Don’t believe them, there is no meaningful reform coming

I can’t write about it one more time—this (bleep) coming out of the White House that they are reforming the “broken” Refugee Resettlement program.  The reform is being run by a bunch of insiders who care only about three things—bringing in more refugees from the third world to shove diversity down your throats and about taking (redistributing) more of your tax dollars to the program (to themselves!).  And thirdly, it’s about more voters for the Democratic party.

The volags (federal contractors who bring refugees to your cities and frankly lead the State Department around by the nose) have built up little fiefdoms all sheltered under the story line that this is about being humanitarians.  It isn’t!  Maybe for the volunteers and the lower level staffers this is about caring for the downtrodden, but there is a large political and financial agenda at work.

I know its hard to wrap one’s mind around, but this is a strategy (remember Cloward and Piven).  Bring the largest number of refugees into the US since 9/11 in a recession, create a crisis (suffering refugees) and then demand “reform” of the system.  Reform will be taking more of your money and ultimately transforming our government.  The refugees are simply pawns.

See the Los Angeles Times story yourself and also read Friends of Refugees comments on the latest P.R.B.S. out of the White House.  I simply cannot write about it one more time.

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