Massachusetts professor wants to know what’s holding up Syrian flow to US

In a letter to the editor, professor Robert McAndrews (Salem State U.) wants to know what is stopping Obama from flinging open the gates to America for Syrians.

I would like to know that too (not that I want it! McAndrews obviously does), because in the face of lobbying pressure we haven’t seen on the refugee front since they beat George Bush into submission on Iraqi refugees, Obama hasn’t made a move that we know of.

McAndrews even points out that the deadline for Syrians in the US to sign up for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) has come and gone some months ago.  Readers, they should take the word “temporary” out of TPS because how it works is that any Syrian in here for any reason when the turmoil began in Syria can apply for TPS and frankly stay forever!  TPS is not supposed to be available for anyone sneaking in now.

Here is McAndrews’ letter (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’).  We have been reporting on the media campaign to bring thousands of Syrians to the US this year, but something. or someone, is thankfully, so far, blocking the way.

From the Boston Globe:

The United Nations reports that there are more than 1 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon and more than 600,000 in Jordan (“One million Syrian refugees flooding Lebanon,” April 4). The Assad regime has terrorized its citizens, killing more than 100,000 people and displacing 6.5 million of its citizens. The United States has generously provided nearly $2 billion in aid for humanitarian assistance for the refugees and displaced families. However, according to Human Rights First, the US government has provided only 121 refugee visas for Syrians to enter the United States. This is unconscionable. The message is: We will donate money to relief agencies, but we will not open our border to provide a safe haven for the refugees.

In addition, Citizenship and Immigration Services, the US agency responsible for the administration of granting temporary protected status for Syrians who are already here on a temporary visa, essentially closed the registration for initial filings in December. Does this make any sense?

The other option for Syrians in the United States is to apply for asylum, and thousands living here have done so. This can be a yearslong and legally arduous option, leaving asylum seekers in limbo and often without work authorization.

Syrian refugees need our help now, and the Obama administration must wake up to the moral urgency of this crisis.

LOL!  Back in the Bush years, the last line of the letter wouldn’t say ‘Bush administration,’ it would have thrown the blame completely on George W. Bush personally!

Kentucky: Twisted tale of Congolese “family” puts a lie to the thorough screening mythology

A Congolese refugee says she was forced into domestic servitude by another Congolese refugee and has filed a federal lawsuit.

Sifa Ndusha hopes to bring her long-lost Daddy to the US real soon!

The story is here at (Hat tip: Robin):

A Congolese refugee living in Lexington contacted a national human-trafficking hotline last April, saying she was being held in servitude, according to a federal lawsuit.

Claudine Nzigire Chigangu alleges in a lawsuit, filed Feb. 24 in U.S. District Court, that she was forced into domestic servitude by another refugee living in Lexington named Sifa Ndusha. The lawsuit says Ndusha took control of her money and immigration documents.

So if you are thinking this alleged trafficking began here in the US, you are wrong.  This pair had been living together in Uganda for years before being chosen by the UN as refugees destined for Kentucky!

Read this!  They don’t sound like “refugees” to me!   Did none of this come to light in the supposed screening process?

According to the lawsuit, in the summer of 2007, while both were living in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ndusha asked Chigangu if she would like to visit Uganda with her to take English classes. They ended up staying in Uganda for nearly four years, and Chigangu said she didn’t get to attend English classes. She said she was forced to stay home and take care of Ndusha’s house and children. Chigangu said she was not allowed to return to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the lawsuit, Chigangu said Ndusha created a false name and birth date for Chigangu when they came to the United States as refugees in 2011.

The lawsuit says Chigangu and Ndusha came to the United States in 2011, and Chigangu worked as a domestic servant for Ndusha, typically spending 18 hours a day cooking, cleaning and caring for Ndusha’s children.

Chigangu was able to escape on April 29, 2013, after calling the national human-trafficking hotline telephone number, the lawsuit says.

Kentucky resettlement contractor:  Don’t blame us!

Meanwhile, Barbara Kleine, Lexington office director of the Kentucky Refugee Ministries*** program, said she was aware of the lawsuit but could not comment on specific clients.

Generally speaking, Kleine said, refugees go through a screening process before they arrive in the United States. That process has more than 30 steps, including multiple interviews by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, she said.

Read the whole sorry tale!

There is more!  

Now what do you know!  The Ndusa “family,” which already has eight members living in the US, has located their long lost ‘Dad.’  Isn’t that sweet.  He will surely be reunited with his daughters in Lexington and soon after begin drawing Social Security!

From a year ago:

The masked militia took Daddy away:

Sifa Ndusha was living with her family in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998 when masked militia entered her home, killing her mother and taking her father.


Ndusha said she went to neighboring Uganda in 2007, and in 2011, she traveled to the United States as a refugee. In all, eight members of her family, including children and siblings, now live in Lexington.

And, Daddy will make nine!

Wait for it!  The next thing we will hear is that the “masked militia” has released her (also kidnapped) hubby so that he might come to America as well.

Wyoming are you paying attention?

***Kentucky Refugee Ministries is a subcontractor of New York-based Church World Service.



If Sayyid Qutb could see Greeley now!

Did you know that one of the founders of Al-Qaeda spent six months in Greeley, CO in the late 1940’s early 50’s and his view of decadent Americans gyrating with men and women’s bodies touching at a protestant church dance inspired his hatred for America and his subsequent work in designing a  manifesto of sorts which became the seminal work and inspiration behind militant Islam which to this day is terrorizing the world?

Here is a thoroughly informative article by Daniel Brogan which gives us the background.

Fifty-four years ago [now 65 years ago–ed], an Egyptian scholar arrived at the Colorado State College of Education in Greeley. He stayed for six months, sat in on a few classes, and did his best to sample day-to-day life in post-war America. When he left, he was quickly forgotten by the tiny community.

But Sayyid Qutb didn’t forget Greeley.

Time passed and the world changed. Colorado State College became the University of Northern Colorado and Greeley grew like the rest of the state. Qutb (pronounced KUH-tahb) returned to Egypt, where he became the foremost Islamic thinker of his time.

His articles and books were scholarly but passionate examinations of history, politics, and religion. He immersed himself in the Koran, compared it to the world around him, and came to a grave conclusion. Though the modern, liberal societies of the West preached freedom of religion, in truth, they undermined it. Religion and modernity, he concluded, could not coexist.

Qutb saw salvation in Islam, a religion that he believed offered true freedom. But for Islam to survive, a jihad would have to be fought to rid society of the West’s secular ways. Qutb envisioned an Islamic society ruled by Islamic law.

This was subversive stuff, even in the Middle East, and it wasn’t long before Qutb was thrown into prison, where he would stay for more than 10 years. Not surprisingly, prison only hardened his views. Qutb rewrote many of his earlier books and produced new ones at an astonishing pace, including a 30-volume masterwork entitled In the Shade of the Qur’an.

And through it all – right up until the day in 1966 when he was executed – Qutb remembered Greeley. What he had seen in those few months stayed with him through the decades and filled him with fear, disgust, and contempt. What he saw in Greeley made him hate America.

The story doesn’t end on the Egyptian gallows. In death, Qutb’s work became even more influential. Milestones, his best-known book, has been published in nearly 2,000 editions, and though many of his books have been banned in Egypt and other moderate Arab states, millions continue to illicitly circulate throughout the Middle East and over the Internet.

His writings have become both the inspiration and the blueprint for the fundamentalist jihad that now engulfs the world. Qutb’s work is to militant Islam what Das Kapital was to communism or Mein Kampf was to the Nazis. In American terms, he is Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Paine, all rolled into one. His disciples include Anwar Sadat’s assassins, and Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the Egyptian cleric convicted in 1995 of plotting to blow up several New York landmarks. They include militant groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad. And they include a Saudi militant named Osama bin Laden.

Read it all—it is fascinating!  And, I doubt many Greeley residents or students at the University of Northern Colorado have a clue about the role their quiet American town played in world history.

Asad Abdi, the founder and co-executive director of the Global Refugee Center, instructs refugee role-playing.

Skip to April 2014 and we have Somali Muslim refugees instructing refugee role-playing. A propaganda stunt?

Greeley, CO became a US State Department “preferred” resettlement site a few years ago when Somali refugees were needed as laborers at local meatpacking plants.

We have an extensive archive on the controversy that erupted over demands regarding prayer times in the workplace, here (Greeley/Swift/Somali controversy) which is one way Muslims have begun to successfully change America (Al-Hijra!).  Qutb would be proud!

Last week, the Global Refugee Center, which was born out of the 2008 protests by Somali refugees in Greeley, participated in this propaganda stunt to continue to soften-up (welcoming!) Greeley for more refugees that are on the way.

From the Greeley Tribune (Hat tip: Joanne):

Nearly 40 people from around Weld County experienced the loss of family, limbs and property on Tuesday morning.

The experience was part of “A Walk in Their Shoes,” a refugee experience simulation hosted by United Way of Weld County at the Greeley-Evans School District 6 administrative building.

Qutb would be so pleased.  Changing America one refugee, one city, one state at a time!

I’m wondering, do they have a statue of Sayyid Qutb at the University of Northern Colorado?  Not yet?


Human Rights Watch: Lebanese becoming xenophobic (ack!)

When they can’t squawk about racism, xenophobia is the next best thing!

One-millionth Syrian registered in Lebanon (that fact is the source of innumerable news accounts in the past week or so).

Whether it’s South African blacks not wanting an invasion of their country by members of their own race from elsewhere in Africa, or now Lebanese Arabs not wanting to be completely overrun by Syrian Arabs, to Leftists it is always about some deep dark evil lurking in the human character (unless one is a do-gooder Leftist of course).

Frankly it may be deep—a deep human desire to save one’s own group from complete annihilation—that comes to the fore when the invaders are too many in number.   The fear is a legitimate wish to preserve one’s own ethnic group and one’s own family and its livelihood.

It’s so humorous (annoying really!) to me to see that wish (for self-preservation) honored as immigrants come to America and are encouraged to maintain their own cultures/preserve their history, while the rest of us are encouraged to give up ours (see al-Hijra)!

I’m digressing……back to the Lebanese xenophobes!

From Time magazine:

With the conflict in Syria now in its fourth year, some Lebanese are growing increasingly hostile to the million Syrians taking refuge in their country.


“The increase in numbers has increased xenophobia,” says Nadim Houry, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

Read it all yourselves (if you feel like it).

What is the solution of course for groups like Human Rights Watch—save Lebanon from xenophobia by packing up tens of thousands of Syrians and sending them to Western countries?

Reader’s comment: Woeful week for interpretation

Regular reader and researcher par excellence, ‘pungentpeppers,’ has put together some samples of the growing problems with interpretation services increasingly needed as immigrants from around the world require court interpreters (something we have been noting a lot lately).

Woeful week for interpretation

INTERPRETER WOES aplenty this past week: wrongful interpretation suit; mistrial called because a foreign-language-speaking juror was on a case; no interpreters available to work for a terrorist; and an interpreter goes berserk.

The City of Portland (Oregon) is named as a defendant in a $3 million wrongful death-by-misinterpretation lawsuit. The Spanish-speaking husband of Elidiana Valdez-Lemus called 9-1-1 for help after his wife could not breath. His call was referred to a professional interpreter who may have mixed up the address “2601 111th Avenue” with “2600 101st Avenue”. Also named in the suit are Language Line Translation Solutions, Lingo Systems, Language Line Service, AT&T Corp. and the unknown name of the company that provided the Spanish-language interpreter. ….. Sue and put them all out of business! (

Mistrial declared in first degree murder case against Kevyphonh Sounyaphong

In Fort Smith, Arkansas, a judge declared a mistrial in a murder case because a juror understood Vietnamese, a language spoken by one of the witnesses. Kevyphonh Sounyaphong was on trial for the strangulation death of Sakounsouk Vilayhong. An Vietnamese interpreter was brought to translate the testimony of a witness for the defense. One of the jurors disagreed with the interpretation and may have said something that was tantamount to introducing new evidence to the case. ….. Moral: never put anyone on the jury who understands any of the foreign languages that may be heard in the courtroom. Interpretation is just one person’s “interpretation” of what another person said, and there are often disagreements. (

Maybe nobody wants to work for a terrorist? Bernard Kleinman, the attorney for Libyan Al-Qaeda suspect, Anas al-Libi (real name Nazih Abdul Hamed al-Raghie), is complaining that he cannot find an Arabic interpreter in North Carolina. …. You can’t force people to work for a terrorist if they don’t want to. (

And finally from Ireland the story of the Interpreter Gone Berserk. Damaris Dickenson, a Kenyan interpreter, assaulted a 20-month-old boy by spitting on him after she flew into a rage because the toddler was kicking the back of her seat while traveling on a bus. Damaris also spit on the boy’s father, who is from China. Judge Ann Watkin stated that Damaris had “lied through her teeth” when she falsely accused the bus passengers of ganging up on her and abusing her racially. She was given a suspended sentence. ….. Since she made up the racial abuse story, maybe she makes up stories when she interprets, too? (

Note to “welcoming” communities:  It is federal law in America that your local jurisdiction provide “qualified” court interpreters (at public expense) for immigrants in court for whatever reason.