Get US Conference of Catholic Bishops off the US taxpayer dole!

Your tax dollars!

[Editors note, when I first wrote this none of the USCCB links opened, they do now]

Nothing gets my blood boiling more than the Catholic Bishops running to Washington to beg for money for themselves! That is right, you might think they are standing up for the “poor and vulnerable,” but they are standing up for the millions of federal dollars they receive to run not only their field operations through Catholic Charities but their Washington, DC lobbying office funded by you!   [Full disclosure:  I am Catholic]

Before you read the story I’m steaming over this morning, check out some of my previous posts on how your tax dollars are holding up the Catholic Churches “social justice” activities and funding their far left political activism in the United States.  (And, I don’t want to hear that their position, often squishy actually, on abortion makes them conservatives or right wingers.)

Readers, this is only a small sampling of posts I’ve written to show how your money goes into Catholic “social justice” community organizing.

* In USCCB pushes the Dream Act note:

2009 USCCB annual report tells the story

Now check out the USCCB Office of Migration and Refugee Services annual report here.   Note that in an overall annual income stream of $62 million, $58 million comes from the taxpayer! Only $1.3 million comes from collections taken up during mass.

*Here the Bishops are pushing their global warming political agenda.

*Bishops funding illegal alien activity including CASA de Maryland, here.

*USCCB Catholic Campaign for Human Development and origins involving Saul Alinsky, here.

* Here is Accuracy in Media on the USCCB role in the pro-amnesty March on Washington last year.

O.K. so you get my drift…..Check out the Bishops yesterday using the poor and vulnerable propaganda to try and head off a cut in tax dollars from you to their budget for THEIR POLITICAL ACTIVITY!

From the Catholic News Agency:

Washington D.C., Feb 15, 2011 / 02:31 pm (CNA).- A group of more than 300 Catholic leaders met with members of Congress on Feb. 15, to share a message from the U.S. bishops – urging legislators to remember the needs of the poor and vulnerable, as they make cuts to the federal budget.

Participants in the 2011 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (Feb. 13-16) took the bishops’ message to Capitol Hill, delivering letters from two committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops during a day of visits with U.S. representatives and senators. The letters express concern over what Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, chairman for International Justice and Peace, described as “disproportionate cuts in programs that serve the most vulnerable” to the Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Appropriations Resolution.

Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, California, chairman for Domestic Justice and Human Development, warned lawmakers against the temptation to “secure the nation while at the same time furthering the insecurity of the poor and vulnerable in our midst.”

“Decisions should be made that not only reflect a commitment to national and long term fiscal security but demonstrate justice, compassion and fairness,” wrote Bishop Blaire.

“Our plea, then, is simple: Put the poor and vulnerable first as you consider how to spend limited federal resources.”

You think they worked enough of their ‘social justice’ mumbo jumbo into their appeal for YOUR MONEY to do THEIR POLITICAL WORK!

As I have said on many previous occasions it is not Christian charity to take money from one group and give it to another (and lie about it to boot!).  It is up to the Bishops and Catholics generally to dig deeper for the poor and vulnerable—privately!  Gee, I kind of remember something about Jesus and Caesar and money….

Endnote: The USCCB is one of the top federal contractors resettling refugees and in some states Catholic Charities actually have taken over the role of  the State government in deciding who comes to the state and how many.  It is virtually impossible to track all of their federal funding because it is so widely dispersed through a network of Catholic organizations, but I suspect that the USCCB with its affiliates is the top federal contractor in the immigration field.

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