No wonder the UK is such a mess: Somali family gets taxpayer-funded 7-bedroom home

This can’t be true, but here is the story posted (with photos of the mansion) in The Mail yesterday.

That Somali family of 12 we told you about a few days ago in Memphis, TN only got a 3-bedroom apartment.

From The Mail:

They say beggars can’t be choosers.

But in the case of jobless Somali refugee Saeed Khaliif and his family, it seems they can.

The Mail yesterday revealed how the Khaliifs have been given a £2million home in one of London’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, with taxpayers funding their £8,000-a-month rent.


The family had rejected a previous six-bedroom home in Coventry – where the bill for the public would have been a more reasonable £1,000 a month – simply because they wanted to live ‘closer to their friends’.


On top of their free accommodation, the family is also thought to be eligible for a raft of benefits including incapacity benefit, income support and child benefit, which could potentially add many thousands of pounds to their monthly haul from the taxpayer.

The Khaliifs and their brood of children – eight youngsters have been seen at the property – fled war-torn Somalia and arrived in Britain about three years ago as asylum-seekers.

Since then, they are believed to have been granted refugee status, allowing them to claim benefits. Speaking via his children, who act as translators, Mr Khaliif said he had not worked since arriving in the UK and admitted he was on benefits.

I think the Brits need a TEA Party!

For more information, readers might want to revisit this June post about how some Somalis cheat their way into the UK.

Challenge to Victor and Newsome

Update August 19th:  Victor has declined my invitation (see comments) and has signed off.  Still no word from Newsome.  Some people are really good at taking shots, but have little interest in discussing what they would do about the problems with the refugee program.   Any other commenters who wish to answer my challenge below and tell readers why the average American taxpayer should be paying for the program, please do.

Update August 16th:   It’s 8:30 p.m. and I came home today eagerly looking for a piece from Victor or Newsome, but alas, nothing!    Will get back to posting in the morning.

Update August 14th:   It is 7 a.m. and dead silence from Victor and Newsome or anyone wishing to take up my challenge to write a thoughtful piece on why average middle class Americans should have to support tens of thousands of refugees with their tax dollars.   Offer is still open, but I am away for a few days and may not have any internet access, so unless I get lucky, I may not be posting comments until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Update:  It’s noon on Saturday the 13th, still no opinion piece from these guys (girls?).

Victor and Newsome are a couple of commenters here (that is the post about the London race riots).   They are into that personal attack thing (you know we are all a bunch of racists and haters, blah, blah blah) but I seriously want one or both of them to write a guest column for tomorrow.  Below is my challenge, but if any other readers would like to take a stab at it, please do so.

Hey Victor and Newsome, I got a challenge for you. How about you write an opinion piece for me to post tomorrow and tell me why my neighbors (farmers, fire fighters, truck drivers and hairdressers) should have their federal tax dollars used to support third world refugees like the family that went to Memphis last week (posted this morning).

I am serious, instead of attacking me and people like me (it’s prejudiced you know), tell our readers in a thoughtful piece why federal/state tax dollars should go for refugee resettlement. Tell us why it’s a good thing to take money from regular folks for this purpose when in fact those people are giving to all sorts of charities of their own choice (church, Red Cross, Boys and Girls Club, etc.) already.

There are a couple of rules, first you can’t call anyone names (you know all that “racist” crap) and attack people personally. And, secondly, you can’t use some religious argument because we all know that any church, synagogue or mosque can sponsor a family and fully care for them on their own dime (also individuals like you can sponsor a family and take care of their needs as your personal charity).

I don’t believe the founding fathers ever intended for the US government to redistribute hard earned money from one group to another with the money passing through the federal treasury. Do you?

So, write a serious piece and explain to our readers your view on the issue of refugee resettlement…. but you gotta write it tonight or early tomorrow so I can post it before I go away.

Mail it in the body of an e-mail to

Somali family of 12 arrives in Memphis, TN

….and we are assured by Michael Allen of Catholic Charities of West Tennessee that the oldest son in the family (a 20 year old) will get a job (maybe a menial job) and provide for the family of TWELVE!  Who is he kidding!    (Dad will arrive from Africa at a later date we are told).

Watch the clip from WREG News-3 here.

The mother of the family is 39 years old and the children range in age from a 1 year-old to the 20-year-old.  (maybe Dad should stay in Africa!).   All 12 live in a 3 bedroom apartment (probably a city housing code violation, but at least a violation of the contract Catholic Charities signs with the US State Department that funds Catholic Charities).

New readers:  these Catholic agencies are not paying for most of this out of the kindness of parishioners’ charitable pocketbooks—they are paid by the US taxpayer and within a few months this family of 12 will be cut loose to sink or swim in the welfare system of Tennessee.   Here is the most recent Form 990 for Catholic Charities of West TN.   Their gross receipts were $4,269,096 and $2,112,095 came from government grants.  Over $2 million goes to salaries and benefits for employees.

Edmonton, Canada to throw money and programs at the immigrant crime problem

We have so many posts on Somali murders in Edmonton that I’ve lost track of them (check our Canada category if you are interested).

And, I don’t want to make this the Canadian refugee watch blog, but it’s just that lots of interesting news is coming from Canada these days.

I could barely stand reading this story in the Edmonton Sun, because it’s the typical leftist solution to crime—let’s throw money and create task forces to create programs to prevent crime.

Here is one bit:

More than 120 members are a part of REACH that emerged out of the mayor’s Taskforce on Community Safety back in 2009.

There are 30 initiatives in the works through the program to support those in the community that need it most – specifically, youth and immigrant families who may be struggling.

“If you spend on prevention, then you save huge down the road,” said Daniller. [Really? Got some facts on that?—ed]

“We have a goal of making Edmonton a safe community. Our mission is to do it in one generation by focusing on crime prevention.”

I have an idea, why not simply try swift criminal justice—prosecutions and long prison sentences (or that novel idea Canada already has—deporting to places like Mogadishu—that might scare them straight!)—to deter crime.

We know how that government “programs” and public funding has worked out for the UK, right?

In Canada refugee criminals to be tracked down with the help of the media; deported

I guess they really are getting serious north of the border!   Below is a story about the Winnipeg Sun helping to track down a criminal refugee by publishing his photo.

By the way, deporting someone to Somalia is a big deal!  We reported on one such case here where a Somali convicted as a gang member in Canada was just dropped off in Mogadishu.  Did you know the US doesn’t deport to Somalia?  We just keep them in prison, like the Minneapolis rapist we reported yesterday, at taxpayer expense.

Or, like Omar Jamal we just let them stay (with no jail time) to become community agitators for the Somali “community.”  For fun I checked to see how many times we discussed Jamal (the Somali Jesse Jackson) over the last 4 years and it’s 60 times (see our Omar Jamal archive here.)!  Jamal had been convicted in Tennessee of immigration fraud after sneaking in here from Canada.  I wonder if we can give him back to Canada?  But I digress….

From the Toronto Sun:

WINNIPEG – Public Safety Minister Vic Toews says refugee criminals on the lam in Canada could soon face the same wrath as suspected war criminals who are being arrested after QMI Agency began publishing their names and pictures this summer.

And the Winnipeg Sun has played a key role in making that happen, says Toews.

He credits the paper for its series of stories last year on refugee criminal Mohamed Said Jama, who was wanted on a Canada-wide warrant and eventually captured after his name and picture were featured in the Sun. [We reported on Jama here in 2010]

Jama — who had a lengthy violent, criminal record and has since been deported to his native Somalia — was caught shortly after his name and photograph was published.

Toews said that opened his eyes to how powerful a tool the media can be in capturing refugee criminals and suspected war criminals on the loose in Canada.

The minister said his department is now looking at expanding that program to help track down convicted foreign criminals like Jama who are hiding out in Canada.

Go for it!

P.S.  I note they don’t mind using the “r” word (refugee)  in conjunction with criminal activity either.