Send in the National Enquirer to find the missing illegal Somalis!

That is the suggestion of radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock writing at World Net Daily yesterday!  The National Enquirer has gotten so good at investigating maybe they could show the FBI* a thing or two.   Although obviously meant to be humorous there is a grain of truth in the suggestion in addition to a bit of news I didn’t know about this case (for background see Judy’s recent post)!

Anthony Joseph Tracy has been arrested on charges he conspired with the Cuban Embassy in Kenya to smuggle some 300 Somali young men into the U.S. Immigration officials are “concerned” about Mr. Tracey’s admitted contacts with the Somali terrorist organization Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida ally.

In support of the charges, Justice Department attorneys told the federal court that prosecutors had “issued numerous subpoenas, reviewed Department of Homeland Security records and conducted witness interviews throughout the U.S., as well as in Australia and Africa.”

The feds allege that Mr. Tracy got the Somali men visas from the Cuban Embassy in Kenya. The Somalis then traveled from Kenya to Dubai to Moscow to Cuba to South America to Mexico – then entered the U.S. illegally across the Mexican border.

No evidence was presented as to how poor young Somali men could afford such an expensive, circuitous travel itinerary.

However, under questioning by Federal District Judge Leonie Brinkema, the feds admitted that they could not identify any of the Somalis smuggled into this country or identify where in the country they might be. The judge threatened to dismiss the charges unless the government could produce evidence that even one of the Somalis was actually illegally in the country and was here through the efforts of Mr. Tracy. [Wow!  I did not know that Tracy could escape prosecution if they don’t find any evidence that these guys are in the US–ed]

So far, the federal government cannot find any of these Somalis.

Send for the National Enquirer.

Good idea! 

* By the way, shouldn’t the Secret Service and the FBI have known about John Edwards affair with a staffer that was ultimately exposed singlehandedly by the National Enquirer?

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