This is so funny! Blog suggests Maryland is still an ‘old south’ state with a slavery mentality

Clearly Yahyasheikho0786’s Blog is not written in the US.  He knows nothing about what sort of state Maryland has become since the late 1860’s!    And, apparently the blogger doesn’t follow us regularly because if he did he would know that calling us “racist” is something that just inspires us more because it means we have pushed someone’s buttons.  Here is his whole post (commenting on my post, here, yesterday).

Sooner or later, the anti-Islam/anti-Muslim crowd in the US was going to become aware of the large number of Muslims entering America in refugee resettlement programs and join forces with the anti-immigration activists to advocate against them. This was an easy connection to make between two major ideological pillars of right-wing American politics.

There is a blog now called “Refugee Resettlement Watch” – you know, like “jihad Watch” and “Islam Watch, and sure enough, it juxtaposes right-wing anti-immigrant sentiment with anti-Muslim sentiment – though it is an equal-opportunity disparager of all refugees.

Of course you do find other strains of right-wing behavior there, such as blatant racism. In a story published today on the president of Somalia’s impending visit to the US, blogger “acorcoran” writes:

I can’t see what this will accomplish except maybe bring in some bucks for the beleaguered Islamic government in Somalia…

The word “buck” as racist slang for a black man has a long history going back to slavery in the American South. As political speech, it was used most successfully by Ronald Reagan in the phrase “strapping young buck” as a racist dogwhistle when he reinitiated Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” which led to his eventual victory in the presidential election of 1980.

“Refugee Resettlement Watch” is published in an old South slave state (Maryland), where it seems “Old times dar am not forgotten.”

O.K. now Yahyasheikho0786 don’t you think you are stretching things a bit with your focus on the word “bucks.”   Why on earth would I say Somalia needed more bucks when they already have a lot of bucks of the sort you are describing?   Of course, Al Shabaab has been “buck” shopping in the US and managed to convince about 20 former refugees to go to Somalia to learn to be terrorists.  I think  one reason the “moderate” Somali President is actually coming to the US is to try to convince Somali immigrants not to go back to Somalia and fight with Al-Shabaab against his government.

“Bucks” as I am using it is deep slang for MONEY, CASH, FUNDS… and you know it.

Hey, but thanks for noticing us!

Update later in the day!    I had no idea when I wrote this earlier today that tonight Glenn Beck would show the world how Maryland is still a slave state—of a different sort.  See the story at Big Government. com about ACORN and how some of its Baltimore workers turned a blind eye to underage sex slaves, here.

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