Before you get too carried away with enthusiasm this coming week watching the world swoon over former S. African President Nelson Mandela, check out some of our 45 plus posts on South Africa that demonstrate quite clearly that South Africa is, putting it mildly, a mess today.
It is not the land where everyone lives in multicultural and multiracial harmony as the international Left wants you to believe.
The real Mandela legacy is the country he left behind!
Here are just 12 (of the 45!) posts whose titles tell the real story:
Somalis say it is safer now in Somalia than in South Africa
So much for “welcoming the stranger” in the socialist dream land of South Africa
American Somalis protest against South Africa mistreatment of fellow Somalis
South Africa: Somali refugees protest xenophobia in Cape Town
“Rainbow Nation” of South Africa is leading anti-immigrant country in the world
South Africa sending refugees to Australia!
Get ready for it! Next they will ask for us to resettle “refugees” from South Africa!
South African constitution makes promises it can’t keep as economic migrants pour in
ANC: Too many foreigners in South Africa, new policy on refugees proposed
Canada fighting tooth and nail to rescind decision on granting white South African asylum
UNHCR being blamed for continued refugee crisis in South Africa
Photo is from The Telegraph in June 2011, here.