Update on unhappy Iraqis in Sacramento

My previous post about the Overseas Processing Entities that are responsible for among other things, cultural orientation, reminded me that I needed to update readers on those Iraqis (with special immigrant visas) who wrote to us in January about their unhappy experiences in the US.   See their comments here to refresh your memory about their situation in Sacramento.

Then visit Friends of Refugees here, for an update on their cases—still no happy conclusion.

No jobs, not much of a life and yet we keep bringing them in.  In the first 5 months of this fiscal year we have resettled 6,959 Iraqis in the US.  I doubt most are doing any better than the two in Sacramento.

Where to complain!

As a follow-up to my post on the two Iraqis, I prepared this post listing all the places where Iraqis could complain about their situation in the US.

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