They must be having health problems with refugees in New York. If you live in the area, it might be worth your while to try to get into this meeting. LOL! After all, you are a “stakeholder” too!
Jessica Scates: Health care providers must provide culturally engaged care.
Every year, 1,500 to 2,000 refugees and asylum-seekers come to Buffalo — one of the top refugee resettlement areas in the United States — driven by social and political upheaval, war, economic and agricultural distress, and poverty.
Before they leave their homelands, they are provided health assessments, vaccine updates and any necessary medical treatment. But when they get here, it’s a different story. They often face substantial and complex problems when they try to gain access to the physical and mental health services required by them and their families.
To explore these challenges and develop models for exemplary refugee health care systems, the University at Buffalo will sponsor Buffalo’s first collaborative Refugee Health Summit on April 24 at the UB Educational Opportunity Center, 555 Ellicott St., Buffalo.
Participation in the Refugee Health Summit, which will take place from 12:30-7:30 p.m., is by invitation only. If interested in attending, contact Jessica Scates at
It will feature major participation by Western New York’s four resettlement agencies: the International Institute of Buffalo, Catholic Charities of Buffalo, Jewish Family Service and Journey’s End Refugee Services, and by representatives of the refugee community itself.
Jessica Scates, coordinator of the OGHI, notes that as part of their orientation to Buffalo, refugees are educated about health care and health systems. “The challenge is to ready local health professionals to provide culturally engaged care to individuals from a variety of backgrounds,” she says. “Cultural education for local medical providers is especially important in addressing barriers to care, which can be complicated and difficult to resolve.”
‘Pungentpeppers’ sent us this story from Utah a couple of days ago—it’s about Afghan refugees bringing their Islamic culture clashes and their violence to your communities. It is long, and annoys me so much I could barely read the article.
And, for Utah political leaders, what the heck are you thinking allowing your lovely state to be the doormat for the kinds of people resettlement contractors are dropping off? Didn’t you get an earful with the gruesome murder trial of aBurmese Muslim man who was convicted earlier this year for raping and killing a little girl (she died in excruciating pain)?
For citizens of Utah, if the culture clashes aren’t bothering you, aren’t you at least asking elected officials what all this crime and violence is costing taxpayers?
By the way, if you are thinking it’s the Mormon Church dropping off the Muslims, it isn’t. Thefederally-funded refugee contractors in Utahare: The International Rescue Committee, Catholic Community Services, Jewish Family Service and the Asian Association of Utah.
Haji Rahimi, the patriarch of the family.
Now here is the lengthy and complicated tale of the Afghan refugees, clashing, quarreling (and killing).
Read the sob story that opens the article. I am so cynical, I don’t believe it. I think the family fabricated their tale of woe to get in here.
After a year of waiting, Haji Rahimi, his wife, three daughters, son Nisar, the two widows of their eldest sons and their children were granted political asylum in the United States in 2000. They flew into Chicago, and from there to Utah, where they settled.
But while the Rahimis thought they’d left violence behind them, the very cultural values that Haji had advocated against in Pakistan were waiting for them in Utah. Nazir’s relationship with Nargis Mullahkhel—an Afghan single mother in the middle of a divorce, at odds with her family’s strict cultural values—led to friction, then violence between the two families, and ultimately to the death of Nargis’ 19-year-old brother and Nazir spending five years in prison for his killing.
Although the police who investigated the killing never got to the bottom of exactly how and why it happened, the Rahimi family’s story and court documents suggest that at the heart of the tragedy lies not only a clash between modern and traditional Islam, but also the struggle of immigrant families to both assimilate within American society and retain their cultural identities, even if those identities may sometimes chafe with American cultural values and laws.
Chafe with American values and laws? Chafe with? WTH! Why are we putting up with ‘retaining cultural identity’ when it ‘chafes with’ ours?
Remember the Iraqi and Somali Muslims are pouring into the US right now, and soon the flood gates will open for more Afghans and Syrians to arrive in your “welcoming” cities.
For more on Utah, click here. We have a lengthy paper trail on problems there.
That is the story which surely you’ve heard on the news in recent days.
We have read both of Ms. Hirsi Ali’s books and recommend that you do as well.
Somali women’s rights advocate, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was slated for an honorary degree from Brandeis University, originally established as a liberal arts college for Jewish students, but, after a professor sent up a red flag, then pressure from CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), the university caved and dis-invited her.
Update: Be sure to see Hirsi Ali’s (and Hitlers!) response, here.
Before we get to Diana West’s column at Townhall, please read or re-read our post of a few days ago about Al-Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration.
Diana West (Hat tip: Paul):
When Brandeis University withdrew an honorary degree for Ayaan Hirsi Ali after a student-professor firestorm branded her an “Islamophobe,” the campus in effect declared itself an outpost of Islamic law, American-style.Officially, Brandeis is now a place where critics of Islam — “blasphemers” and “apostates,” according to Islamic law — are scorned and rejected.
Not that Brandeis put it that way in its unsigned announcement about Hirsi Ali’s dis-invitation, which notes: “She is a compelling public figure and advocate for women’s rights, and we respect and appreciate her work to protect and defend the rights of women and girls throughout the world. That said, we cannot overlook … her past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis University’s core values.”
Translation: Hirsi Ali’s advocacy on behalf of brutalized women is good, but Hirsi Ali’s “past statements” — advocacy that connects such violence to Islamic teachings — are bad, or, in faddish twaddle, “Islamophobia.” As a dhimmi (non-Muslims under Islamic law) institution, Brandeis cannot possibly honor the infidel.
Now, at the end comes the important part for our purposes.
West lists some of the “post 9/11 taboos” that will serve to keep Americans from fully grasping what we have done and are doing to ourselves before it is too late!
Never say Islam has anything to do with terrorism. Don’t ever, ever draw a cartoon of Mohammed. Oppose “gendered violence” (there’s no such thing as Islamic-rooted violence against women). Ostracize or humiliate “apostates” like Hirsi Ali (at least until real Islamic apostasy law becomes applicable here). In other words, protect, coddle and swathe Islam from the barbs and scrutiny that all other religions receive — or else. Or else what? Citizens might decide to halt Islamic immigration or “refugee resettlement” because it brings Islamic law to the West.
It is called the stealth Jihad. We are pouring Muslim refugees into America every day, and you are paying for it (with your tax dollars) and will pay for it in other ways later.
Come to think of it, maybe we should be thanking Brandeis for creating a media storm!
Update April 16th: See good commentary here—‘honor killing Brandeis style!’
And, to top it off—you, the US taxpayer, most likely footed a large portion of the bill!
Take a minute and go to a post we wrote last spring (Don’t break our rice bowls!see their lavish Baltimore office building) about the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (one of the nine major federal refugee contractors***) which was the ring leader of the event in Washington last week. Out of approximately $31.5 million in annual income, $30 million is from government grants and contracts, in other words, from you. Their CEO (photo below) makes over $200,000 in salary and benefits.
Linda Hartke, LIRS CEO: ‘We honor the gifts new Americans bring to the country.’ (and we get paid by US taxpayers to push that line!)
I have it from a good source that the average Lutheran in America has no clue about what their leaders are doing.
WASHINGTON, DC April. 4, 2014 – 42 Lutheran leaders visited lawmakers Wednesday on Capitol Hill and at the White House, calling for virtuous and compassionate immigration reform.From the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran ministry organizations, they emphasized that as people of faith, they are called to welcome the sojourner and walk alongside migrants and refugees as they rebuild their lives in the United States.
The leaders had face-to-face conversations with more than 20 members of Congress, including House and Senate leadership and members of Congress who are themselves Lutheran. They also met with staff at nearly 70 congressional offices, sharing stories of how our nation’s broken immigration system affects their congregations and communities by creating a culture of fear and leaving children without parents. The meetings were part of the annual Lutheran Immigration Leadership Summit, hosted by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS).
The US has an “unjust immigration system,” they told the White House:
A group of ten leaders also met with the President’s Domestic Policy Council and the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the White House. A letter was delivered to President Obama after the meeting, signed by 37 of the leaders. The letter thanked President Obama for his leadership on immigration reform and for reviewing immigration enforcement. However, it also called on President Obama to “ease the pain caused by unnecessarily high rates of detention and deportation.” They wrote: “we urge you to alleviate the hardships and separation experienced by families caught up in our unjust immigration system.”
Here (and below) is the text of the letter they delivered to the White House. If you are a Lutheran who disagrees with your church leadership for pushing amnesty and advocating for no detention for most illegal migrants, click hereto see which leaders of your church signed the letter.
April 2, 2014
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama:
As people of faith, we pray and call for immigration policies that keep families together, protect individuals forced from their homelands or fleeing persecution, and value the great gift immigrants are to our churches, communities and nation.
On behalf of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) and the undersigned leaders from the Lutheran Immigration Leadership Summit and the communities we represent, thank you for today’s meeting with staff from your Domestic Policy Council and the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and for your willingness to hear our concerns.
We join the cry of the prophet Amos: “…let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”
We lift our voices in speaking to members of the House and Senate, and to your Administration. Compassionate immigration reform must become the law of the land. Every day without action does harm to families, to communities, and to our nation.
We were encouraged by your announcement that you will review immigration enforcement practices. We believe that such a review is long overdue. While we await legislative action on just, compassionate and comprehensive immigration reform, we are counting on your Administration to exercise its authority to bring about an end to the excessive detention and deportation of immigrants by providing for:
*Broader and increased use of prosecutorial discretion at all points of law enforcement decision-making to reduce harmful enforcement practices and family separation.
*An end to the arbitrary use of detention and to the detention of vulnerable migrants such as asylum seekers and survivors of torture, and true access to justice.
*Increased availability of community-based alternatives to detention that do not unnecessarily deprive individuals of their freedom and for migrants who are neither a danger to the community nor a flight risk.
Today, we and fellow Lutheran leaders are meeting with Congressional leaders to call for swift immigration reform that reflects our American values and the calling of our faith to love and serve our neighbors. We yearn for a nation that honors the contributions that new and aspiring Americans make to our society and economy, and we long for immigration policies that strengthen families within our borders.
You, as President, can ease the pain caused by unnecessarily high rates of detention and deportation. While we appreciate your leadership on comprehensive immigration reform, we urge you to alleviate the hardships and separation experienced by families caught up in our unjust immigration system. We pray that you follow this way of justice, and by doing so, show the positive impact that stabilizing migrant communities can have of all of us.
Yours in faith,
Here is an articleabout one of the Lutheran leaders excellent adventure in Washington.
*** The federal gravy train steams on! If the Senate version of Comprehensive Immigration Reform should become law, the contractors, including LIRS, will be in line for MORE federal grants to provide “services” to the millions of newly amnestied. They will be contracted to get the “new Americans” set up on welfare, help them find jobs, get them micro-loans to start businesses, teach them English etc. There are even federal grants to teach the immigrants how to have healthy marriages!
This is essentially a companion piece to our previous poston Spain.
The “spring migration offensive” is apparently in full swing.
Migrants rescued in February on their way to Italian island of Lampedusa.
Again, from the UK Daily Mail(Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):
More than 4,000 migrants have arrived on Europe’s shores by boat in the past two days, with the Italian government calling the crisis ‘increasingly glaring’.
The emergency comes days after Italy’s Home Secretary Angelino Alfano warned that more than half a million migrants were ready to set sail from Northern Africa for Europe.
Italy’s southernmost island, Lampedusa, is the gateway for illegal immigrants to enter Europe. [And the Pope went therelast summer to welcome them!—ed]
More than 40,000 people made the journey to Italy last year, often on unseaworthy boats.
So far this year 15,000 migrants have landed on the Italian coastline, a ten-fold increase on the first three months of 2013.
British experts believe one in five of them continue on to the UK.
The economic migrants (NOT refugees) will move on throughout Europe if not detained.
Illegal migrants landing in the EU have to remain in the country where they first seek asylum.
But many hope to pass through Italy undetected to northern Europe, which has better job prospects and generous benefits.
Europe is in deep trouble if leaders there keep dithering about getting tough—tow the boats back to Libya and send a message! Take a lessonfrom Australia!
Of course, European leaders and Obama are to blame for the lawlessness that now is out of control in Libya. And, Gaddafi was right when he predicted that the invasion of Europe could be done without swords—the Muslim population of Europe would eventually bring Europe’s (western civilizations!) downfall.