Sioux Falls, SD Christian woman threatened; home, car vandalized

The woman and former Catholic nun questioned the need for four mosques in the small city of Sioux Falls plus invited the showing of Iranium to a city audience and then the intimidation began.

From RedCounty (Hat tip: Richard Falknor, Blue Ridge Forum)

Lisa Marie Johnson is a very brave woman. Lisa is a former Catholic Nun living in South Dakota. Lisa was on the forefront of the American Laws for America Courts legislative battle in South Dakota. Lisa has been on the forefront of the effort to expose the bizarre situation of four (4) mosques in Sioux Fall, SD a city of a mere 120,000 people. Most of the Muslims in Sioux Fall are from Somalia.

Most recently Lisa organized a very successful screening of Iranium to a standing room only crowd of 300, with Frank Gaffney, Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy, South Dakota Sen. Dan Lederman, Tom Trento, President of The United West and Captain Joel Arends.

In fact, Lisa is on her way to Iraq, with Captain Arends, to film a documentary about the slaughter of Iraqi Catholics by shariah Muslims in Baghdad.

On several occasions, Lisa has been confronted by Muslims who do not like her. Not long ago, Lisa’s tires were slashed, yes, in the quiet mid-west town of Sioux Falls. The attacks against Lisa have been reported to local police and homeland security.


Both on Holy Thursday and Good Friday of the Easter weekend, Lisa’s home was stoned. Several rocks were thrown thru her front windows shattering the glass and landing on the stairwell to her bedroom. It appears that Lisa is being targeted and the attacks are becoming more frequent, bold and symbolic.

Is Sioux Falls a Tuula?

We have a Somali reader who calls herself Khadra who visits from time to time and over the last year or so she has been telling us about Tuulas —literally villages, or sections of cities where Somalis seek to create their own separate societies.   Last summer I told you about Jamestown, ND and wondered whether it too was evolving a Tuula.   Be sure to click on the links below as Khadra tells about a large Somali conference in Canada where the topic was discussed.

We learned from Khadra, a Somali commenter here at RRW, that Somalis are creating what they call Tuulas (villages) in many US cities.  Frankly she calls it an “invasion” and says that Somalis have no intention of assimilating.  You can read Khadra’s shocking discussion here and then here she was back again yesterday commenting about the situation with the growing Somali population in Southwest Kansas.  This is what she said yesterday:

I have read about what is going on in Kansas and in other small towns like [in] Maine. Somalis will turn these small towns into a largely populated Somali town, because if Minnesota is the U.S capital of Somali people then a small town or city cannot stand a chance.

Be sure to also read Khadra—a huge storm is coming to small town America—here last September.

So, how did so many Somalis come to populate these towns in the Great Plains?

The US State Department’s Refugee Resettlement program working in tandem with large employers—especially meatpacking companies—is responsible.  In fact Sioux Falls is a “preferred community” designated as such by the Office of Refugee Resettlement.  That means that the federal contractors, like Lutheran Social Services are encouraged with grant money to send refugees there.

Scouting around a little, I see that Somalis started being resettled in Sioux Falls in 2003.  Here is an article saying that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is the federal contractor and Lutheran Social Services is the sub-contractor.  New readers, don’t get confused and think these are just well-meaning church folks passing the collection plate for this—they are well-funded contractors paid to do this work by you (the tax payer).

The Rapid City Journal article I just linked above says that the first group of Somalis are Bantus, however, I am guessing they may have been the core group, but Sioux Falls probably then became a secondary migration site for regular Somalis as well.   That would help explain the desire for many mosques—Somalis are tribal, plus the regular Somalis don’t particularly care for the Bantus which they consider of a lower class.

Here is another article on Sioux Falls and its refugee program.  400 refugees with health issues arrive there annually.

A 2009 article in The World calls Sioux Falls the Ellis Island of the Great Plains!   The interview posted here helps us see this is all about re-populating the Dakotas with cheap labor (they don’t say cheap, I do) for the food processing (ie. meatpacking) giants.   Once again a reminder of what drives the refugee program—money—hidden beneath the veneer of humanitarianism.

So, you can see why the forces are arrayed against the former nun trying to raise some concerns about creeping Islamification of her town.  The Somalis have their goal—tuulas.  Lutheran Social Services (and its big boss Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services), a far Left Open Borders organization in George Soros** sphere of influence, has its goal (their borderless utopian world!) and the big companies worried about their bottomline want to keep the labor pipeline open (and don’t discount the union thugs who need the immigrant union members).   And, by the way, one more thing, the do-gooders wanting their utopia just don’t get the fact that there are some cultures that are incompatible with our ideals and are here to destroy America.  Any of those actors could be behind recent threats against Ms. Johnson.

*For new readers: We have admitted well over 100,000 Somali refugees to the US.   To check out the numbers visit this post, one of our most widely read posts over the last few years.   In FY2010 which ended September 30th the US State Department resettled 4,884 Somalis (here) to towns near you. BTW, this statistics website appears to be not publishing the numbers for 2011.  I wonder why?

Also, after being closed for nearly two years, the US State Department is on the verge of resuming the fraud-ridden family reunification program that admitted as many as 36,000 Somalis fraudulently to the US between 2003 and 2008.  See the latest on new regulations, here.  The State Department is on the verge of re-opening the program and may already have done so.

** The present Asst. Sec. of State for Population Refugees and Migration, Eric. P. Schwartz, is a Soros protege.  Use our search function for Schwartz and see what I mean!

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