Portland, OR Somali population at 8000 and growing

Update:  Allahsoldier tells us its 20,000.

And, the school system is stressed with students not literate in their own language.

From Oregon Live:

Somalia’s ongoing civil war, which began in 1991, forced many families to seek shelter in neighboring countries. In 2001, charity organizations began bringing them to Portland, and the Somali population here grew to about 8,000, said Bashir Warsame, executive director of Southwest Portland’s Somali Community Services Coalition of Oregon. [Another ECBO—ed]

Last year, Madison had 25 Somali-speaking students enrolled in English as a Second Language classes, Vice Principal Roger DeVille said. DeVille said school officials have heard speculation that more Somali refugees could be moving to Portland as soon as December.

The so-called “charity organizations” are actually taxpayer funded federal contractors.  Most people think that if Catholic Charities is involved, or Lutheran Immigration Services (two volags operating in Portland) that the funding comes from church collection plates—no it’s from federal grants.

Schools are challenged with learners who have passed the “magic time” (?)

“Some kids show up and they don’t even know what a pencil is,” DeVille said. “The older they are when they get here, the more frustrated they are with learning English because they’ve passed that magic time.”

Farther east, David Douglas High School has a high enrollment of Somali-speaking students in the David Douglas District’s ESL program. Principal John Bier said he believes families have come to east Multnomah County for cheaper housing. Bier added that because most Somalis are not literate in their own language, it makes learning English more difficult.

“That’s a real challenge,” he said. “How are you going to give them enough credits to graduate and also meet the demands for achievement tests when you’re not literate in your own language?”

Yeh, Portland, good luck with that.  You know you can tell the federal government NO! to new resettlements.  Other cities have!

Another asylum seeker to test Canadian refugee policy

Update November 9th:  Chinese man had US passport, here.

Canada is in the midst of soul-searching over how to handle all the asylum seekers arriving in Canada these days.  Here is the latest and most novel entry so far (forget those mundane human trafficking ships)!

Old man turns into young man (CBC Newson flight, thanks to Drudge (be sure to see photos):

A young Asian male has been intercepted by authorities in Vancouver after boarding a flight from Hong Kong disguised as an elderly white man, officials say.

Canada Border Services Agency officers boarded the Air Canada plane after it landed Oct. 29 and took the man into custody, the agency said in a statement issued by its Pacific region.


The man quickly made a claim for refugee protection after his arrest, the agency said.


A CBSA official said he would appear before an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing.

His name, the date of his hearing and his reason for seeking refugee status have not been made public.

About two weeks ago we told you about an American actor and his wife, running from the law in the US, asking for asylum in Canada, here.

Religious Left a loser in Tuesday election

Looks like the socialists at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (a political organization funded with your tax dollars) and other Leftwing religious groups in the Open Borders movement have more work to do. 

A majority of Catholics switched back to the Republican side in Tuesday’s election after a short love affair with Barack Obama in 2008.   See Gateway Pundit here with the numbers.

More on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops at this post from last March, here.

Five top posts at RRW

Just browsing around at RRW this morning and thought readers might be interested in the top 5 most visited posts at RRW since we began in July 2007.

In reverse order they are:

Holy cow! Now 40 young Somalis are missing in Minnesota  (4,549 visitors)

Muslim immigration killing Sweden (6,716 visitors)

How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling (11,144 visitors)

Asylum seekers head for Israel (12,494 visitors)

Refugee Resettlement Fact Sheets (14,024 visitors)

Those are the top all-time most-read posts, but note in the righthand sidebar you can see what posts are being visited the most in the last week or so.