San Antonio refugee orientation is window into the program

This is one of those feel-good stories about refugees.   We are criticized all the time for showing the bad side of refugee resettlement, but that is our job—to balance the mainstream media that just loves to publish stories like this one that sound oh so good! The only thing this story needs, to more perfectly fit the template, is for refugees to see their first snow—in San Antonio!

From My San Antonio News:

Eight years ago, Lawi Ndabaramiye and his family fled war sweeping across the Congo for the safety of a Rwandan refugee camp.

A month ago, seeking safe haven as millions of immigrants have before him, he arrived in San Antonio with his wife and seven of his nine children under the auspices of the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program.

Friday morning he sat with 60 other new arrivals at an orientation meeting in a conference room at Catholic Charities. While separated by languages they were united in a desire to learn the ways of their new land.

Ndabaramiye, 48, concentrated on the words his interpreter translated from English to Swahili. These words, she told him, offered the key to a life once beyond his reach.

“I never dreamed I’d be living in a home like I have,” case manager Susan Mwangi said, translating for Ndabaramiye. “It’s like a dream come true.”

The two-hour orientation is mandatory and covers a range of topics, including nutrition, hygiene, housing, schools, federal financial assistance, transportation, employment, health and U.S. laws and policies.

Live in peace and don’t beat your kids!

He told the group they weren’t allowed to physically hit their children or fight with each other.

“You need to try and live in peace,” he said.

Now to balance this mostly warm and fuzzy piece, we have at least one story about Catholic Charities falling down on the job in San Antonio, here, and leaving refugees in a cold apartment with little food.  Catholic Charities was told—don’t bring more refugees until you take care of the ones you have.  But, you see, the Obama Administration is pouring refugees into the US in record numbers and they have to go somewhere.  I suspect Texas is a prime location because they don’t have the high unemployment rate that other states do—but they will if they keep this up!

Using our search function I see we have a bunch of posts on San Antonio and the refugee/asylee “community.”  Here is a recent one about a trial for an alleged Somali human smuggler.   Just can’t escape those Somalis in the news.

Somali alleged sex-traffickers want out of custody…

…..but then there is the Nashville connection.

A Minnesota judge began sorting through the 29 indicted sex-traffickers in Minnesota this week according to Minnesota Public Radio:

St. Paul, Minn. — More defendants indicted this week in an alleged multi-state sex-trafficking ring appeared in court Wednesday for detention hearings in Minneapolis. Magistrate judge Franklin Noel ruled that three defendants should remain in federal custody until they face charges in Nashville.

The indictment says the ring, run by Minneapolis-based Somali gangs, prostituted underage girls in Minnesota, Tennessee and Columbus, Ohio.

Judge Noel ruled one defendant, Andrew Kayachith, should be released on a $25,000 bond to the care of his parents. The judge also ruled Wednesday that another defendant, Abdullahi Afyare, should be released, and had earlier ruled that Bibi Said, who is eight months pregnant, should be allowed to remain free on bond until her Friday detention hearing.

But District Judge William Haynes in Tennessee issued orders blocking the release of Kayachith and Afyare, which may mean the two young men are soon back in custody.

Tennessee legal system involved

Yes, I guess this is going to involve the legal system in several states, so I thought I would check out what they are saying at the pro-Muslim immigrant Tennessean

Readers, it’s a long and convoluted tale—-but the bottomline is that the Tennessean has for years been coddling (mollycoddling!) the refugee population including the large Somali population in the city.  It’s been a ‘hear no evil, see no evil’ approach.  Anyone questioning such things as the federal grant scam in 2007 with the local Somali advocacy center there is labeled a racist—same old story.  If you use our search function for Nashville you will see what I mean.  Here is one post from last year to get you started—more huff and fluff from the Tennessean.

Only last month the Tennessean published what can only be called a ‘hit piece’ on the nationally known and well-respected Investigative Project on Terrorism, here.  Readers should know that there is a large and active counter-jihad grassroots movement in the Nashville area.

But, it looks like even the Tennessean has to tell the unvarnished truth once in awhile!  From a story earlier this week:

Several of the charges stem from activity in South Nashville apartments and hotels, where girls were offered for money, drugs and liquor.

Federal prosecutors said some of the gang members lived in Nashville and others had family ties here.

All but one of the 29 were refugees or immigrants. One man was born in the United States, and 26 were born in Somalia. One person each was born in Kenya and Ethiopia. All were legally in the country, prosecutors said.

So much for Allahsoldier’s taqiyya (here) in a comment that these alleged gangs were made up of “dijboutians!”

Arrested were NOT Somalis but djiboutians

Question for Catholic Charities that runs the refugee program in the state of Tennessee, any of these gang members yours?  At the time of the writing of this post in 2009, we didn’t yet know that the whole program in Tennessee had been turned over to a federally-funded non-profit group (Catholic Charities) and the state of Tennesee had been cut out of any role by the US State Department.

Elaborate cross border tunnel discovered in San Diego

I’m posting this story quickly now just to save it for my San Diego collection.  Recently we reported that Somali “community” leaders in that city have been charged with suspected terrorism activity.  So, if tons of marijuana is being moved under the border from Mexico to California in ventilated tunnels—how about illegal aliens as well!

From CBS News last week:

U.S. and Mexican authorities combined to seize nearly 30 tons of marijuana at the California border, uncovering an elaborate 600-yard underground tunnel connecting warehouses on either side of the border, officials said Wednesday.


They also found the opening to the tunnel, which ran the length of six football fields under the border and ended at a warehouse in Mexico, Morton said. The tunnel had lighting, ventilation and a rail system to send loads of illegal drugs into California.

Approximately 4 additional tons of pot were found in the warehouse on the Mexican side of the border.


Officials have found 125 underground tunnels along the border built by Mexican drug cartels to elude detection since the early 1990s, ICE officials said. Of those, 75 have been found in the past four years. Many were discovered before they were completed. The majority were found along the California and Arizona borders with Mexico.

One-worlder and Soros puppet, Eric Schwartz, speaks to the Council on Foreign Relations

His topic of course is international migration.   Schwartz for those who don’t know is the Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration and was appointed to that position by President Obama.  He oversees the Refugee Resettlement Program and is, as we have noted before, one of the many George Soros puppets spread throughout the government.  See herehere, and here.

Coincidentally last night, Glenn Beck began his series of investigative reports on George Soros.  See here Beck’s initial research on the man he calls the puppet master with the implication that Soros also controls the Obama Presidency.

Albeit only a tiny portion of the strategy, the refugee program is an ideal place from which to work on a one-world government scheme all the while hiding behind a humanitarian smoke screen. [Note to readers, I am not talking about the lower level staff people and volunteers who are motivated by a wish to help the less fortunate of the world.  I am talking about the driving force behind leaders like Soros and Schwartz.]

So here is Schwartz’s speech on international migration on Monday entitled, ‘Respecting the Dignity and Human Rights of People on the Move: International Migration Policy for the 21st Century.’  I probably could find something to say about every line, but here are a few points that jumped out.

Just for a feel of what is to come, here is an opening paragraph:

The starting points for a discussion of common principles and policies are our own history, perspectives and posture. Migration has played – and continues to play — a critical role in our national experience. Of more than 200 million people who are outside the country of their birth today, one in five resides in the United States. President Obama has said that “the steady stream of hardworking and talented people” who have immigrated to the United States over the years “has made the United States the engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope around the world.” And this perspective is hardly unique among our political leaders, past and present. Former President George W. Bush expressed a similar view, when he said that “[e]very generation of immigrants has reaffirmed the wisdom of remaining open to the talents and dreams of the world,” and added that “[o]ne of the primary reasons America became a great power in the 20th century is because we welcomed the talent and the character and the patriotism of immigrant families.”

Did you happen to hear George Bush on Rush Limbaugh yesterday?  Rush asked what he was thinking to back that Amnesty bill in 2008.  Former President Bush said he was persuaded that we couldn’t economically advance without a ready supply of cheap immigrant labor.  He probably didn’t say cheap but that is what he meant!  So much for humanitarianism.


In 2000, immigrant business owners generated an estimated $67 billion of the $577 billion in U.S. business income.

I laughed, do you think he means those immigrant run convenience stores doing the food stamp scams I’ve been writing about (like the one this morning)?  Or how about those immigrant run home health care businesses that have been ripping off medicare and medicaid?


Immigration has also helped the United States avoid many of the very troubling demographic trends that bedevil other industrialized countries less hospitable to immigrants. As populations age, birth rates decline and the revenue streams needed to sustain social security programs shrink, new entrants and their families have played a critical role in helping the United States to sustain our capacity to maintain social programs.

Sustain our capacity to maintain social programs!  What is he talking about?  He thinks that immigrants add to social programs when leading economists believe that new immigrants take more from welfare programs then they return to the economy.  Looks like its the redistribution of wealth that appeals to Schwartz.

And speaking of redistributing wealth, Schwartz actually believes that the millions of dollars of remittances immigrants send out of the US each year is a positive thing:

Our immigration policies have also had financial benefits to communities around the world, even as they have bound us more closely to those communities. In 2008, immigrant remittances from the United States amounted to $96.8 billion, representing nearly 30% of the total $336 billion in remittances worldwide.

I’m too bored with Schwartz of the silver tongue to go on, but you get the drift.  Read the speech.

Photos and names available of arrested Somali sex traffickers

I was working on other posts this morning in the vain hope that I could get some other things posted unrelated to Somalis, but when I got this link (thanks to reader Lynn) just now with photos and names of the Somali perps I figured I better post it right away.   See our original post when the story first broke here.

From  Perhaps the most disgusting aspect of the story is that three Muslim women were involved in the recruitment of the girls as “sex slaves” to “service” men.  What happened to that oft-repeated canard that Muslims revere women?

When a 15-year-old girl had a disagreement with her mother, a woman just three years older offered to care for her.

The woman, a gang member, would give her a place to stay and food. But there was a catch.

The 15-year-old had to have sex for money or other items of value, according to a federal indictment unsealed Monday.

The teen, referred to as Jane Doe Three in the indictment, was one of the underage girls allegedly trafficked by three Somali gangs between the Twin Cities; Columbus, Ohio; and Nashville, Tenn. Twenty-nine people, including three women, were charged.

It’s not unusual for older females to recruit, lure or “groom” younger females into commercial sex exploitation, said Heather Caillier, marketing and development manager of the St. Paul-based nonprofit Breaking Free.

“This happens in mainstream culture but also worldwide,” Caillier said. “Girls who have been victimized turn to recruitment to put themselves in a better position (with the pimps) as well as do less of the servicing.”


Three gangs are based in Minneapolis and connected with each other — the Somali Outlaws, Somali Mafia and Lady Outlaws.

One intention of the gangs “is to identify, recruit and obtain females who are under the age of 14 years and under the age of 18 years, to participate in commercial sex acts in exchange for money and other items,” the indictment said. They “use … abuse, threats, force and coercion.

Be sure to check out the photos—most of those arrested sure look like Somalis to me!  Our ever-present Allahsoldier tried to tell us the other day that they weren’t Somalis.

Then speaking of the ever-present, at the end of the article we see mention that Omar Jamal dashed back out to Minnesota from his perch at the United Nations to spin the story that ‘gosh what a surprise this was to the Somali “community.”‘   That is funny because I saw one news account where he said the “community” knew it was happening and was in open denial.  Read more about the Somali Jesse Jackson, here, yesterday.

Omar Jamal, first secretary to Somalia’s ambassador to the United Nations, was in the Minneapolis court Monday and said he had talked to relatives of four of the people charged. They “were completely in disbelief,” he said. “That doesn’t mean nothing happened, but … engaging in sex trafficking with a minor is a new trend, a new kind of crime they hadn’t been aware of.”

Next we can expect CAIR on the scene to tell the world it was all a big set-up to “get” Muslims.