Australian terror case update: outburst in court

I’ve got a couple of update reports from Australia (thanks to reader B.L)  on the story we posted two days ago, here.   The suspected Somali/Lebanese terrorists are now going before a magistrate.   Wissam Mahmoud Fattal shouted that he was not a terrorist and refused to stand in court.  Here is the first update from the Sydney Morning Herald.

One of the Melbourne men charged with preparing a terrorist act directed an angry outburst at the magistrate hearing his case this morning.

Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, 33, told the Melbourne Magistrates Court he was not a terrorist and accused Australian troops of killing innocent people overseas.

“You call me a terrorist but I’ve never killed anyone in my life,” Fattal told magistrate Peter Reardon. 

Fattal, who was already in custody on unrelated matters and is charged with conspiring to prepare a terrorist act, refused to stand before Mr Reardon, saying it was against his religious beliefs. But the magistrate did not accept the principle that it was a religious act.

For more details about the terror plot bust and its aftermath, here are a couple more articles.  See here and here.

Farooq Kathwari, “true internationalist” and chairman of the Board of Refugees International

This is a post simply to save more biographical information on an important mover and shaker in the refugee industry.   We have reported on Mr. Kathwari on several previous occasions including here and here.

This is from a fluffy-puffy piece entitled, “View from America: Wisdom of the ages,”  from something called The Dawn Media Group.

There are many prosperous American-Pakistanis who make individual and corporate donations to charities back in Pakistan. The one name that gets mentioned to me often is that of Farooq Kathwari. The Srinagar-born Kashmiri is the CEO of one of the largest US furniture chains called Ethan Allen. He’s been heading it for 22 years. According to Nafis Sadik, Kathwari gave a substantial donation to DIL (Developments in Literacy*) an NGO in Pakistan which is actively engaged in educating the poor and disadvantaged children in underdeveloped regions of Pakistan.

Kathwari’s son was a Jihadist, and I thought it was interesting to see that Kathwari’s involvement with the Muslim separatist movement in Kashmir has angered the Indian government and gotten him banned from Indian-controlled Kashmir.

Kathwari, 64, lost his eldest son, Irfan, in 1992. Irfan was a medical student at Harvard and had gone to Afghanistan to fight with the mujhaideen. Farida, his wife of 41 years, co-founded Funkar International, which promotes Kashmiri classical music. As a peace activist Kathwari demands of India that Kashmiris live in dignity and honour. ‘By showing Americans what was really going on in Kashmir, Kathwari angered Indians. At about the time the (Indian) government made it clear he was no longer welcome (in Indian-held Kashmir)’ wrote the USA Today some years back. The Kashmir Study Group that he founded in 1996 has since been bringing together former diplomats, academics and American politicians to set up a framework for discussion between Indian and Pakistani negotiators ‘sparring about control of the region.’The only time I met Farooq Kathwari was at a Pakistan Day reception hosted by the then Pakistan ambassador to the UN Munir Akram several years ago in New York.

Kathwari came across as an intensely serious person focused on the fate of Kashmir. He seemed disinterested in small talk. ‘He’s so intellectually curious and has more interests outside his work than any CEO I’ve ever known,’ said Tracy Mullin, CEO of the retail federation. ‘Farooq is a true internationalist.’

Note in this article they are all busy setting up more NGO’s throughout this region of the world.  No doubt you, the taxpayer, will be contributing to their ‘good will’ gestures.  And, then who knows where the money is really going!

* Developments in Literacy, hummm!, I thought that rang a bell.  Here is some information I found about them almost a year and a half ago!

According to the Muslim Observer article. Mr. Jafari is also involved with an organization that sends money to kids in Pakistan.  It’s called Developments in Literacy and is headquartered in Long Beach, CA.  A check of its 2006 Form 990 shows that they raised $1,548,683 to help schools in Pakistan.    $879,971 was spent for “conferences, conventions and meetings.”    There was a hotel bill for $154,000 and dinner entertainment for $46,000.  Maybe the IRS gives no category for reporting money to Pakistan so accountants must place it in the “conferences” category.  How much went to kids?  Who knows?   Another story?

Greeley Group plans anti-sharia protest Saturday

Citizens of Greeley, CO, fed up with the stealth jihad they see going on with Muslim employees of the Swift & Co. meatpacking plant there (demanding religious accommodations during Ramadan) are planning to protest Saturday.  Long-time readers will recall that we followed the Somali protests and subsequent firings there last year.   For new readers  (and others who need a refresher), please see our entire category(69 posts) on the subject here.

Jerry Gordon writing at New English Review yesterday tells us what is being planned, here.   One of the most fascinating and ironic aspects of what is happening in Greeley is that Greeley is considered instrumental in the historical development of the radical Islamic ideology that spawned Osama bin Laden.

On Saturday, August 8th, a Greeley, Colorado pro-Israel Christian Zionist group, The Celebration Congregation will protest a Somali effort to impose Sharia in this Front Range community in the foothills of the Rockies. They are doing this to take a stand against creeping Islamization in their home community and America. They have done this before in protests against anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian groups at a Denver area Presbyterian Church and the University of Denver in 2005 and 2006.

Greeley, Colorado, as Lawrence Wright, Pulitzer Prize winning author of “The Looming Tower” has written, is the birthplace of Al Qaeda. That is where in 1948, an Egyptian foreign exchange student, Sayyid Qutb, was so offended by American culture, especially ‘obscene’ close slow dancing which he witnessed at a Church social, that he resolved to fight it by returning to the roots of Jihadist Political Islam and Sharia. His book “Milestones” chronicled his spiritual epiphany in Greeley. Subsequently he was jailed, tried and hung by the late Egyptian President and dictator, Gamal Abdel Nasser. His writing was the foundation of what became the Al Qaeda movement headed by Osama bin Laden, the perpetrator of 9/11.

So it is ironic that the legacy of Qutb has returned to Greeley in the form of Somali immigrant workers at the JBS Swift & Company meat packing plant there.

Gordon also discusses the ethnic conflicts going on at this plant between long-time Hispanic workers and the Somali refugee workers brought in by the US State Department.  To learn more, read on.

Also for new readers:

The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.

Houston: Sex-offender foreigners rounded up by Feds

Everyone gets worked up over illegal aliens, but here is a story about 25 sex offenders being nabbed by ICE in Texas and 18 are legal immigrants.  Hat tip:  Blulitespecial

A five-day sweep by federal immigration officials and Houston-area law enforcement officers resulted in the arrests last week of 25 foreign-born convicted sex offenders, officials said Monday.

Of those arrested, four entered the country illegally while two had been students who remained in the U.S. after their visas had expired, officials said.

Another sex offender had not yet obtained residen- cy. The remaining 18 were legal residents, ICE officials said.

Just a few days ago we learned that the Obama Administration was rounding up immigrant health care scammers in Houston, now it’s sex-offender foreigners.   Maybe we should all write to Obama and thank him!   But, wait, hold off until we see if they actually get deported!

Legal residents convicted of a criminal offense may be deported from the United States, ICE officials said.

Those who were rounded up came from several countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, officials said.

The arrests were part of Operation Predator, led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Australian terror raid: Are terrorists created by Somali nationalism?

NO!  Their marching orders are from Allah!

That is not exactly what this Reuters update on the Somalis (and Lebanese) arrested in Australia yesterday is all about, but that is the part I want to emphasize here.

The Reuters story begins:

LONDON (Reuters) – Australia’s arrest of four suspected attack plotters said to have links to a Somali group may suggest radicalized veterans of war in the Horn of Africa are willing to return to the diaspora to strike Western targets.

The four, all Australian citizens with Somali and Lebanese backgrounds, were arrested in dawn raids on 19 properties across Melbourne, after a seven-month investigation involving several forces and Australia’s national security agency ASIO.

The group in question is al Shabaab, which is conducting an international recruitment campaign backed by al Qaeda’s propaganda network for fighters to join its push to take power in Mogadishu and impose strict Islamic rule.

Although al Shabaab plays up its link to the transnational network of Osama bin laden, attacking Western targets overseas is not its primary goal, which is overwhelmingly domestic.

But one consequence of its use of ethnic Somalis from the millions-strong diaspora community may be that veterans head home with the funds or skills to attack Western targets of their own volition, Western counter-terrorism officials say.

“The chances are extremely remote that this was Shabaab saying ‘Go off and strike Australia’,” said Will Hartley, Editor of Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, a security consultancy and information provider.

When I went to the Senate hearings last March I was struck by the Senators wanting to know from each witness, did they think the Somalis were getting marching orders from Al-Qaeda?  When the witnesses, terrorism experts, said that they didn’t think they were, there was a visible sigh of relief  among the Senators.  Additionally the Senators wanted to know if the Somalis who had returned to Somalia for training were motivated by purely nationalistic zeal as if somehow confirmation of that would make us all safer.

I’m sitting there wanting to shout to the packed hearing room, ‘what the heck does that matter!’  They are getting their marching orders from Islam itself!  Don’t you get it!  No one has to tell them what to do. We, infidels, are targets wherever we live.

Likewise now, it seems from this report at Reuters that Australians are trying to figure out if this is purely a nationalistic response to the war in their ‘homeland’ or does this alleged terror plot have greater implications for the West.  We Westerners are for the most part nationalistic so we can relate to that inspiration to fight and we grab that excuse.

Hartley goes on:


“Far more likely is that Australia was targeted by Australians who had been in Somalia, were radicalized, and were intent on carrying out or expanding the jihad themselves … not under Shabaab orders,” he said.

Almost eight years till the anniversary of 9/11 and we are still dancing around the misguided notion that somehow we are responsible for making them do it — acts of Jihad terror—instead of acknowleging that their “faith” requires it of them!

Zakaria Maruf, a now deceased Somali-American who joined the Jihad in Somalia, said it better than I can, see my post “Do it for Allah…” here.


In the interview, Maruf (one of those who left to fight) implies that his participation in the fighting was motivated by religion, not patriotism. Maruf said he and his friends heard the call of Allah, and they accepted it.