ECBO of the day: Confederation of Somali Communities of MN

Your tax dollars:

This is the next installment of what will be a dossier of sorts on a federal government program, for Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBOs),which I maintain fosters separation of ethnic groups in the US thus inhibiting assimilation and discouraging acceptance of traditional American culture, laws and governance.  They promote nationalism for the immigrants country of origin and add to the extremely radical political agenda of the far Left.   All fine and dandy of course if  THEY USE THEIR OWN MONEY AND NOT TAXPAYER FUNDING!

Today’s ECBO is the Confederation of Somali Communities of Minnesota (CSCM).  By the way Minnesota has 8 such groups, 7 of them are in Minneapolis alone.

This is not meant to be a complete report.  There is so much material on this group, one could write a book.  I’ll just focus on some of the connections I’ve written about recently—community organizing ala Alinsky, workplace demands from Muslims to accommodate their religious practices (stealth jihad),  federal funding and political involvement, union involvement with training ethnic groups in political advocacy, and dhimmis like Norm Coleman!

CSCM got its start in 1994 and one of its original funders was Pillsbury United Communities.   Today it gets financial backing from the following foundations and governments (this is directly from their website click on ‘partners’):

Through partnership, we can all make an even greater difference in our community. CSCM is grateful to the people and organizations that it works with in its outreach efforts.

The United Way and Bush Foundation, in particular has been an invaluable partners to CSCM and our community for years.

Hennepin County
Bush Foundation
MN Department of Health
MN Department of Human Services
United Way

What is not listed is their $106,971 grant from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (No. 20 on this list) that they obtained with the help of FORMER Senator Norm Coleman (A lot of good it did him, because Rep.Keith Ellison told all the Somalis to vote for Al Franken.  Didn’t Coleman only lose by a few hundred votes? ).

August 3rd, 2006 – St. Paul, MN – Senator Coleman announced today the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota (CSCM) will receive a $106,971 Ethnic Community Self-Help grant from the United States Office of Refugee Resettlement. The grant will support the work of the East African Women’s Center in contextual language learning, school readiness and parenting in America, the Woman to Woman Connection (a support network to bridge cultures), navigation of the social service and healthcare systems, and a textile cooperative. [I sure hope they are using the grant money for women because that Nashville Somali Community Center fraud involved NOT using the grant money for the women as it was intended.]


I am pleased to announce CSCM will receive this grant,” said Coleman. “Minnesota has the largest Somali population in the country, and I have pledged to offer my support for them in Congress. CSCM does fantastic work on behalf of the local Somali community. I was pleased to assist them in obtaining this grant and I applaud the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement for recognizing the importance of CSCM.” 


Senator Coleman has worked closely with the Somali community while in the Senate, having most recently secured the extension of Temporary Protected Status for certain Somalis living in the United States. Coleman also has a Somali immigrant, Mahamoud Wardere, on his staff to help facilitate and increase his outreach to the Somali community.

Workplace cultural accommodation

Get this, the CSCM has a few tips on its website to be sure employers know what they have to do to modify their behavior to any Somali Muslim demands.  Just do these things and we will get along just fine!

If your company has Somali employees, here are some tips for working together:
1. Somalis like to work and enjoy working in groups.
2. Somalis are eager to ask questions. They prefer clear instructions as to what their job requires.
3. Some Somalis are in the process of learning basic skills related to working and living in this country, such as: taking the bus to work, writing checks, etc.
4. Social status is important to Somalis. Therefore, a supervisor should reprimand a Somali employee privately.
5. Discourse in all forms is a part of Somali culture. If a Somali employee argues about an issue, this is considered a normal way of interacting among Somalis.
6. Somalis are Muslim and their religion is very important to them. Somali employees may request a short break and private place for prayer during the workday.
7. Shaking hands with a person of the opposite sex is considered rude in Islamic culture. Somali men may feel uncomfortable working for female supervisors because of traditional religious beliefs regarding women.

Political advocacy on your dime!

I mentioned the Confederation of Somali Communities just the other day when their leader, Saeed Fahia, said ‘everyone could just move along, nothing to see’ Somali terrorist recruitment was over in Minneapolis.

Then it was just earlier this summer that CSCM joined a gang of Somali oganizations in defense of CAIR Minnesota when it was accused of blocking an FBI investigation into the Somali jihadist recruitment in Minnesota.

Here CSCM is co-sponsoring with the SEIU (a notorious ‘community oganizing’ union) a politcal activism day at the State Capitol.  Here, they joined with unions to push for a living wage ordinance in the city of Minneapolis, and here they are joining CAIR and other advocacy groups to stop city government from doing away with a civil rights department.   Those are a few of the Leftwing political activities I found CSCM involved in during a quick search.

So, what have I been saying all along—-you are paying for political organizing!   ECBO’s, such as CSCM, are political organizations following the Alinsky-Obama “community organizing” model.  While pushing a hard Left agenda, they are funded by city, county, state and federal  taxpayers.  It is wrong!   We must speak up!

For new readers, I just started a new category a few days ago for ECBO’s.  Go here to learn more about what you are paying for.

Moral of this story: Let Africa take care of Africa

Right up front, let me say, I have  no intention of getting deeper into the Rwanda issue I brought to your attention earlier this month.  In that story from Buffalo, NY, a former refugee is accused by the Rwandan government of being a participant in the Rwandan genocide that occurred during the Clinton Administration in the 1990’s.

I don’t want to know which side is right.  Here is a very long foot-noted article that claims that Rwanda is sending phoney asylum seekers to the UK and US to hunt down those opposing the present government of Rwanda.

An investigation has uncovered an asylum system scandal where bogus Rwandan “refugees” infiltrate the U.S. and U.K. and work as undercover agents to hunt down critics of the Rwandan dictatorship and legitimate refugees and drag them back to Rwanda. This is yet the latest revelation on how the dictatorship in Rwˇˇanda manufactures and exports terrorism using an ideology of genocide and how the West supports terrorism by backing its Rwanda proxy. Meanwhile, business in Rwanda is booming and the criminal networks of the Kagame military machine continue to plunder the blood-drenched Congo.

That sort of sounds like what is happening with the Buffalo Rwandan former refugee.  Keep in mind we also noted that this silly outfit, Refugees United, exists to help track down missing refugees.  Can’t refugees find family members through safer existing channels within government, NGO’s and the UNHCR?

The article in Free Uganda, a publication of a self-proclaimed group of “Revolutionaries,” goes on to say:

There are many charities and non-government organizations from the U.S. and U.K. that run large money-making operations that claim to benefit Rwanda. These charities complete the circle of propaganda and seal the doubt of public opinion by legitimizing a terrorist government under the unimpeachable veneer of humanitarianism and goodwill.

These charities work the media system, providing expert spokespeople and framing issues for the mass media. The media system works the charities, using them to institutionalize ideology and further their select political agendas. Like the media, the charities peddle the establishment line throughout, meanwhile claiming that they are “not political.” But it is always the same: like Praxis, they unflinchingly adhere to the upside-down mythology which turns victims into killers and killers into victims with very little middle ground in between.

I guess these revolutionaries have no faith in non-profits either!

Again, I am not posting this to pick sides.  I have no clue what is really happening in Rwanda, or DR Congo, or Uganda, or Somalia or Kenya for that matter, and neither do you!

We have already determined that immigration fraud is widespread among refugees from Africa—heck the US State Department’s P-3 family reunification program is still closed as far as I know.   That was because of immigration fraud primarily among Somalis and Liberians.  This article tells us there is additional fraud among Rwandan refugees and asylees.

The moral of this story!  We don’t need to worry about which side is the right side, as I said in my title, let Africa take care of Africa.  Let us take care of America.