Honor killings in America: Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks out

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, refugee from Islam, and from death threats in the Netherlands, was interviewed by Mona Charen in a piece titled Misplaced Sensitivity to Islam.  Charen reports:

Like other major liberal outlets, the Times has been utterly derelict in reporting about another aspect of life among American Muslims — honor killing.

When it comes to the brutal slayings of young Muslim women by their fathers, brothers, or husbands, the Times gets squeamish.

As Ms. Hirsi Ali relates, this misplaced sensitivity arises from the cult of multiculturalism, which would rather tolerate egregious crimes against women than offend Third World sensibilities. When the Said sisters, 19-year-old Amina and 17-year-old Sarah, were shot and killed by their father, Yaser Said, in a suburb of Dallas in late 2007, the story was buried. Though the father had been enraged by his elder daughter’s refusal to submit to an arranged marriage and by news that both girls had been secretly dating non-Muslim boys, the few stories about the case were careful to dismiss suggestions of honor killing. The Times failed to cover the story. (It was mentioned, briefly, in an opinion piece.)

Hirsi Ali gives several more examples of honor killings in the U.S. that were neglected by the media. (See our posts on honor killing here.) She goes on to plead for western feminists to help

the hundreds of millions of women and girls who are abused, mutilated, sold, traded, beaten, and hidden away in the Muslim world. “But the more pressing business is what feminists can do now to prevent an alien culture of oppression from taking root in the West. . . . This is what Americans can learn from Europe’s experience with Muslim immigration: we simply cannot compromise our own principles by tolerating honor killing, female genital mutilation, and other such practices.”

Hear, hear.

No Sharia law for Oklahoma

I’ve been so busy lately that I am days behind in posting good news like this!  Oklahoma is looking to become the first state in the Nation to ban Sharia law in a preemptive measure.

From ABC News:

Oklahoma is poised to become the first state in the nation to ban state judges from relying on Islamic law known as Sharia when deciding cases.

The ban is a cornerstone of a “Save our State” amendment to the Oklahoma constitution that was recently approved by the Legislature.

The amendment — which also would forbid judges from using international laws as a basis for decisions — will now be put before Oklahoma’s voters in November. Approval is expected.

Oklahoma has few Muslims – only 30,000 out of a population of 3.7 million. The prospect of sharia being applied there seems remote. But a chief architect of the measure, Republican State Rep. Rex Duncan, calls the proposed ban a necessary “preemptive strike” against Islamic law coming to the state.

ABC and Leftwing lawyers may snicker and joke,  but to those of us following the stealth jihad (see our category) in America this is good news.

By the way, I recommend everyone put Jihad Watch on your daily reading list.

Hillary’s State Department: We want to see your papers!

Update: This story is even funnier tonight as we learn from Hillary that Obama plans to sue the State of Arizona over their new law which asks that those stopped for a legal infraction produce their identification.  Yet only certain classes of people will be allowed to come near Hillary and the refugee luminaries tomorrow and they better damn well produce their papers—even a passport is required in some cases!

I thought this was very funny.  Hillary Clinton is having a press conference for World Refugee Day on Friday, June 18th, at the State Department.  But, rest assured no critics, bloggers or assorted other riff-raff will be admitted.  You must have your papers in order to be in the exalted presence of the refugee advocacy elite including Angelina Jolie.

The event is moderated by “60 Minutes.”  Remember the old days when ’60 Minutes’ was on the side of the people!

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Event Marking World Refugee Day on June 18
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 17, 2010

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will deliver remarks at a World Refugee Day event, co-hosted by the Department of State and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), on Friday, June 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Benjamin Franklin Room of the Department of State.

The program will also feature remarks by Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration Eric P. Schwartz, Representative Diane Watson, and President of the International Rescue Committee George Rupp*. The event will be moderated by Scott Pelley of CBS’ 60 Minutes and will feature live interactive video feeds with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres and an Iraqi refugee family in Syria; UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie; and a UNHCR official and a Congolese man displaced due to activities of the Lord’s Resistance Army in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The event will be open to credentialed members of the media.

Pre-set time for video cameras: 9:00 a.m. from 23rd Street Entrance.

Final access time for journalists and still photographers: 9:30 a.m. from 23rd Street Entrance.


Media representatives may attend this event upon presentation of one of the following: (1) A U.S. Government-issued identification card (Department of State, White House, Congress, Department of Defense or Foreign Press Center), (2) a media-issued photo identification card, or (3) a letter from their employer on letterhead verifying their employment as a journalist, accompanied by an official photo identification card (driver’s license, passport).

Department of State
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Gina Wills
(202) 453-9371
Department of State
Office of Press Relations
(202) 647-2492

PRN: 2010/809

* Incidentally, George Rupp, former President of Columbia University (Obama’s and Cloward and Piven’s turf) makes a cool $400,000 plus salary a year as head of the International Rescue Committee  (IRC) while refugees in their care are jobless, on welfare, and frightened.

May numbers are out!

The handiest place to keep track of how many refugees are coming to the US in this fiscal year  and where they are coming from is the Cultural Orientation Resource Center.

The Obama Administration is shooting for the highest number of refugees since before 9/11 this fiscal year (2010) which began on Oct. 1, 2009 and ends on September 30, 2010.   Get ready for a big push because they have just reached 47,977 and so they have a long way to go.   As a matter of fact, if it goes as it has in the past, new refugees will be pouring into your cities just as school starts swamping health departments and schools at the last minute as refugee lobbyists insist on reaching the ceiling set by Obama’s State Department.

Here are the top 6 sending countries as of May 31st:

Iraq:  11,977

Burma:  10,513

Bhutan:  8,675

Cuba:  3,351

Iran:  2,745

Somalia:  2,657

Some bits of information on the Rohingya from a Foreign Policy Journal

I’ve selected certain sections of this Foreign Policy Journal story on the Burmese Muslims—the Rohingya—an ethnic group seeking resettlement in the West, that add to our knowledge of the situation.  For new readers, we have a Rohingya reports category that goes back 3 years which now contains 92 posts for your review.

I had a lot of interest in writing about Rohingya during a period when our State Department was trying to figure out if we were going to resettle these “swashbuckling” and “not so cuddly” refugees.  Those are words used by, Antonio Graceffo,* the author of this report in describing the Rohingya, but now we are taking Rohingya refugees to the US—  so are Canada, Australia and some European countries.  The door has been opened.

Graceffo suggests that the Rohingya are basically forgotten by the humanitarian crowd at the UN and elsewhere, but that is not true.  They have well-organized advocacy groups around the world helping them push their story of persecution and suffering.  We know, we have heard from some. Even some federal refugee contractors are pushing for Rohingya resettlement, see USCRI here. And, they are increasingly successful in resettling Rohingya in the West as I just said.

So here are the things I’ve highlighted from this report.  Persecution is across the board.

They (Rohingya the author met)  made comments like, the Buddhists did this to us, the Buddhists did that to us. But I know from my own experience, the Burmese government hates all of the ethnic minorities. They do horrible things to them equally. They persecute Christians and other Buddhists alike. It’s not because of religion, but because of race. In Arakan State, the area where these men come from, there are basically only two types of people, Rohingyas and the government/military people. And the government/military people just happen to be Buddhists. So the only experience these people ever had with Buddhists was of being mistreated and repressed by the Burmese government.

Malaysia is a Muslim country so the Rohingya can stay while other Burmese religious groups cannot.

The Rohingyas are not the only refugees from Burma, who have sought asylum in Malaysia. The Rohingyas told me that Buddhists could get resettled in third countries but Muslims couldn’t. This was a half truth. The Muslims have the distinct advantage that they can remain in Malaysia, legally, and eventually obtain the right to work. And a lucky few will be given citizenship. That option is not open to other ethnic groups from Burma.

Rohingya are pirates and that plays against them in resettlement decisions.

Another issue that plagues the Rohingyas is that they are not cuddly or cute. The Straits of Malacca are the second highest piracy area in the world, and most of the piracy is done by Rohingyas. In southern Thailand, armed Rohingya groups have been encountered who were working as mercenaries in the conflict there. And of course, right now, a lot of countries are not as welcoming to young Muslim men, of foreign origin, between the ages of 16 and 29. In general, refugee status and resettlement is easier for Buddhists or Christians.

Maybe it’s easier for Buddhists and Christians, but we are bringing Rohingya nevertheless.  They don’t get along with other Burmese ethnic groups here either and its causing some additional tension in some resettlement locations.

*Martial artist and TV host is the expert:

Antonio Graceffo is a martial arts and adventure author living in Asia. He is the author of the book, “The Monk from Brooklyn” and the host of the web TV show, “Martial Arts Odyssey,” which traces his ongoing journey through Asia, learning martial arts in various countries.