Update July 17th: 7,500 Germans have been killed by aliens since the Berlin Wall came down—hmmm! Guess it’s xenophobic to mention that. See The Muslim Issue for the news.
Of course they are—how else does one explain that the German people are getting anxious about the extreme numbers of asylum seekers pouring into Germany when jobs are scarce and they fear crime from the mostly Muslim migrants coming in from war zones.

Here is a story from Deutsche Welle explaining that residents of Berlin and also of former East Germany have had enough. (LOL! How many times in this story is the word ‘xenophobe’ used?)
Residents of Berlin are fighting a new home for asylum seekers with xenophobic rhetoric, while refugees in Munich are staging hunger strikes. Both sides of the asylum debate are becoming more vocal in their protests.
Some residents in Hellersdorf, a district in Berlin, have been increasingly worried of late: about home and property values, about peace on their streets, and about the well-being of their children.
They don’t want asylum seekers to end up living in their neighborhood, and their arguments against a new residence for asylum seekers are becoming increasingly xenophobic. A few weeks ago, residents of another Berlin neighborhood collected signatures against establishing emergency accommodation for refugees. Such buildings are desperately needed, because the number of refugees in need of help in the German capital has increased since last year and now stands at around 6,000.
A study says that a quarter of Germans (20 million) harbor deep dark secret xenophobia:
It is well known that in Germany, asylum policy is a touchy subject and xenophobia is on the rise. According to a study conducted in 2012, more than a quarter of Germany’s 80 million people harbor xenophobic tendencies.
Maybe they just have concerns for the economic well-being of their families:
He [Social scientist who conducted the study] said more than half of Germans in the former East Germany wish that foreigners would get sent home, because jobs are hard to come by there.
Asylum seekers are getting more aggressive (Gee, maybe that is why the xenophobics are so upset):
But it’s not just the Germans whose resentment about the country’s asylum policies is growing. The other side is also developing a harsher tone. Refugees are raising public awareness about limitations on their personal freedoms, and protest initiatives are becoming bolder.
There are just too many invaders demanding a piece of the German pie!
Mesovic believes the explanation for the tense situation is clear: Germany has underestimated the number of asylum seekers.
“Plans were made for a very low number of asylum seekers on the basis of historic data,” he said. “These were accurate as of four years ago. Back then, there were about 30,000 to 40,000 asylum seekers per year. But this year it could climb to 90,000.”
Then this morning there is a story from All Africa reporting that Egypt is turning back Syrian refugees, but funny thing is that there is not a word about Egyptians being xenopobes!
The United Nations refugee agency said today it is concerned about reports of a number of flights carrying Syrians being turned back from airports in Egypt, and reiterated its call on all Governments to admit and protect Syrians who have fled the conflict in their country.
According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Syrian nationals that were turned back were returned to where their flights originated, including Damascus and Latakia.
This follows a decision on 8 July imposing new visa requirements, under which Syrian nationals are required to apply for a visa and security clearance prior to their travel to Egypt. UNHCR noted that the Egyptian Embassy in Damascus does not currently have the capacity to issue visas.
The Egyptians are traditionally hospitable (not so those German xenophobes):
“I appeal to the Egyptian authorities, as I have to all other Governments in the world, to admit and protect all Syrians seeking refuge in their country,” High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said.
“I fully understand the challenges faced by Egypt at the present moment. But the traditional hospitality of the Egyptian people should not be denied to Syrians trying to flee the most devastating and dangerous conflict in the world today,” he added.
I guess you can tell I get annoyed by the double standard when a largely “unwelcome” Muslim country is treated with kid-gloves while largely Christian and Western countries are filled with a bunch of haters if they don’t want their country to collapse.