seem to be loathe to take action—that’s why these Tea Party people are such a breath of fresh air!

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